Replace depreciated Google Image Charts with Image-Charts

Most Adobe Commerce editions and versions currently use Google Image Charts to render static charts in Admin dashboards. As of March 14, 2019, Google will stop supporting Google Image Charts. To resolve this issue, we are providing a patch to replace Google Image Charts with Image-Charts free service.

Affected versions

  • Adobe Commerce 1.X, all editions
  • Adobe Commerce 2.X, all editions
Adobe Commerce on-premises, Magento Open Source, Adobe Commerce on-premises and Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure 2.3.2 will include this chart update. Upgrading to these versions continues support for image charts without additional patches.


Google stopped supporting Google Image Charts on March 14, 2019. Users of Adobe Commerce 1.X and Adobe Commerce 2.2.X all versions will not be able to view static charts unless they download and apply the patch, replacing Google Image Charts with Image-Charts solution. Displayed charts will have the same design and functionality of Google Image Charts through the Image-Charts free account service with a GDPR compliance privacy policy. For additional options, please see Image-Charts.


To be able to view static charts in the Commerce Admin, download and apply the patch provided by Adobe Commerce. No additional configuration is necessary.

Adobe Commerce on-premises

  1. Save the attached MAGETWO-98833_composer_patch-2019-04-15-04-38-57.patch patch and upload it to your Adobe Commerce root directory.

  2. Run the following SSH command, having replaced the patch name with actual one:

    code language-git
    patch -p1 < MAGETWO-98833_composer_patch-2019-04-15-04-38-57.patch

    If the above command does not work, try using -p2 instead of -p1.)

  3. For the changes to be reflected, refresh the cache in the Admin under System > Cache Management.

Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure

For Cloud merchants, the patch will be included to the nearest ECE-tools update.

Magento 2 Open Source

  1. Go to

  2. In the Select your format drop-down list, select the composer version and click Download.

  3. Upload the patch to your Adobe Commerce root directory.

  4. Run the following SSH command, having replaced the patch name with actual one:

    code language-git
    patch -p1 < MAGETWO-98833_composer_patch-2019-04-15-04-37-48.patch

    (If the above command does not work, try using -p2 instead of -p1.)

  5. For the changes to be reflected, refresh the cache in the Admin under System > Cache Management.

Adobe Commerce 1 on-premises

Follow these steps to download and apply the patch:

  1. Save the attached MPERF-10509-EE-2019-03-13-06-32-19.diff patch and upload it to your Adobe Commerce root directory.

  2. Run the following SSH command:

    code language-git
    patch -p1 < MPERF-10509-EE-2019-03-13-06-32-19.diff

    (If the above command does not work, try using -p2 instead of -p1.)

  3. For the changes to be reflected, refresh the cache in the Admin under System > Cache Management.

Magento 1 Open Source

Follow these steps to download and apply the patch:

  1. Click this linkto locate the Admin Dashboard Charts Patch.

  2. Select

    code language-git

    from the Select your format drop-down and click Download.

  3. Upload the file to the Adobe Commerce root directory.

  4. Run the following SSH command:

    code language-git
    patch -p1 < MPERF-10509.diff

    (If the above command does not work, try using -p2 instead of -p1.)

  5. For the changes to be reflected, refresh the cache in the Admin under System > Cache Management.

Attached Files

Download MAGETWO-98833_composer_patch-2019-04-15-04-38-57.patch

Download MPERF-10509-EE-2019-03-13-06-32-19.diffh
