Configuring Non-Production Pipelines configuring-non-production-pipelines

Learn how to use Cloud Manager to create and configure non-production pipelines to deploy your code. If you would first like a more conceptual overview of how pipelines work in Cloud Manager, please see the document CI/CD Pipelines.

Overview overview

Using the Pipelines tile in Cloud Manager, the Deployment Manager can create two different types of pipelines.

  • Production Pipelines - A production pipelines is a purpose-built pipeline made of a series of orchestrated steps to take source code all the way into production.
  • Non-Production Pipelines - A non-production pipeline primarily serves to run code-quality scans or to deploy source code into a development environment.

This document focuses on non-production pipelines. For details on how to configure production pipelines see the document Configuring Production Pipelines.

There are two types of non-production pipelines:

  • Code Quality Pipelines - These run code quality scans on the code in a git branch and executes the build and code quality steps.
  • Deployment Pipelines - In addition to executing the build and code quality steps like the code quality pipelines, these pipelines deploy the code to a non-production environment.
A pipeline can not be setup until its associated git repository has at least one branch and program setup is complete. See the document Cloud Manager Repositories to learn how to add and manage repositories in Cloud Manager.

Adding a Non-Production Pipeline add-non-production-pipeline

Once you have set up your program and have at least one environment using the Cloud Manager UI, you are ready to add a non-production pipeline by following these steps.

  1. Log into Cloud Manager at and select the appropriate organization and program.

  2. Access the Pipelines card from the Cloud Manager home screen. Click on Add and select Add Non-Production Pipeline.

    Add non-production pipeline

  3. On the Configuration tab of the Add Non-Production Pipeline dialog, select the type of pipeline you want to create, either a Code Quality Pipeline or a Deployment Pipeline.

    Choose pipeline type

  4. Provide a description for your pipeline in the Non-Production Pipeline Name field.

  5. If you chose to add a Deployment Pipeline, select the target deployment environment from the Eligible Deployment Environments dropdown.

  6. Provide the repository where the pipeline should retrieve the code.

    • Repository - This options defines from which git repo the pipeline should retrieve the code.
    • Git Branch - his option defines from which branch in the selected the pipeline should retrieve the code.
  7. Define your deployment options.

    1. Under Deployment Trigger, define what event activates the pipeline.

      • Manual - Use this option to manually start the pipeline.
      • On Git Changes - This options starts the pipeline whenever commits are added to the configured git branch. With this option, you can still start the pipeline manually as required.
    2. For deployment pipelines, under Important Metric Failures Behavior, define the behavior of the pipeline when an important failure is encountered in any of the quality gates.

      • Ask every time - This is the default setting and requires manual intervention on any important failure.
      • Fail Immediately - If selected, the pipeline will be cancelled whenever an important failure occurs. This is essentially emulating a user manually rejecting each failure.
      • Continue Immediately - If selected, the pipeline will proceed automatically whenever an important failure occurs. This is essentially emulating a user manually approving each failure.
    3. Dispatcher Configuration - The Deployment Manager role can configure a set of content paths which will either be invalidated or flushed from the AEM Dispatcher cache when a pipeline is run. These cache actions will be performed as part of the deployment pipeline step, just after any content packages are deployed. These settings use standard AEM Dispatcher behavior. To configure:

      1. Under PATH provide a content path.

      2. Under TYPE, select the action to be taken on that path.

        • Flush - Perform a cache deletion.
        • Invalidate - Perform a cache invalidation, similar to when content is activated from an authoring instance to a publishing instance.
      3. Click Add Path to add your specified path. You can add up to 100 paths per environment.

  8. Click Save to save your pipeline.

The Next Steps the-next-steps

Once you have configured the pipeline, you need to deploy your code. Please see the document Code Deployment for more details.

Video Tutorial video-tutorial

This video provides an overview of the pipeline creation process, which is detailed in this document.
