Create a Custom Component custom-component

Learn how to create a custom component to be used with the AEM SPA Editor. Learn how to develop author dialogs and Sling Models to extend the JSON model to populate a custom component.


  1. Understand the role of Sling Models in manipulating the JSON model API provided by AEM.
  2. Understand how to create AEM component dialogs.
  3. Learn to create a custom AEM Component that is compatible with the SPA editor framework.

What you will build

The focus of previous chapters was developing SPA components and mapping them to existing AEM Core Components. This chapter focuses on how to create and extend new AEM components and manipulate the JSON model served by AEM.

A simple Custom Component illustrates the steps needed to create a net-new AEM component.

Message displayed in All Caps


Review the required tooling and instructions for setting up a local development environment.

Get the code

  1. Download the starting point for this tutorial via Git:

    code language-shell
    $ git clone
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd-spa
    $ git checkout Angular/custom-component-start
  2. Deploy the code base to a local AEM instance using Maven:

    code language-shell
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage

    If using AEM 6.x add the classic profile:

    code language-shell
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic
  3. Install the finished package for the traditional WKND reference site. The images provided by WKND reference site are reused on the WKND SPA. The package can be installed using AEM’s Package Manager.

    Package Manager install wknd.all

You can always view the finished code on GitHub or check out the code locally by switching to the branch Angular/custom-component-solution.

Define the AEM Component

An AEM component is defined as a node and properties. In the project, these nodes and properties are represented as XML files in the ui.apps module. Next, create the AEM component in the ui.apps module.

A quick refresher on the basics of AEM components may be helpful.
  1. Open the ui.apps folder in the IDE of your choice.

  2. Navigate to ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/wknd-spa-angular/components and create a folder named custom-component.

  3. Create a file named .content.xml beneath the custom-component folder. Populate the custom-component/.content.xml with the following:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr=""
        jcr:title="Custom Component"
        componentGroup="WKND SPA Angular - Content"/>

    Create Custom Component defintion

    jcr:primaryType="cq:Component" - identifies that this node is an AEM component.

    jcr:title is the value that is displayed to Content Authors and the componentGroup determines the grouping of components in the authoring UI.

  4. Beneath the custom-component folder, create another folder named _cq_dialog.

  5. Beneath the _cq_dialog folder create a file named .content.xml and populate it with the following:

    code language-xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jcr:root xmlns:sling="" xmlns:granite="" xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:nt=""
        jcr:title="Custom Component"
            <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                    <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                            <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                                    <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                                            <items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">
                                                    fieldDescription="The text to display on the component."

    Custom Component definition

    The above XML file generates a simple dialog for the Custom Component. The critical part of the file is the inner <message> node. This dialog contains a simple textfield named Message and persist the value of the textifeld to a property named message.

    A Sling Model is created next to expose the value of the message property via the JSON model.

    note note
    You can view a lot more examples of dialogs by viewing the Core Component definitions. You can also view additional form fields, like select, textarea, pathfield, available beneath /libs/granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form in CRXDE-Lite.

    With a traditional AEM component, an HTL script is typically required. Since the SPA renders the component, no HTL script is needed.

Create the Sling Model

Sling Models are annotation driven Java™ “POJOs” (Plain Old Java™ Objects) that facilitate the mapping of data from the JCR to Java™ variables. Sling Models typically function to encapsulate complex server-side business logic for AEM Components.

In the context of the SPA Editor, Sling Models expose a component’s content through the JSON model through a feature using the Sling Model Exporter.

  1. In the IDE of your choice open the core module. and have already been created and stubbed out as part of the chapter starter code.

    note note
    If using Visual Studio Code IDE, it may be helpful to install extensions for Java™.
  2. Open the Java™ interface at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/spa/angular/core/models/ interface

    This is the Java™ interface that is implemented by the Sling Model.

  3. Update so that it extends the ComponentExporter interface:

    code language-java
    import com.adobe.cq.export.json.ComponentExporter;
    public interface CustomComponent extends ComponentExporter {
        public String getMessage();

    Implementing the ComponentExporter interface is a requirement for the Sling Model to be automatically picked up by the JSON model API.

    The CustomComponent interface includes a single getter method getMessage(). This is the method that exposes the value of the author dialog through the JSON model. Only getter methods with empty parameters () are exported in the JSON model.

  4. Open at core/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/guides/wknd/spa/angular/core/models/impl/

    This is the implementation of the CustomComponent interface. The @Model annotation identifies the Java™ class as a Sling Model. The @Exporter annotation enables the Java™ class to be serialized and exported through the Sling Model Exporter.

  5. Update the static variable RESOURCE_TYPE to point to the AEM component wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component created in the previous exercise.

    code language-java
    static final String RESOURCE_TYPE = "wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component";

    The resource type of the component is what binds the Sling Model to the AEM component and ultimately maps to the Angular component.

  6. Add the getExportedType() method to the CustomComponentImpl class to return the component resource type:

    code language-java
    public String getExportedType() {
        return CustomComponentImpl.RESOURCE_TYPE;

    This method is required when implementing the ComponentExporter interface and exposes the resource type which allows the mapping to the Angular component.

  7. Update the getMessage() method to return the value of the message property persisted by the author dialog. Use the @ValueMap annotation is map the JCR value message to a Java™ variable:

    code language-java
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
    private String message;
    public String getMessage() {
        return StringUtils.isNotBlank(message) ? message.toUpperCase() : null;

    Some additional “business logic” is added to return the value of message as upper case. This allows us to see the difference between the raw value stored by the author dialog and the value exposed by the Sling Model.

    note note
    You can view the finished here.

Update the Angular Component

The Angular code for the Custom Component has already been created. Next, make a few updates to map the Angular component to the AEM component.

  1. In the ui.frontend module open the file ui.frontend/src/app/components/custom/custom.component.ts

  2. Observe the @Input() message: string; line. It is expected that the transformed uppercase value is mapped to this variable.

  3. Import the MapTo object from the AEM SPA Editor JS SDK and use it to map to the AEM component:

    code language-diff
    + import {MapTo} from '@adobe/cq-angular-editable-components';
     export class CustomComponent implements OnInit {
    + MapTo('wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component')(CustomComponent, CustomEditConfig);
  4. Open cutom.component.html and observe that the value of {{message}} is displayed in side an <h2> tag.

  5. Open custom.component.css and add the following rule:

    code language-css
    :host-context {
        display: block;

    For the AEM Editor Placeholder to display properly when the component is empty the :host-context or another <div> needs to be set to display: block;.

  6. Deploy the updates to a local AEM environment from the root of the project directory, using your Maven skills:

    code language-shell
    $ cd aem-guides-wknd-spa
    $ mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage

Update the Template Policy

Next, navigate to AEM to verify the updates and allow the Custom Component to be added to the SPA.

  1. Verify the registration of the new Sling Model by navigating to http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slingmodels.

    code language-plain - wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component exports 'wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component' with selector 'model' and extension '[Ljava.lang.String;@6fb4a693' with exporter 'jackson'

    You should see the above two lines that indicate the CustomComponentImpl is associated with the wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component component and that it is registered via the Sling Model Exporter.

  2. Navigate to the SPA Page Template at http://localhost:4502/editor.html/conf/wknd-spa-angular/settings/wcm/templates/spa-page-template/structure.html.

  3. Update the Layout Container’s policy to add the new Custom Component as an allowed component:

    Update Layout Container policy

    Save the changes to the policy, and observe the Custom Component as an allowed component:

    Custom Component as an allowed component

Author the Custom Component

Next, author the Custom Component using the AEM SPA Editor.

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en/home.html.

  2. In Edit mode, add the Custom Component to the Layout Container:

    Insert New Component

  3. Open the component’s dialog and enter a message that contains some lowercase letters.

    Configure the Custom Component

    This is the dialog that was created based on the XML file earlier in the chapter.

  4. Save the changes. Observe that the message displayed is in all capitalized.

    Message displayed in All Caps

  5. View the JSON model by navigating to http://localhost:4502/content/wknd-spa-angular/us/en.model.json. Search for wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component:

    code language-json
    "custom_component_208183317": {
        "message": "HELLO WORLD",
        ":type": "wknd-spa-angular/components/custom-component"

    Notice that the JSON value is set to all capital letters based on the logic added to the Sling Model.

Congratulations! congratulations

Congratulations, you learned how to create a custom AEM component and how Sling Models and dialogs work with the JSON model.

You can always view the finished code on GitHub or check out the code locally by switching to the branch Angular/custom-component-solution.

Next Steps next-steps

Extend a Core Component - Learn how to extend an existing Core Component to be used with the AEM SPA Editor. Understanding how to add properties and content to an existing component is a powerful technique to expand the capabilities of an AEM SPA Editor implementation.
