Synchronization logging

Synchronization errors and issues are logged in error.log (Experience Manager server directory /crx-quickstart/logs/). Sufficient logging is available to determine the root cause of most issues, however you can increase the logging to DEBUG on the com.adobe.cq.dam.ips package through the Sling Console (https://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog) to gather more information.

Version Control

When replacing an existing Dynamic Media asset (same name and location), you can keep both assets or replace/create a version:

  • Keeping both creates an asset with a unique name for the published asset URL. For example, image.jpg is the original asset and image1.jpg is the newly uploaded asset.

  • Creating a version is not supported in Dynamic Media. The new version replaces the existing asset in delivery.

Images and Sets

If you are having issues with images and sets, see the following troubleshooting guidance.

IssueHow to debugSolution
Cannot access copy URL/Embed button in asset detail view
  1. Go to CRX/DE:

    • Check whether the preset in the JCR /etc/dam/presets/viewer/<preset> has lastReplicationAction defined. This location applies if you upgraded from Experience Manager 6.x to 6.4 and opted out of migration. Otherwise, the location is /conf/global/settings/dam/dm/presets/viewer.
    • Check to make sure that the asset in the JCR has dam:scene7FileStatus under Metadata shows as PublishComplete.

Refresh page/navigate to another page and come back (side rail JSP must be recompiled)

If that does not work:

  • Publish asset.
  • Reupload asset and publish it.
Carousel hotspot moves around after switching between slidesCheck that all slides are the same size.Use only images with the same size for the carousel.
Image does not preview with the Dynamic Media viewerCheck that the asset contains dam:scene7File in the Metadata properties (CRXDE Lite)Check that all assets have finished processing.
Uploaded asset does not show in asset selectorCheck asset has property jcr:content > dam:assetState = processed (CRXDE Lite)Check that all assets have finished processing.
Banner on card view shows New when asset has not started processingCheck asset jcr:content > dam:assetState = if unprocessed it was not picked up by the workflow.Wait until asset is picked up by workflow.
Images or sets do not display the viewer URL or embed codeCheck if the viewer preset has been published.Go to Tools > Assets > Viewer Presets and publish the viewer preset.


If you are having issues with video, see the following troubleshooting guidance.

IssueHow to debugSolution
Video cannot be previewed
  • Check that the folder has a video profile assigned to it (if non-supported file format). If non-supported, only an image displays.
  • Video profile must contain more than one encoding preset to generate an AVS set (single encodings are treated as video content for MP4 files; for non-supported files, treated the same as non-processed).
  • Check that the video has finished processing by confirming dam:scene7FileAvs of dam:scene7File in metadata.
  1. Assign a video profile to the folder.
  2. Edit video profile to include more than one encoding preset.
  3. Wait for video to finish processing.
  4. Before you reload the video, make sure that the Dynamic Media Encode Video workflow is not running.
  5. Reupload the video.
Video is not encoded
  • Check whether Dynamic Media Cloud Service is configured.
  • Check whether a video profile is associated with the upload folder.
  1. Check that the Dynamic Media Configuration under Cloud Services is properly set up.
  2. Check that the folder has a video profile. Also, check the video profile.
Video processing takes too long

To determine if video encoding is still in progress or if it has entered a failure state:

  • Check the video status https://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/content/dam/folder/videomp4/jcr%3Acontent > dam:assetState
Video rendition missing

When video is uploaded, but there are no encoded renditions:

  • Check that the folder has a video profile assigned to it.
  • Check that the video has finished processing by confirming dam:scene7FileAvs in metadata.
  1. Assign a video profile to the folder.
  2. Wait for video to finish processing.