Add a report

  1. To add a report, do one of the following:

    • Click the Add a report prompt on the page.

    • In the dashboard header, click Add Report.

      Add Report

  2. Click Create Report to show the Report Builder Options.

    Report Builder Options

Arrange items on a dashboard

  • To resize a chart or report, drag the lower-right corner to the new size.

  • To move a chart or report, hover over the title or header until the cursor changes to a cross. Then, drag it into position.

Managing your dashboards

In Manage Data > Dashboards, you can manage user permissions for dashboards you own, delete dashboards you no longer need, and set a default dashboard.

Sharing your dashboards

To truly scale Commerce Intelligence throughout your organization and provide valuable insights, Adobe encourages you to share dashboards you create with other team members. You can share dashboards you own by clicking the Share Dashboard option at the top of the page.

When you share a dashboard, you can assign permissions across your organization OR on an individual basis, meaning you get to decide who can view and edit your reports.

Read-Only users only have access to dashboards that are directly shared with them - they are not able to search for and add dashboards on their own. Do not forget to keep them in the loop!

Accessing shared dashboards

If you are an Admin or Standard user and want to add a shared dashboard to your account, you can do so by clicking Dashboard Options and then clicking Find in the dropdown.

find dashboard

Manage dashboard settings

  1. On the menu, click Manage Data > Dashboards.

  2. If applicable, enter a new Dashboard Name.

  3. To assign the dashboard to a specific Dashboard Group, choose from the list of groups.


    To give all users the same level of access to the dashboard, do the following:

    1. Under Shared with, choose one of the following options:

      • View
      • Edit
      • None
    2. When prompted for confirm, click OK to update the permissions level for each user.

    3. To change the permission level of an individual, find the user in the list change the permission level. The change is automatically saved.


    1. To make this dashboard the default for your Commerce Intelligence account, click Make Default.


    1. To remove the dashboard, click Delete Dashboard.
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