Adobe Target release notes

Adobe Experience Platform Launch has been rebranded as a suite of data collection technologies in Adobe Experience Platform. Several terminology changes have rolled out across the product documentation as a result. Please refer to the following document for a consolidated reference of the terminology changes.

September 16, 2021

Adobe Target Extension 0.11.4

  • Updated to at.js v1.8.3
  • Added SameSite=None and Secure attributes when setting cookies

July 24, 2020

Adobe Target Extension 0.11.3

  • Fixed a bug when the extension fails if a script or code adds default property to the window or document

June 15, 2020

Adobe Target Extension 0.11.2

  • Fixed an issue when using CNAME and edge override, where at.js 1.x might incorrectly create the server domain, resulting in the Target request failing

March 25, 2020

Adobe Target Extension 0.11.1

  • Updated at.js to v1.8.1
  • Fixed an issue where params and page load params were not processed correctly

October 10, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.11.0

  • Updated at.js to v1.8.
  • Improved performance for integrations between Experience Cloud ID library (ECID) v4.4 and at.js 1.8.
  • Previously, the ECID library made two blocking calls before at.js could fetch experiences. This has been reduced to a single call, which significantly improves performance.
Please upgrade your ECID tag extension for Adobe Experience Platform to v4.4.1 to take advantage of this performance enhancement.

July 31, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.10.1

  • Hotfix for parameters handling the tag extension for Adobe Target

May 4, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.10.0

  • Fixed a data elements issue caused by the latest Google Chrome changes

March 14, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.9.3

  • Updated extension version to use at.js 1.7.1

February 20, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.9.2

  • Fixed race conditions between Target and Analytics extensions

February 12, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.9.1


  • Updated Extension to use at.js 1.7.0 that has Opt-in privacy functionality supported via tags to control how and when the Target tag is fired. Please check tags documentation on how to setup your implementation of Opt-in. Added possibility to customize if an mbox parameter that has an empty value should be sent to Target or not.

January 23, 2019

Adobe Target Extension 0.8.4

  • Updated at.js to version 1.6.4
  • Extension UI migrated to Adobe Spectrum

November 15, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.8.2

  • Updated at.js to version 1.6.3

October 24, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.8.1

  • Updated at.js to version 1.6.2

August 23, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.8.0

  • Updated at.js to version 1.6.0

August 10, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.7.2

  • Minor changes
  • Updated the exchangeUrl property in the extension.json file

August 1, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.7.1

  • Minor fixes

June 18, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.7.0

  • Updated at.js version to 1.5.0
  • Fixed an issue where Media Optimizer threw a null reference error in IE 11

June 15, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.6.0


  • Target Extension has been updated to use at.js v1.3.1. When you deploy Target with Analytics, we now wait until all Target calls have resolved (including redirect offers) before Analytics fires, resolving the race condition that previously existed.

February 22, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.4.1


  • Added Adobe Exchange listing to extension.json
  • Added checks to see if Target is disabled and if Authoring is enabled

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an error in the Adobe Target Extension that prevented the Visual Experience Composer from unhiding the page when deployed through tags.

February 8, 2018

Adobe Target Extension 0.4.0


  • Updated views in extension configuration screens
  • at.js has been updated to version 1.2.3 (adds support for JSON offers)