Schedule an import
For the available import file format and types of import entities, the scheduled import process is similar to the manual import process:
- The import file should be in .CSV format
- You can import product and customer data
The advantage of using scheduled import is that you can automatically import a data file multiple times after specifying the import parameters and schedule only once.
The details of each import operation are not written to a log, but when there is a failure you receive an Import Failed email with a description of the error. The result of the last scheduled import job is shown in the Last Outcome column on the Scheduled Import/Export page.
After each import operation, a copy of the import file is placed in the var/log/import_export
directory on the server where Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source is deployed. The timestamp, the marker of the imported entity (products or customers), and the type of the operation (in this case, import) are added to the import file name.
After each scheduled import job, a reindex operation is performed automatically. On the frontend, changes in the descriptions and other text information are reflected after the updated data goes to the database, and the changes in prices are reflected only after the reindex operation.
Step 1: Complete the import settings
On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Data Transfer > Scheduled Import/Export.
In the upper-right corner, click Add Scheduled Import.
Set the scheduling and import options:
Name — Enter a name for the scheduled import.
Description — Enter a brief description that explains the purpose of the import and how it is to be used.
Entity Type — Set to one of the following:
Advanced Pricing
Customers and Addresses (single file)
Customer Addresses
Customer Finances
Customers Main File
Stock Sources
Import Behavior — Set to one of the following:
Add/Update Complex Data
— Adds or updates new complex data to the existing complex data for existing entries in the database. This is the default value.Replace
— Writes over existing complex for existing entities in the database.Delete Entities
— Deletes existing entries in the database.Custom Action
- Customizes existing entities in the database.
For the Advanced Pricing, Products, Customers and Addresses (single file), and Stock Sources entity types, these import behaviors are displayed:Add/Update
, andDelete
. For the Customer Finances, Customers Main File, and Customers and Addresses entity types, these import behaviors are displayed:Add/Update Complex Data
,Delete Entities
, andCustom Action
. -
Start Time — Set to the hour, minute, and second that the import is scheduled to begin.
Frequency — Set to one of the following:
, orMonthly
On Error - Set to one of the following:
Stop Import
orContinue Processing
Status — To activate the scheduled import, set to
. -
Field Separator — Enter the character that is used to separate fields in the import file. The default character is a comma.
Multiple Value Separator — Enter the character that is used to separate multiple values within a field.
Step 2: Complete the import file information
Set Server Type to one of the following:
Local Server
- Imports the data from the same server where Adobe Commerce is installed.Remote FTP
- Imports the data from a remote server.
When the remote storage module is enabled,Local Server
automatically switches toRemote Storage
. -
Enter the File Directory where the import file originates.
Local Server
- Enter a relative path in the Commerce installation. For example,var/import
. If the Remote storage module is configured, useimport_export/import
.Remote FTP server
- Enter the full URL and path to the import folder on the remote server.
Enter the File Name to be imported.
For Images File Directory, enter the path to the directory where product images are stored.
On a local server, enter a relative path such as:
. On a remote storage, enter a relative path such as:import_export/import
Step 3: Configure the import failed emails
Set Failed Email Receiver to the store contact who is to receive notification if an error occurs during the import.
Set Failed Email Sender to the store contact that appears as the sender of the notification.
Set Failed Email Template to the template that is used for the notification.
For Send Failed Email Copy To, enter the email address of anyone who is to receive a copy of the notification.
Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
Set Failed Email Copy Method to one of the following:
- Sends a blind courtesy copy of the failed import notification. The name and address of the recipient is included in the original email distribution, but hidden from view.Separate Email
- Sends a copy of the failed import notification as a separate email.
When complete, click Save.
The new scheduled import job is added to the list on the Scheduled Import/Export page. From this page, it can be run immediately for testing and edited. The import file is validated before the execution of each import job.
Field descriptions
Import Settings
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the import. Helps you to distinguish it if many different scheduled imports are created. |
Description | (Optional) You can enter a description. |
Entity Type | Defines the data to be imported. |
Import Behavior | Defines how complex data is handled if the entities being imported exist in the database. Complex data for products include categories, websites, custom options, tier prices, related products, up-sells, cross-sells, and associated products data. Complex data for customers include addresses. Options: Add/Update Complex Data - The new complex data are added or updated to the existing complex data for existing entries in the database. This is the default value. Add/Update - New data is added to the existing entries in the database. All fields except sku can be updated for products. Any multiple field values that are not listed in the CSV file, such as categories or websites, remain in the database after the import.Replace - The existing complex data for the existing entities are replaced. Delete Entities - If imported entities exist in the database, they are deleted from the database. Custom Action - The existing complex entities are customized during the import process. |
Start Time | Set the start hour, minutes, and seconds of the import. |
Frequency | Define how often the import is run. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly |
On Error | Define the system behavior in case errors are found during file validation. Options: Stop Import — The file is not imported if any errors are found during validation. This is the default value. Continue Processing - In case errors are found during validation, but importing is possible, the file is imported. |
Status | The import is enabled by default. You can suspend it by setting the Status to Disabled . |
Field Separator | Determines the character that is used to separate fields. Default value: , (comma) |
Multiple Value Separator | Determines the character that is used to separate multiple values within a field. Default value: , (comma) |
Import File Information
Field | Description |
Server Type | You can import from a file on the same server where Commerce is deployed (select Local Server ) or from the remote FTP server (select Remote FTP ). If you select Remote FTP, additional options for credentials and file transfer settings appear. If the remote storage module is enabled, Local Server type is automatically switched to Remote Storage . |
File Directory | Specify the directory where the import file is located. If Server Type is set to Local Server, specify the path relative to the Commerce installation directory. For example: var/import or import_export/import for remote storage. |
File Name | Specify the name of the import file. |
Images File Directory | Enter the path to the directory where product images are stored. For a local server, enter a relative path. For example: var/import or import_export/import for remote storage. |
Import Failed Emails
Field | Description |
Failed Email Receiver | Specify the email address to which an email notification (failed import email) is sent if the import fails. |
Failed Email Sender | Specify the email address that is used as the sender for the import failed email. |
Failed Email Template | Select a template for the import failed email. By default, only the Import Failed (Default Template from Locale option is available. Custom templates can be created under System > Transactional Emails. |
Send Failed Email Copy To | The email address to which a copy of import failed email is sent. |
Send Failed Email Copy Method | Select the copy sending method for the import failed email. |
Schedule an export
Scheduled Export is similar to a manual Export in the available export file format and types of entities that can be exported:
- You can export to CSV format
- You can export product and customer data
The advantage of using Scheduled Export is that you can export data multiple times automatically, after specifying the export parameters, and schedule only once.
The details of each export are not written to a log, but if there is failure you receive an Export Failed email, which contains the error description. The result of the last export job appears in the Last Outcome column on the Scheduled Import/Export page.
After each export, the export file is placed in the user-defined location, and a copy in the var/log/import_export
directory on the server where Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source is deployed. The timestamp and the marker of the exported entity (products or customers) and type of the operation (in this case, export) are added to the export file name.
Step 1: Complete the export settings
On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Data Transfer > Scheduled Import/Export.
In the upper-right corner, click Add Scheduled Export and do the following:
Enter a Name for the scheduled export.
Enter a brief Description that explains the purpose of the export, and how it is to be used.
Set Entity Type to one of the following:
Advanced Pricing
Customer Financing
Customers Main File
Customer Addresses
Stock Sources
The Entity Attributes section at the bottom of the page is updated to reflect the selected Entity Type.
Set Start Time to the hour, minute, and second that the export is scheduled to begin.
Set Frequency to one of the following:
To activate the scheduled export, set Status to
. -
as the default File Format.
Step 2: Complete the export file information
Set Server Type to one of the following:
Local Server
- To save the export file on the same server where Commerce is installed.Remote FTP
— To save the export file on a remote server.
When the remote storage module is enabled, theLocal Server
automatically switches toRemote Storage
. -
For File Directory, enter the directory where the export file is to be saved as follows:
- For Local Server, enter a relative path within the Commerce installation, such as
. If the remote storage module is configured, useimport_export/export
. - For Remote FTP server, enter the full URL and path to the target folder on the destination server.
- For Local Server, enter a relative path within the Commerce installation, such as
If the Remote FTP server is selected, enter connection credentials to the server and select additional settings:
- For FTP Host[:Port], enter remote FTP host address.
- For User Name, enter the username used to access the remote server.
- For Password, enter the password of the provided username account.
- For File Mode, choose
. - For Passive Mode, choose
Step 3: Configure the export failure emails
Set Failed Email Receiver to the store contact who is to receive notification if an error occurs during the export.
Set Failed Email Sender to the store contact that appears as the sender of the notification.
Set Failed Email Template to the template that is used for the notification.
For Send Failed Email Copy To, enter the email address of anyone who is to receive a copy of the notification.
For multiple email addresses, separate with a comma.
Set Failed Email Copy Method to one of the following:
- Sends a blind courtesy copy. The name and address of the recipient is included in the original email distribution, but is hidden from view.Separate Email
— Sends the copy as a separate email.
Step 4: Choose the entity attributes
In the Entity Attributes section, choose the attributes that you want to include in the export data.
- To filter export data by attributes value, enter the attribute value in the Filter column.
- To exclude products or customers with certain attribute values, enter the values of the attributes that you want to exclude, and select the checkbox in the Skip column.
When complete, click Save.
The new scheduled export job is added to the list on the Scheduled Import/Export page. From this page it can be run immediately, for testing, and edited.
Field descriptions
Export Settings
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the export. Helps you to distinguish it if many different scheduled exports are created. |
Description | (Optional) A description of the scheduled export. |
Entity Type | Identifies the data to be exported. After the selection is made, the Entity Attributes appear below. Options: Advanced Pricing / Products / Customer Finances / Customers Main File / Customer Addresses / Stock Sources |
Start Time | Set the start hour, minutes, and seconds of the export. |
Frequency | Define how often the export job is executed. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly |
Status | A new scheduled export is enabled by default. You can suspend it by setting Status to Disabled. Options: Enabled / Disabled |
File Format | Select the format of the export file. Currently only the .CSV option is available. |