How to include path data in the response image using Dynamic Media

If someone uploads an image with path info/clipping path and would like to have the path data present in the response image, they need to use different parameters in the URLs.

Description description


Dynamic Media Classic


Can a path be included in the response image?
&/Or Can a path be applied to the response image resulting in the area outside the path to be turned into transparency?

Resolution resolution


  1. In order to include the path info into the response image, but not apply it, you would use the parameter pathembed  as documented here:

    So, the URL would be like this:


  2. In order to apply the path in the response image, turning the area outside the path into transparency, you would use the parameter clipPathE  as documented here:

    So, the URL would be like this:

    https://domain/is/image/company/image?clipPathE=< path name>

  3. In order to apply the path in the response image, turning the area within the path into transparency and display the area outside the path, you would use the parameter clipXPathE  as documented here:

    So, the URL would be like this:

    https://domain/is/image/company/image?clipXPathE=< path name>

Since the default output format is jpeg, which doesn’t support transparency, using either of the above might give the impression that it doesn’t work because the transparency is converted into the background color. You might want to use fmt=png-alpha instead to bleed the website background through the image.
