Using the Components Console using-the-components-console-with-aem-sites

The Components Console provides developers and admin a central location to manage all of the various components in a Sites implementation. The following video details the features of the Components Console.


Hey, what’s up! In this video, we are going to be looking at the component console in AEM 6.3.

So, to navigate to the components console, from the start menu, we’ll go to Tools, General, and then click the components card.

So, the idea behind the component console is to give developers and admins a central place to view and manage all of the different components in AEM. So, as you can see here, here’s a list of all the various components. But what’s nice is we can easily filter. So, we’ll go ahead and filter on the component group and just pull up all of the We.Retail components.

We can click into a component and view a lot of information, about that component. So, we’ve clicked into the text component and we can see some editable fields, like text, group and description.

And, for these fields, we can even update them, directly from the component console. So, we’ll just update the description of this text field. So, some other information that’s read-only is that you can see the component icon and how it was derived. You can also see the resource type of the component, you know, where it’s located in apps.

And then, you can also see the super-type of that component. So, in this case, it’s inherited from one of the core text components. The Policies tab, shows you any policies about this component. So, we’ve got some different RTE-enabled functionality for this We.Retail text component. We can also see any of the templates that are making use of this policy.

The Live usage tab shows all of the different content pages, in which the component is currently being used on.

And from there, we can go ahead and click and open up that exact content page.

So, I’m just going to save the changes I made to the component description, and we return to our content page.

I’ll just expand the side panel and navigate to our component in the component browser.

And so, you can see the description for that component has been updated.

So, let’s take a look at another component, through the component console.

So, I’m just going to search for the layout container component and if we click in here, we can see that the editable fields are grayed out, and that’s because this component is stored under Lives. And so, you wouldn’t want to modify anything under Lives.

But, you can still see a lot of good information about the component, any of the policies that are active, as well as live usage of this component.

So, that’s it for the component console in AEM 6.3. Thanks.

The Component Console provides the following functionality:

  • Overview: list of all installed components available on the current AEM instance
  • Properties: displays metadata like the title, group and description of a component
  • Policies: displays any existing policies for a given component and the template associated
  • Live Usage: displays a list of pages in which the component is included

The Component Console can be found under Tools > General > Components.
Component Console URL (local AEM Author): http://localhost:4502/libs/wcm/core/content/sites/components.html

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