Extend a Core Component extend-component

Learn how to extend an existing Core Component to be used with the AEM SPA Editor. Understanding how to extend an existing component is a powerful technique to customize and expand the capabilities of an AEM SPA Editor implementation.


  1. Extend an existing Core Component with additional properties and content.
  2. Understand the basic of Component Inheritance with the use of sling:resourceSuperType.
  3. Learn how to use the Delegation Pattern for Sling Models to reuse existing logic and functionality.

What you will build

In this chapter, a new Card component is created. The Card component extends the Image Core Component adding additional content fields like a Title and a Call To Action button to perform the role of a teaser for other content within the SPA.

Final Authoring of Card Component

In a real-world implementation it may be more appropriate to simply use the Teaser Component than extending the Image Core Component to make a Card component depending on project requirements. It is always recommended to use Core Components directly when possible.


Review the required tooling and instructions for setting up a local development environment.

Get the code

  1. Download the starting point for this tutorial via Git:

    code language-shell
    $ git clone git@github.com:adobe/aem-guides-wknd-spa.git
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd-spa
    $ git checkout Angular/extend-component-start
  2. Deploy the code base to a local AEM instance using Maven:

    code language-shell
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage

    If using AEM 6.x add the classic profile:

    code language-shell
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
  3. Install the finished package for the traditional WKND reference site. The images provided by WKND reference site is reused on the WKND SPA. The package can be installed using AEM’s Package Manager.

    Package Manager install wknd.all

You can always view the finished code on GitHub or check out the code locally by switching to the branch Angular/extend-component-solution.

Inspect initial Card implementation

An initial Card Component has been provided by the chapter starter code. Inspect the starting point for the Card implementation.

  1. In the IDE of your choice open the ui.apps module.

  2. Navigate to ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd-spa-angular/components/card and view the .content.xml file.

    Card Component AEM definition Start

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"
        componentGroup="WKND SPA Angular - Content"/>

    The property sling:resourceSuperType points to wknd-spa-angular/components/image indicating that the Card component inherits the functionality from the WKND SPA Image component.

  3. Inspect the file ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd-spa-angular/components/image/.content.xml:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0"
        componentGroup="WKND SPA Angular - Content"/>

    Notice that the sling:resourceSuperType points to core/wcm/components/image/v2/image. This indicates that the WKND SPA Image component inherits the functionality from the Core Component Image.

    Also known as the Proxy pattern Sling resource inheritance is a powerful design pattern for allowing child components to inherit functionality and extend/override behavior when desired. Sling inheritance supports multiple levels of inheritance, so ultimately the new Card component inherits functionality of the Core Component Image.

    Many development teams strive to be D.R.Y. (don’t repeat yourself). Sling inheritance makes this possible with AEM.

  4. Beneath the card folder, open the file _cq_dialog/.content.xml.

    This file is the Component Dialog definition for the Card component. If using Sling inheritance, it is possible to use features of the Sling Resource Merger to override or extend portions of the dialog. In this sample, a new tab has been added to the dialog to capture additional data from an author to populate the Card Component.

    Properties like sling:orderBefore allow a developer to choose where to insert new tabs or form fields. In this case, the Text tab is inserted before the asset tab. To make full use of the Sling Resource Merger, it is important to know the original dialog node structure for the Image component dialog.

  5. Beneath the card folder, open the file _cq_editConfig.xml. This file dictates the drag and drop behavior in the AEM authoring UI. When extending the Image component, it is important that the resource type matches the component itself. Review the <parameters> node:

    code language-xml

    Most components do not require a cq:editConfig, the Image, and child descendents of the Image component are exceptions.

  6. In the IDE switch to the ui.frontend module, navigating to ui.frontend/src/app/components/card:

    Angular Component Start

  7. Inspect the file card.component.ts.

    The component has already been stubbed out to map to the AEM Card Component using the standard MapTo function.

    code language-js
    MapTo('wknd-spa-angular/components/card')(CardComponent, CardEditConfig);

    Review the three @Input parameters in the class for src, alt, and title. These are expected JSON values from the AEM component that are mapped to the Angular component.

  8. Open the file card.component.html:

    code language-html
    <div class="card"  *ngIf="hasContent">
        <app-image class="card__image" [src]="src" [alt]="alt" [title]="title"></app-image>

    In this example we chose to reuse the existing Angular Image component app-image by simply passing the @Input parameters from card.component.ts. Later in the tutorial, additional properties are added and displayed.

Update the Template Policy

With this initial Card implementation review the functionality in the AEM SPA Editor. To see the initial Card component an update to the Template policy is needed.

  1. Deploy the starter code to a local instance of AEM, if you haven’t already:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd-spa
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
  2. Navigate to the SPA Page Template at http://localhost:4502/editor.html/conf/wknd-spa-angular/settings/wcm/templates/spa-page-template/structure.html.

  3. Update the Layout Container’s policy to add the new Card component as an allowed component:

    Update Layout Container policy

    Save the changes to the policy, and observe the Card component as an allowed component:

    Card Component as an allowed component

Author initial Card component

Next, author the Card component using the AEM SPA Editor.

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home.html.

  2. In Edit mode, add the Card component to the Layout Container:

    Insert new component

  3. Drag and drop an image from the Asset finder onto the Card component:

    Add image

  4. Open the Card component dialog and notice the addition of a Text Tab.

  5. Enter the following values on the Text tab:

    Text Component tab

    Card Path - choose a page beneath the SPA homepage.

    CTA Text - “Read More”

    Card Title - leave blank

    Get title from linked page - check the checkbox to indicate true.

  6. Update the Asset Metadata tab to add values for Alternative Text and Caption.

    Currently no additional changes appear after updating the dialog. To expose the new fields to the Angular Component, we need to update the Sling Model for the Card component.

  7. Open a new tab and navigate to CRXDE-Lite. Inspect the content nodes beneath /content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home/jcr:content/root/responsivegrid to find the Card component content.

    CRXDE-Lite component properties

    Observe that properties cardPath, ctaText, titleFromPage are persisted by the dialog.

Update Card Sling Model

To ultimately expose the values from the component dialog to the Angular component, we need to update the Sling Model that populates the JSON for the Card component. We also have the opportunity to implement two pieces of business logic:

  • If titleFromPage to true, return the title of the page specified by cardPath otherwise return the value of cardTitle textfield.
  • Return the last modified date of the page specified by cardPath.

Return to the IDE of your choice and open the core module.

  1. Open the file Card.java at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/spa/angular/core/models/Card.java.

    Observe that the Card interface currently extends com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Image and therefore inherits the methods of the Image interface. The Image interface already extends the ComponentExporter interface which allows the Sling Model to be exported as JSON and mapped by the SPA editor. Therefore we do not need to explicitly extend ComponentExporter interface like we did in the Custom Component chapter.

  2. Add the following methods to the interface:

    code language-java
    public interface Card extends Image {
        * The URL to populate the CTA button as part of the card.
        * The link should be based on the cardPath property that points to a page.
        * @return String URL
        public String getCtaLinkURL();
        * The text to display on the CTA button of the card.
        * @return String CTA text
        public String getCtaText();
        * The date to be displayed as part of the card.
        * This is based on the last modified date of the page specified by the cardPath
        * @return
        public Calendar getCardLastModified();
        * Return the title of the page specified by cardPath if `titleFromPage` is set to true.
        * Otherwise return the value of `cardTitle`
        * @return
        public String getCardTitle();

    These methods are exposed via the JSON model API and passed to the Angular component.

  3. Open CardImpl.java. This is the implementation of Card.java interface. This implementation has been partially stubbed out to accelerate the tutorial. Notice the use of the @Model and @Exporter annotations to ensure that the Sling Model is able to be serialized as JSON via the Sling Model Exporter.

    CardImpl.java also uses the Delegation pattern for Sling Models to avoid rewriting the logic from the Image Core Component.

  4. Observe the following lines:

    code language-java
    @Via(type = ResourceSuperType.class)
    private Image image;

    The above annotation instantiates an Image object named image based on the sling:resourceSuperType inheritance of the Card component.

    code language-java
    public String getSrc() {
        return null != image ? image.getSrc() : null;

    It is then possible to simply use the image object to implement methods defined by the Image interface, without having to write the logic ourselves. This technique is used for getSrc(), getAlt(), and getTitle().

  5. Next, implement the initModel() method to initiate a private variable cardPage based on the value of cardPath

    code language-java
    public void initModel() {
        if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(cardPath) && pageManager != null) {
            cardPage = pageManager.getPage(this.cardPath);

    The @PostConstruct initModel() is called when the Sling Model is initialized, therefore it is a good opportunity to initialize objects that may be used by other methods in the model. The pageManager is one of several Java™ backed global objects made available to Sling Models via the @ScriptVariable annotation. The getPage method takes in a path and returns an AEM Page object or null if the path doesn’t point to a valid page.

    This initializes the cardPage variable, which is used by the other new methods to return data about the underlying linked page.

  6. Review the global variables already mapped to the JCR properties saved the author dialog. The @ValueMapValue annotation is used to automatically perform the mapping.

    code language-java
    private String cardPath;
    private String ctaText;
    private boolean titleFromPage;
    private String cardTitle;

    These variables are used to implement the additional methods for the Card.java interface.

  7. Implement the additional methods defined in the Card.java interface:

    code language-java
    public String getCtaLinkURL() {
        if(cardPage != null) {
            return cardPage.getPath() + ".html";
        return null;
    public String getCtaText() {
        return ctaText;
    public Calendar getCardLastModified() {
       if(cardPage != null) {
           return cardPage.getLastModified();
       return null;
    public String getCardTitle() {
        if(titleFromPage) {
            return cardPage != null ? cardPage.getTitle() : null;
        return cardTitle;
    note note
    You can view the finished CardImpl.java here.
  8. Open a terminal window and deploy just the updates to the core module using the Maven autoInstallBundle profile from the core directory.

    code language-shell
    $ cd core/
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle

    If using AEM 6.x add the classic profile.

  9. View the JSON model response at: http://localhost:4502/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en.model.json and search for the wknd-spa-angular/components/card:

    code language-json
    "card": {
        "ctaText": "Read More",
        "cardTitle": "Page 1",
        "title": "Woman chillaxing with river views in Australian bushland",
        "src": "/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home/_jcr_content/root/responsivegrid/card.coreimg.jpeg/1595190732886/adobestock-216674449.jpeg",
        "alt": "Female sitting on a large rock relaxing in afternoon dappled light the Australian bushland with views over the river",
        "cardLastModified": 1591360492414,
        "ctaLinkURL": "/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home/page-1.html",
        ":type": "wknd-spa-angular/components/card"

    Notice that the JSON model is updated with additional key/value pairs after updating the methods in the CardImpl Sling Model.

Update Angular Component

Now that the JSON model is populated with new properties for ctaLinkURL, ctaText, cardTitle, and cardLastModified we can update the Angular component to display these.

  1. Return to the IDE and open the ui.frontend module. Optionally, start the webpack dev server from a new terminal window to see the changes in real time:

    code language-shell
    $ cd ui.frontend
    $ npm install
    $ npm start
  2. Open card.component.ts at ui.frontend/src/app/components/card/card.component.ts. Add the additional @Input annotations to capture the new model:

    code language-diff
    export class CardComponent implements OnInit {
         @Input() src: string;
         @Input() alt: string;
         @Input() title: string;
    +    @Input() cardTitle: string;
    +    @Input() cardLastModified: number;
    +    @Input() ctaLinkURL: string;
    +    @Input() ctaText: string;
  3. Add methods for checking if the Call to Action is ready and for returning a date/time string based on the cardLastModified input:

    code language-js
    export class CardComponent implements OnInit {
        get hasCTA(): boolean {
            return this.ctaLinkURL && this.ctaLinkURL.trim().length > 0 && this.ctaText && this.ctaText.trim().length > 0;
        get lastModifiedDate(): string {
            const lastModifiedDate = this.cardLastModified ? new Date(this.cardLastModified) : null;
            if (lastModifiedDate) {
            return lastModifiedDate.toLocaleDateString();
            return null;
  4. Open card.component.html and add the following markup to display the title, call to action and last modified date:

    code language-html
    <div class="card"  *ngIf="hasContent">
        <app-image class="card__image" [src]="src" [alt]="alt" [title]="title"></app-image>
        <div class="card__content">
            <h2 class="card__title">
                <span class="card__lastmod" *ngIf="lastModifiedDate">{{lastModifiedDate}}</span>
            <div class="card__action-container" *ngIf="hasCTA">
                <a [routerLink]="ctaLinkURL" class="card__action-link" [title]="ctaText">

    Sass rules have already been added at card.component.scss to style the title, call to action and last modified date.

    note note
    You can view the finished Angular card component code here.
  5. Deploy the full changes to AEM from the root of the project using Maven:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd-spa
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home.html to see the updated component:

    Updated Card Component in AEM

  7. You should be able to reauthor the existing content to create a page similar to the following:

    Final Authoring of Card Component

Congratulations! congratulations

Congratulations, you learned how to extend an AEM component and how Sling Models and dialogs work with the JSON model.

You can always view the finished code on GitHub or check out the code locally by switching to the branch Angular/extend-component-solution.
