Add soft descriptor

You can add a Soft Descriptor to your website(s) or individual store view(s) configuration. Soft descriptors show on customer transaction bank statements. If you have multiple stores/brands/catalogs, for instance, you can easily delineate between those by adding custom text to the Soft Descriptor field.

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Sales > Payment Services.

  2. Click Settings. See Introduction to Payment Services Home for more information.

  3. Select the website or store view, in the Scope dropdown menu, for which you want to create a soft descriptor. For initial setup, leave this as Default to set the default value.

  4. Add your custom text (up to 22 characters) in the text field, replacing Soft descriptor.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To create a soft descriptor other than the configured default for a website or store view:

    1. Select the website or store view, in the Scope dropdown menu, for which you want to create a soft descriptor.
    2. Toggle off Use website (or Use default, dependant on which scope you selected).
    3. Add your custom text in the text field.
    4. Click Save.
  7. To enable for a website or store view the default soft descriptor or the soft descriptor used for the parent website:

    1. Select the website or store view, in the Scope dropdown menu, for which you want to enable an existing soft descriptor.
    2. Toggle on Use website (or Use default, depending on the scope you selected).
    3. Click Save.

    If you try to navigate away from this view without saving your changes, a modal appears that prompts you to discard changes, keep editing, or save changes.