
To fix the issue, you need to set is_filterable (that is, used in Layered Navigation) and filterable_in_search (that is, used in search results Layered Navigation) to “0” (not used). To do this, take the following steps:

  1. Create a database backup.

  2. Use a database tool such as phpMyAdmin, or access the DB manually from the command line to run the following SQL query:

    UPDATE catalog_eav_attribute AS cea
        INNER JOIN eav_attribute AS ea
            ON ea.attribute_id = cea.attribute_id
    SET cea.is_filterable = 0, cea.is_filterable_in_search = 0
    WHERE (cea.is_filterable = 1 OR cea.is_filterable_in_search = 1)
        AND frontend_input NOT IN ('boolean', 'multiselect', 'select', 'price');
  3. Run the Catalog Search full reindex using the following command:

    bin/magento indexer:reindex catalogsearch_fulltext
  4. Clean cache by running

    bin/magento cache:clean

or in the Commerce Admin under System > Tools > Cache Management.

Now you should be able to perform catalog searches with no issues.
