Your First Steps
There are several resources available to get started with AEM’s headless features. Each guide is tailored for different use cases and audiences.
Resource | Description | Type | Audience | Est. Time |
Headless Developer Journey | For developers new to AEM and headless technologies, start here for a comprehensive introduction to AEM and its headless features from the theory of headless through going live with your first headless project. | Guide | Developers new to AEM and headless | 1 hour |
Headless Setup | For experienced AEM users who need a short summary of the key AEM headless features, check out this quick start overview. | Reference Setup | Developers, Administrators with AEM experience | 20 minutes |
Headless hands-on tutorial | If you prefer a hands-on approach and are familiar with AEM, this tutorial dives directly into implementing a simple headless app. | Tutorial | Developers | 2 hours |
Headless Architect Journey | For architects new to AEM and headless technologies, start here for an introduction to the powerful, and flexible, headless features of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, and how to model content for your project. | Guide | Architects | 1 hour |
Headless Authoring Journey | For business users new to AEM and headless technologies, start here for an introduction to the powerful, and flexible, headless features of Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service, and how to model content for your project. | Guide | Content Creators | 1 hour |
Headless Translation Journey | For those interested in AEM’s translation approach to headless. Learn about headless technologies and how to create and update translation projects in AEM from A to Z. | Guide | Translation Specialists | 1 hour |
Comparing Headful and Headless
This guide focuses on the full headless implementation model of AEM. However, headful versus headless does not need to be a binary choice in AEM. Headless features can be used to manage and deliver content to multiple touch-points, while also enabling content authors to edit single page applications. All in AEM.
See the document Headful and Headless in AEM for more information.