Profile Settings

Read this article to know how to set learner profile settings and add a profile photo. Learn how to download the learner transcript for your profile.

Configuring profile settings configuringprofilesettings

  1. At the upper-right corner of the page, click the drop-down arrow next to your profile or photo.

  2. Select Profile Settings.

  3. From the pop-up dialog box that appears, you can perform the following actions:

    • Add/update profile photo: Hover over the photo. Click Upload and add a photo. Click Edit to change the photo.
    • Delete photo: Hover over the profile photo. Click Delete.
    • Add About Me content by clicking the text area below it.
    • Modify About Me content by clicking Edit next to the field.
    • Set the Locale for your profile. From the Locale drop-down select the language of your choice.
    • Set the Current Locale for your profile.
    • Set the Time Zone for your profile.
    • Download the Learners Transcript with your data.

    View learner preferences

    When you click the Download my Learning Transcript XLS link, an excel sheet is downloaded to your system. This excel sheet contains details on the learning objects consumed by you, the completion status of each learning object, the corresponding due dates, skills achieved, and so on. Download this sheet to quickly get some overall data for your learning profile.

Frequently Asked Questions frequentlyaskedquestions

1. How to download a Learner Transcript as learner?

On the upper-right corner, click your user profile > Profile Settings. On the dialog that appears, click Download My Learning Transcript (XLS).

Download Learner Transcript
