Create customized audiences and save them to the Adobe Target Audiences library for use in your activities. You can also copy an existing audience that you can then edit to create a similar audience and combine multiple audiences.
Audience overview
Audiences are defined by rules that determine who is included or excluded from a Target activity. An audience definition can include multiple rules and each rule can include multiple parameters. Complex audience definitions use the boolean operators AND and OR to combine rules and parameters to give you detailed control over which site visitors are counted as activity entrants.
When you combine rules or parameters with AND, any potential audience member must meet all defined conditions to be included as an entrant. For example, if you define an OS rule AND a browser rule, only visitors using both the defined OS and the defined browser are included in the activity.
When you combine rules or parameters with OR, any potential audience member need only meet any single defined condition to be included as an entrant. For example, if you define multiple mobile rules connected by OR, visitors meeting any of the defined criteria are included in the activity.
You can mix both boolean operators to create complex rules; however, operators at the same rule level must match. The user interface automatically applies the correct operator.
For example, the following rule targets visitors who use either Chrome or Firefox on a Windows computer:
Be careful to avoid creating rules that exclude all potential audience members. For example, it is not possible for someone to visit a page using Chrome and Firefox simultaneously.
Create an audience
Click Audiences in the top menu bar.
From the Audiences list, click Create Audience.
To copy an existing audience, from the Audiences list, click the More Actions icon (
) for the audience that you want to copy, then click Duplicate. You can then edit the audience to create a similar audience.
Type a unique, descriptive audience name and an optional description.
Audience names cannot start with the following characters:
= + - ! @
Audience names cannot contain any of the following character sequences:
;= ;+ ;- ;@ ,= ,+ ,- ,@ [" "] [' ]'
Drag and drop the desired attributes from the Attributes list on the left to the audience builder pane.
Each rule type has its own parameters. See Categories for Audiences for more information on configuring each type of audience rule.
Define the rule parameters.
For example, the following audience targets visitors from Utah using the Macintosh operating system.
(Conditional) Continue adding and defining the desired attributes.
To create another container, click Add container or simply drag another attribute into the Audience Builder pane. You can then adjust the operator (AND or OR) using the drop-down list.
Click Done.
Newly created audiences appear in the list after a few seconds of processing delay. If the audience does not display immediately in the list, try searching for the audience or refresh the list.
Training video: Creating Audiences
This video includes information about creating audiences.