Configure sending options

Learn how to configure various options when sending a document out for signature. Explore how you can set the document messaging, file formats, reminder frequency, and document expiration.

There are a variety of functions you can add to your documents. Let me give you a closer look at agreement messaging, supported file attachments and additional sending options such as setting a reminder frequency and an expiration of the agreement.
We’ll start by giving our agreement a name, something like ‘NDA for Rob’ and then choose a message from a list of canned templates. This helps streamline the process for the sender so that they don’t have to type the message each time. In this example, we can choose from NDA or Sales Order and hovering over each option allows us to see the message that will be applied if selected. On top of adding and customizing message templates for senders, there’s also settings available to admins to adjust if the sender can customize the message if not adding their own message altogether. We’ll choose NDA in this example. Onto the file section, you have a number of options in terms of how and where you can add files from. You can attach your document files from your computer. You can access your documents from your library by choosing recent templates, which will show you all of the document templates that have been recently used. Templates will show you all document templates you and others have uploaded and shared. You also have the ability to choose your files from cloud storage options including Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive. Acrobat Sign supports many file attachment types including PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, text, graphic and HTML files. I’ll choose a Word file that I have stored locally on my computer in this example. We could also add additional files if needed. Acrobat Sign will automatically combine the files for a single and seamless viewing experience for the signer.
Great. The document has been attached. We now have our agreement name, message and our file. Onto additional options which give us the ability to do more with our agreements such as password protecting the fully signed pdf. Password Protect is different from password authentication. Password Protect is applied to the fully signed PDF when all signers are finished. This will require anyone with a copy of the signed PDF to know the password in order to view it. Completion deadline allows you to set the amount of days before your agreement expires and as you can see here, if we set six days to complete, it will automatically calculate the date that the agreement will expire on. If an agreement reaches an expiration date, it will automatically be placed in a canceled state and notify the concerned participants. The Set Reminder option allows you to define a reminder frequency for the agreement before sending it for signature. You can set the frequency to be every day, week, business day, other day, third or fifth day. However, if you don’t set a reminder here, you can always go back to the Manage page after the agreement has been sent and set a reminder from there. Automatic reminders is another option that can be enabled by group and account admins. Finally, we can set the recipient language for our signing participants. 34 languages available to choose from. Keep in mind, adjusting the recipient language will only adjust it in places where the signer is interacting with the interface. It does not convert the language of your agreement message or documents. -