Social Component Framework in AEM 6 social-component-framework-in-aem

The Social Component Framework (SCF) is available as a featurepack for CQ 5.6.1 and shipped with AEM 6.0. SCF provides a way to build web and mobile applications that use a hybrid of server rendering to allow search engine optimization of content along with client rendering to avoid page refreshes and provide rich in-page experiences. The same template is used for both client and server rendering, providing assurance that the experience is consistent independent of which rendering is used. Well-defined endpoints allow effective caching of pages, templates and json data, and provide clear extensibility patterns for customers to insert their own client and server logic. This session will cover how to use and extend SCF, and provide information on the documentation and cookbooks available.

Delivered August 13, 2014

Presented by:

Siddharth Palaniswami, Sr. Software Engineering Lead, Adobe

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