Create triggered email campaigns

Learn how to create a triggered smart campaign.

Now that you’re familiar with how email triggers work, we’ll discuss how you can use Marketo to automatically send an email to your audience as they meet your predetermined conditions. In our exercise, we’ll show you some triggered email examples, including sending a welcome email when someone becomes a customer, an email alert to sales when a lead score reaches a certain threshold, an email containing a link to gated content after a lead has filled out a form, a registration confirmation email and a follow-up email based on a web visit.
In this example, we’ll create a welcome email to send to new customers and create the smart campaign that uses the trigger to send the email. First, we’ll create the welcome email. In Marketing Activities, locate your Marketing Initiatives folder and click to expand its contents. Right click the desired program and select New Local Asset from the options. In the popup window select Email and name the email New Customer Welcome Email. Select a template and click Create. In our example, we’ve skipped ahead and created our design. So, we’ll click the email actions drop down and select Approve and Close. Now, we’ll create the smart campaign that will use the trigger to send the email. Right click the program you created the email in and select New Smart Campaign. Give it the name, Send Welcome Email and click Create. In the Smart List tab, we’ll define the audience. For this example, we want to send a welcome email to all new customers. So, we’ll need a trigger that initiates that action. We’ll locate and drag over the Person is Created trigger and the is customer filter and select False from the dropdown. In the Flow tab will define the smart campaign actions and steps, locate Send Email and drag it to the canvas. Select the intended email from the dropdown, then move on to the Schedule tab and click Activate. Now, anytime someone becomes a new customer, your welcome email will send.
In this example, will create an alert email to send to sales when a lead score reaches a certain threshold and create the smart campaign that uses the trigger to send the email. We’ll start by creating the alert email. In Marketing Activities, locate your Marketing Initiatives folder and click to expand its contents. Right click the desired program and select New Local Asset from the options. In the popup window select Email. Name the email Alert Sales Email, select a template then click Create. In our example, we’ve skipped ahead and added our email content, so from the email actions drop down, we’ll click Approve and Close. Now, we’ll create the smart campaign that will use the trigger to send the email. Right click the program you created the email in and select new smart campaign. Give it the name Send Alert Email to Sales and click Create.
In the Smart List tab, we’ll define the audience. In our example, we want to send an alert email to sales. So, we’ll need a trigger that initiates that action in the flow step. We’ll locate and drag over the Score is Changed trigger and select Lead Score from the dropdown. Click to add a constraint and select New Score. Will set new score to greater than and set the value to 50. In the Flow tab, we’ll define the smart campaign actions and steps, locate Send Alert and drag it to the canvas. Select the intended email from the dropdown and choose who to send the alert to. When you are finished, click the Schedule tab and click Activate. Now, anytime a lead score reaches a specific threshold, your alert email will send to sales.
In this example will create an email that contains gated content and create the smart campaign that uses the trigger to send that email. We’ll start by creating the autoresponder email. In Marketing Activities, locate your Marketing Initiative’s folder and click to expand its contents. Right click the desired program and select New Local Asset from the options. In the popup window, select Email. Name the email Gated Content Email, select a template, check operational email, then click Create. In our example, we’ve skipped ahead and added our content. So, from the email actions drop down, we’ll click Approve and Close. Now, we’ll create the smart campaign that will use the trigger to send the email. Right click the program you created the email in and select New Smart Campaign. Give it the name Send Gated Content Email and click Create.
In the Smart List tab, we’ll define the audience. In our example, we want to send the gated content email to people who filled out our form. So, we’ll need a trigger that initiates that action. We’ll locate and drag over the Fills Out Form trigger and select our form from the dropdown. Click to add a constraint, select webpage from the options and type in the name of the landing page that your form appears on. In the Flow tab, we’ll define the smart campaign actions and steps. Locate Send Email and drag it to the canvas. Select the intended email from the dropdown, then click the Schedule tab. Before activating your campaign, select edit next to smart campaign options. Change the setting to allow people to flow through the campaign every time and click Save. Back on the Schedule tab, click to activate the campaign.
Now, anytime a lead does fill out your form, your gated content email will be sent to the email they provided.
In this example, we’ll create an email that asks someone to confirm their registration and create the smart campaign that uses the trigger to send the email. We’ll start by creating the confirmation email. In Marketing Activities, locate your marketing initiative’s folder and click to expand its contents. Right click the program you want to work with and select New Local Asset from the options. In the popup window, select Email. Name the email Registration Confirmation Email, select a template, check operational email, then click Create. In our example, we’ve skipped ahead and added our content. So, from the email actions drop down, we’ll click Approve and Close. Now, we’ll create the smart campaign that will use the trigger to send the email. Right click the program you created the email in and select New Smart Campaign. Give it the name Send Registration Confirmation and click Create. In the Smart List tab will define the audience. In our example, we want to send a confirmation email to people when they register for an event. So, we’ll need a trigger that initiates that action. We’ll locate and drag, over the Program Status is Changed trigger. Click to add a constraint, select new status from the options and select Tradeshow Registration Approved from the dropdown. In the Flow tab, we’ll define the smart campaign actions and steps. Locate Send Email and drag it to the canvas. Select the email you created from the dropdown, then move on to the Schedule tab and click Activate.
Now, anytime a lead registers for your event, your confirmation email will send.
In this example, we’ll create an email that sends to someone, after they visited our website and create the smart campaign that uses the trigger to send the email. We’ll start by creating the alert email. In Marketing Activities, locate your Marketing Initiative’s folder and click to expand its contents. Right click the program you want to work with and select new local asset from the options. In the popup window, select Email. Name the email Alert Sales Email. Select a template then click create. In our example, we’ve skipped ahead and created our design. From the email actions drop down, we’ll click Approve and Close. Now, we’ll create the smart campaign that will use the trigger to send the email. Right click the program you created the email in and select New Smart Campaign. Give it the name Send Follow-Up Email and click Create. In the Smart List tab, we’ll define the audience. In our example, we want to send an email with additional product information to people who have visited a specific product on our website. So, we’ll need to trigger that initiates that action. We’ll locate and drag over the Visits Webpage trigger and select the webpage we want the trigger to be based on. In the flow tab, we’ll define the smart campaign actions and steps. We want to add a wait step, so we can give a little time in between when the lead visits the webpage and when we send the follow-up email, so we’ll locate the wait step, drag it to the canvas and enter a value of five minutes. Now, locate Send Email and drag it to the canvas. Select the intended email from the dropdown, then move on to the schedule tab and click Activate. Now, anytime someone visits a specific product on your web website, your follow-up email will send. -