Migrate from AppMeasurement to the Web SDK

This implementation path involves a methodical migration approach to move from an AppMeasurement implementation to a Web SDK JavaScript library implementation. Other implementation paths are covered on separate pages:

  • Analytics extension to Web SDK extension: Take a smooth and methodical approach to move from the Adobe Analytics tag extension to the Web SDK tag extension. This approach suppresses the need to use XDM until your organization is ready to use Adobe Experience Platform services, such as Customer Journey Analytics. Use the data object instead of the xdm object to send data to Adobe.
  • Web SDK JavaScript library: A fresh Web SDK installation using the Web SDK JavaScript library (alloy.js). Manage the implementation yourself instead of using the tags UI. It requires the Adobe Analytics ExperienceEvent field group, which includes typical Analytics variables to be included in your XDM schema.
  • Web SDK tag extension: A fresh Web SDK installation where you manage the implementation using tags in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection. It requires the Adobe Analytics ExperienceEvent field group, which includes typical Analytics variables to be included in your XDM schema.

Advantages and disadvantages of this implementation path

Using this migration approach has both advantages and disadvantages. Carefully weigh each option to decide which approach is best for your organization.

  • Uses your existing implementation: While this approach requires some implementation changes, it does not require a completely new implementation from scratch. You can use your existing data layer and code with minimal changes to implementation logic.
  • Does not require a schema: For this stage of migrating to the Web SDK, you don’t need an XDM schema. Instead, you can populate the data object, which sends data straight to Adobe Analytics. Once migration to the Web SDK is complete, then you can create a schema for your organization and use datastream mapping to populate applicable XDM fields. If a schema were required at this stage of the migration process, your organization would be forced to use an Adobe Analytics XDM schema. Use of this schema makes it more difficult for your organization to use your own schema in the future.
  • Implementation changes require developer intervention: If you want to make changes to your Web SDK implementation, you must work with your development team to edit the code on your site. The approach that migrates to the Web SDK tag extension avoids this disadvantage.
  • Implementation technical debt: Since this approach uses a modified form of your existing implementation, it can be harder to track implementation logic and perform changes in the future when needed.
  • Requires mapping to send data to Platform: When your organization is ready to use Customer Journey Analytics, you must send data to a data set in Adobe Experience Platform. This action requires that every field in the data object be an entry in the datastream mapping tool that assigns it to an XDM schema field. Mapping only needs to be done once for this workflow, and it doesn’t involve making implementation changes. However, it is an extra step that is not required when sending data in an XDM object.

Adobe recommends following this implementation path in the following scenarios:

  • You have an existing implementation using the Adobe Analytics AppMeasurement JavaScript library. If you have an implementation using the Adobe Analytics tag extension, follow Migrate from the Adobe Analytics tag extension to the Web SDK tag extension instead.
  • You intend to use Customer Journey Analytics in the future, but do not want to replace your Analytics implementation with a Web SDK implementation from scratch. Replacing your implementation from scratch on the Web SDK requires the most effort, but also offers the most viable long-term implementation architecture. If your organization is willing to go through the effort of a clean Web SDK implementation, see Ingest data via the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK in the Customer Journey Analytics user guide.

Steps required to migrate to the Web SDK

The following steps contain concrete goals to work towards. Click each step for detailed instructions on how to accomplish it.

1. Create and configure a datastream

Create a datastream in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection. When you send data to this datastream, it forwards data to Adobe Analytics. In the future, this same datastream forwards data to Customer Journey Analytics.

  1. Navigate to experience.adobe.com and log in using your credentials.
  2. Use the home page or product selector in the top right to navigate to Data Collection.
  3. In the left navigation, select Datastreams.
  4. Select New Datastream.
  5. Enter the desired name, then select Save.
  6. Once the datastream is created, select Add Service.
  7. In the service drop-down menu, select Adobe Analytics.
  8. Enter the same report suite ID as the site you currently send analytics data to. Click Save.

Add Adobe Analytics service

Your datastream is now ready to receive and pass along data to Adobe Analytics. Note the datastream ID, as this ID is required when configuring the Web SDK in code.

2. Install the Web SDK JavaScript library
Reference the latest version of alloy.js so its method calls can be used. See Install the Web SDK using the JavaScript library for details and code blocks to use.
3. Configure the Web SDK

Set up your implementation to point to the datastream created in the previous step by using the Web SDK configure command. The configure command must be set on every page, so you can include it alongside the library installation code.

Use the datastreamId and orgId properties within the Web SDK configure command:

  • Set the datastreamId to the datastream ID retrieved from the previous step.
  • Set the orgId to your organization’s IMS org.
code language-js
alloy("configure", {
    datastreamId: "ebebf826-a01f-4458-8cec-ef61de241c93",

You can optionally set other properties in the configure command depending on your organization’s implementation requirements.

4. Update code logic to use a JSON payload

Change your Analytics implementation so that it does not rely on AppMeasurement.js or the s object. Instead, set variables into a correctly formatted JavaScript object, which is converted to a JSON object when sent to Adobe. Having a Data layer on your site helps tremendously when setting values, as you can continue referencing those same values.

To send data to Adobe Analytics, the Web SDK payload must use data.__adobe.analytics with all analytics variables set within this object. Variables within this object share identical names and formats as their AppMeasurement variable counterparts. For example, if you set the products variable, do not split it into individual objects like you would with XDM. Instead, include it as a string exactly is if you set the s.products variable:

code language-json
  "data": {
    "__adobe": {
      "analytics": {
        "products": "Shoes,Men's sneakers,1,49.99"

Ultimately, this payload contains all desired values, and all references to the s object in your implementation are removed. You can use any of the resources that JavaScript provides to set this payload object, including dot notation to set individual values.

code language-js
// Define the payload and set objects within it
var dataObj = {data: {__adobe: {analytics: {}}}};
dataObj.data.__adobe.analytics.pageName = window.document.title;
dataObj.data.__adobe.analytics.eVar1 = "Example value";

// Alternatively, set values in an object and use a spread operator to achieve identical results
var a = new Object;
a.pageName = window.document.title;
a.eVar1 = "Example value";
var dataObj = {data:{__adobe:{analytics:{...a}}}};
5. Update method calls to use the Web SDK

Update all instances where you call s.t() and s.tl(), replacing them with the sendEvent command. There are three scenarios to consider:

  • Page view tracking: Replace the page view tracking call with the Web SDK sendEvent command:

    code language-js
    // If your current implementation has this line of code:
    // Replace it with this line of code. The dataObj object contains the variables to send.
    alloy("sendEvent", dataObj);
  • Automatic link tracking: The clickCollectionEnabled configuration property is enabled by default. It automatically sets the correct link tracking variables to send data to Adobe Analytics. If you want to disable automatic link tracking, set this property to false within the configure command.

  • Manual link tracking: The Web SDK does not have separate commands between pageview and non-pageview calls. Provide that distinction within the payload object.

    code language-js
    // If your current implementation has this line of code:
    s.tl(true,"o","Example custom link");
    // Replace it with these lines of code. Add the required fields to the dataObj object.
    dataObj.data.__adobe.analytics.linkName = "Example custom link";
    dataObj.data.__adobe.analytics.linkType = "o";
    dataObj.data.__adobe.analytics.linkURL = "https://example.com";
    alloy("sendEvent", dataObj);
6. Validate and publish changes

Once you have removed all references to AppMeasurement and the s object, publish your changes to your development environment to validate that the new implementation works. Once you have validated that everything works correctly, you can publish your updates to production.

If migrated correctly, AppMeasurement.js is no longer required on your site, and all references to this script can be removed.

At this point, your Analytics implementation is fully on the Web SDK and is adequately prepared to move to Customer Journey Analytics in the future.
