Publisher Use Cases publisher-use-cases

A look at some common publisher needs met by Adobe Audience Manager.

Unify View of User and Highlight Audience Insight

Create a single audience repository that provides you with an overview of all your users and data points. This includes information like site behavior (potentially from Analytics), display impressions, offline registration databases, CRM databases, video consumption, email initiatives and promotions.
  • Discover audiences, run smarter ad or sales campaigns, and manage customer insight.
  • Aggregate related customer insights across all your channels.
Empower your Ad Sales Research team to monetize publisher audience profiles, highlight "Do it yourself" enthusiasts as relevant for a forthcoming Home Depot campaign.

Create Advertising Audience Segments With First-Party Analytics Data

Extract maximum value from first-party data to create actionable audience segments, package them, and sell these segments to advertisers looking for specific audiences.
Enhance revenue by monetizing audiences instead of content.
  • Aggregate a first-party segment of "Tech Geeks" across a network of properties.
  • Include technical email newsletter registrants.
  • Monetize "Tech Geeks" as a premium product on the digital rate card for relevant advertisers.

Improve Personalized Site Content Delivery


Present specific content to the user to help:

  • Increase segment size, page views, and impressions.
  • Create a more relevant experience for that site visitor.

Audience Manager's real-time analysis helps improve audience recognition, which enhances the on-site experience by delivering relevant, personalized content.

This gives you the opportunity to add content personalization as a line item to your premium audience products.

  • Analytics provides first-party data about audience interest in travel content. Create a segment called "Travel Enthusiasts" based on this information.
  • Integrate Audience Manager with a system like Adobe CQ to manage content personalization campaigns.
  • Target the travel segment to an airline, hotel, or hospitality advertiser to help improve ad revenue generated by your inventory.

Improve Off-site Reach Extension

This use case works with first-party, Analytics data sent to a demand-side platform (DSP).

Extend audience-targeted buys to off-site inventory sources through a DSP.
Align analytics data points with on-site and off-site display advertising and monetize audience inventory in 'sold-out' situations.
  • Create an "Income Tax Researchers" segment.
  • Align on-side ad campaign sold to Turbo Tax with an off-site reach extension campaign through a DSP such as Adobe Advertising Cloud.

Create High Value Segments and Improve Reach with Look-alike Modeling

The Models documentation contains details about the Audience Manager algorithmic modeling process.

  • Leverage site behavior, offline data, third-party data, campaign metrics to create valuable audience profiles.
  • Model those segments against other data sources to increase reach.
  • Identify new audiences with behaviors and profiles that mirror the original audience.
  • Search against your own data and other third-party data that you have access to. This helps you find and identify the most influential data points for high-value audience profiles.
  • Identify "Xbox gamers" in your customer database.
  • Run a look-alike model to find and identify the most influential users in that segment.
  • Target those segments to optimize on-site display advertising with Test&Target.

Reach an Advertiser’s Requested Demographics with First and Third-Party Data

  • Combine first and third-party data to create more relevant, actionable audience segments.
  • Package and sell enhanced segments to advertisers looking for specific demographics like age, gender, income, etc.
  • Create the right kinds segments for ad sales for any campaign strategy.
  • Improved monetization for digital ads.
  • Identify the most valuable first-party data and improve that information with complimentary third-party data.
  • Answer demo-targeted RFPs with ready-made, third-party audience segments aligned with your first-party data.
  • Provide recommendations to the advertiser based on the historical segment performance.