Expected Google Analytics data

After you have connected a Google Analytics integration, you can interact with your Google Analytics metrics immediately in the Visual Report Builder. When you enter the Visual Report Builder, if you click Add a Metric, a series of metrics from your Google Analytics profile appears in a dropdown immediately beneath the metrics in your Data Warehouse.

The Google Analytics integration is live – this means that the Report Builder requests data from Google Analytics immediately when you add a metric to your report. It also means that the metrics that you can access are defined exactly as they are in Google Analytics, and that these values are not warehoused in your Commerce Intelligence account - only displayed visually in your reports.

Supported Metrics and Dimensions (Google Analytics 3 or Universal Analytics)
note note
On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) properties will no longer process data. You will be able to see your Universal Analytics reports for a period of time after July 1, 2023. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties.

Google Analytics integrations in Commerce Intelligence use the Google Analytics Core Reporting API, and support the following metrics and dimensions.

note note
To avoid unexpected or nonsensical results, confirm that any dimensions you use are compatible with one or more metrics you use in the Report Builder. You can check here.

Supported Metrics

table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 8-row-2 9-row-2 10-row-2 11-row-2 12-row-2 13-row-2 14-row-2 15-row-2 16-row-2 17-row-2 18-row-2 19-row-2 20-row-2 21-row-2 22-row-2 23-row-2 24-row-2 25-row-2 26-row-2 27-row-2 28-row-2 29-row-2 30-row-2 31-row-2 32-row-2 33-row-2 34-row-2 35-row-2 36-row-2 37-row-2 38-row-2 39-row-2 40-row-2 41-row-2 42-row-2 43-row-2 44-row-2 45-row-2 46-row-2 47-row-2 layout-auto
Commerce Intelligence Display Name Google Analytics Name / Formula
Page Views ga:pageviews
Total Time Spent On Page ga:timeOnPage
Bounces (One Page Visits) ga:bounces
Entrances ga:entrances
Exits ga:exits
Unique Pageviews ga:uniquePageviews
Ad Clicks ga:adClicks
Ad Cost ga:adCost
Cost per Click (CPC) ga:CPC
Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM) ga:CPM
Click-Through Rate (CTR) ga:CTR
Impressions ga:impressions
Product Revenue ga:itemRevenue
Products Purchased ga:itemQuantity
Revenue ga:transactionRevenue
Transactions ga:transactions
Shipping Revenue ga:transactionShipping
Tax Revenue ga:transactionTax
Unique Purchases ga:uniquePurchases
Pageviews After Internal Search ga:searchDepth
Visit Duration After Internal Search ga:searchDuration
Exits After Internal Search ga:searchExits
Internal Search Refinements ga:searchRefinements
Unique Users Using Internal Search ga:searchUniques
Bounce Rate ga:visitBounceRate
Average Time on Page ga:avgTimeOnPage
Average Session Length ga:avgSessionDuration
All Goals Conversion Rate ga:goalConversionRateAll
Total Events ga:totalEvents
Unique Events ga:uniqueEvents
Event Value ga:eventValue
Average Domain Lookup Time ga:avgDomainLookupTime
Average Page Download Time ga:avgPageDownloadTime
Average Page Load Time ga:avgPageLoadTime
Transactions Per Visit ga:transactionsPerVisit
Sessions ga:sessions
Users ga:users
`New Users ga:newUsers`
Sessions Where Internal Search Used ga:searchSessions
Goal X Starts ga:goal...Starts
Goal X Completions ga:goal...Completions
Goal X Conversion Rate ga:goal...ConversionRate
Goal X Total Value ga:goal...Value
All Goal Starts ga:goalStartsAll
All Goal Completions ga:goalCompletionsAll
All Goals Conversion Rate ga:goalConversionRateAll
Total Goal Value ga:goal1ValueAll

Supported Dimensions

table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3 3-row-3 4-row-3 5-row-3 6-row-3 7-row-3 8-row-3 9-row-3 10-row-3 11-row-3 12-row-3 13-row-3 14-row-3 15-row-3 16-row-3 17-row-3 18-row-3 19-row-3 20-row-3 21-row-3 22-row-3 23-row-3 24-row-3 25-row-3 26-row-3 27-row-3 28-row-3 29-row-3 30-row-3 31-row-3 32-row-3 33-row-3 34-row-3 35-row-3 36-row-3 37-row-3 38-row-3 39-row-3 40-row-3 41-row-3 42-row-3 43-row-3 44-row-3 45-row-3 46-row-3 47-row-3 48-row-3 49-row-3 50-row-3 51-row-3 52-row-3 53-row-3 54-row-3 55-row-3 56-row-3 57-row-3 58-row-3 59-row-3 60-row-3 61-row-3 62-row-3 layout-auto
Commerce Intelligence Display Name Google Analytics Name / Formula Groupable?
Ad Content ga:adContent Yes
Ad Group ga:adGroup Yes
Matched Search Query ga:adMatchedQuery Yes
Placement Domain ga:adPlacementDomain Yes
Placement URL ga:adPlacementUrl Yes
Affiliation ga:affiliation Yes
Browser ga:browser Yes
Browser Version ga:browserVersion Yes
Campaign ga:campaign Yes
Continent ga:continent Yes
Custom Variable 2 ga:customVarValue2 Yes
Custom Variable 3 ga:customVarValue3 Yes
Custom Variable 5 ga:customVarValue5 Yes
Date ga:date No
Day ga:day No
Days Since Last Session ga:daysSinceLastSession Yes
Days Since Referring Campagin ga:daysToTransaction Yes
Device Category ga:deviceCategory Yes
Custom Dimension 10 ga:dimension10 Yes
Custom Dimension 12 ga:dimension12 Yes
Custom Dimension 13 ga:dimension13 Yes
Custom Dimension 18 ga:dimension18 Yes
Custom Dimension 2 ga:dimension2 Yes
Custom Dimension 20 ga:dimension20 Yes
Custom Dimension 3 ga:dimension3 Yes
Custom Dimension 4 ga:dimension4 Yes
Custom Dimension 5 ga:dimension5 Yes
Custom Dimension 8 ga:dimension8 Yes
Custom Dimension 9 ga:dimension9 Yes
Event Action ga:eventAction Yes
Event Category ga:eventCategory Yes
Event Label ga:eventLabel Yes
Exit Page Path ga:exitPagePath Yes
Flash Version Supported ga:flashVersion Yes
Hour ga:hour No
In-Market Segment ga:interestInMarketCategory Yes
Language ga:language Yes
Longitude ga:longitude No
Medium ga:medium Yes
Metro ga:metro Yes
Mobile Device Branding ga:mobileDeviceBranding Yes
Mobile Device Info ga:mobileDeviceInfo Yes
Month ga:month No
Operating System ga:operatingSystem Yes
Operating System Version ga:operatingSystemVersion Yes
Pages Viewed per Session ga:pageDepth Yes
Page Path ga:pagePath Yes
Product Category ga:productCategory Yes
Product Name ga:productName Yes
Referral URL ga:referralPath No
Region (State) ga:region Yes
Screen Colors ga:screenColors Yes
Screen Resolution ga:screenResolution Yes
Internal Search Category ga:searchCategory Yes
Internal Search Refined Keyword(s) ga:searchKeywordRefinement Yes
Internal Search Used? ga:searchUsed Yes
Second Page Path ga:secondPagePath Yes
Source ga:source Yes
Sub-Continent ga:subContinent Yes
Transaction ID ga:transactionId Yes
Custom (User Defined) Value ga:userDefinedValue Yes
Year ga:year No
Supported Metrics and Dimensions (Google Analytics 4)

Google Analytics integrations in Commerce Intelligence use the Google Analytics Data API v1 (GA4).

note note
Commerce Intelligence does not support the following dimensions: cohort, cohortNthDay, cohortNthMonth, and cohortNthWeek.
To avoid unexpected or nonsensical results, confirm that any dimensions you use are compatible with one or more metrics you use in the Visual Report Builder. You can check the GA4 Dimensions & Metrics Explorer.