Create Google Analytics charts

(with regex syntax help)

After you have connected your Google Analytics account, you can create charts with your Google Analytics data.

Create Google Analytics Charts

  1. Click Add Chart > Create New Chart.

  2. When selecting a metric in the Chart Builder, scroll to the bottom of the list to find a section including your Google Analytics Profiles. A second metric dropdown appears. Here you can choose the metric you would like to analyze.

  3. After you have chosen the metric, you can proceed with this chart as if it were any other chart by selecting the time period, interval, and data perspectives that you would like to see.

  4. The one major difference here is that uses regular expressions for filters. A regular expression (regex for short) is a special string of text for describing a search pattern. See examples of regex syntax in the Google guide on Analytics Regular Expressions.

The only special characters that need to be escaped using the \ character are the Metacharacters below: