Learn about Rapid Development Environment (RDE) in AEM as a Cloud Service.
This video outline:
What are RDEs?
How they help for faster development to deployment cycles?
Welcome to Rapid Development Environment, or RDE for short, a name as a cloud service. As developers, we all strive for a faster development to deployment cycle. The checks in cloud manager pipelines are essential to deploying high-quality code to production. So, what if these quality kits could be deferred to deployment and testing of near-final code? That’s where Rapid Development Environment, or RDE, comes in. With RDE, developers can code in their favorite IDE, sync their changes, and see the results immediately in the cloud. The RDE is similar to AM cloud environments like dev, stage, prod. So, if changes work on the RDE, they will work on higher environments. For example, once your local development is complete, you can use your IDE to quickly deploy changes like packages, bundles, OSGI, Apache or dispatcher configs to the RDE. Then verify the change on the RDE and feel confident that your feature is ready to be deployed through the cloud manager pipelines. In this tutorial, let’s walk through how to set up and use the RDE. We will also take a look at new development lifecycle, the benefits of RDE, some considerations to keep in mind. So, let’s get started and first look into how to set up the RDE.
Next Step
Learn how to set up an RDE in AEM as a Cloud Service.