Access control for sandboxes

By default, all users for an organization have access to a production sandbox. Access to non-production sandboxes must be granted by a system administrator, product administrator, or product profile administrator through the Adobe Admin Console.

In order to view, create, update, or delete non-production sandboxes, users must also be granted Sandbox Administration permissions.

For more information on managing roles and permissions for sandboxes, see the access control overview.

Sandboxes in the Experience Platform UI

In the Experience Platform user interface, users can switch between the sandboxes they have access to by using the sandbox switcher control on the top-left of the screen. Users with Sandbox Administration privileges also have access to the Sandboxes tab in the left-navigation, where they can view and manage sandboxes for their organization. For more information on how to work with sandboxes in the UI, see the sandbox user guide.

Sandboxes in Experience Platform APIs

When making calls to Experience Platform APIs, a sandbox name must be supplied under the header x-sandbox-name. For example, when making a call to the Catalog Service API to view all datasets within the Production sandbox, the sandbox’s name (“prod”) is provided as a header in the API request:

curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: prod'

If x-sandbox-name is not included in an API call, the system will use a default sandbox instead. However, the best practice is to always include this header in all API calls, even when using the default sandbox. For this reason, the API documentation for Experience Platform treats x-sandbox-name as a required header.

Sandbox API

The Sandbox API allows you to manage sandboxes by using RESTful API operations. See the sandbox developer guide for detailed information on how to use the API, including properly formatted requests and example responses.

Next steps

By reading this document, you have been introduced to the essential concepts about sandboxes in Experience Platform. For detailed steps on how to manage sandboxes, see the user guide for the UI or the developer guide for the API.

While sandboxes serve as a valuable tool for isolating Platform environments for your development team, you can also manage more granular access control by using the Adobe Admin Console. See the access control overview for more information.

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