Terms and conditions for checkout
- Topics:
- Checkout
- Compliance
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Admin
- User
When manual Terms and Conditions functionality is enabled, customers are required to agree to the terms and conditions of the sale before the purchase is finalized. The Terms and Conditions of the sale typically includes disclosure information that might be required by law for B2C or B2B sites, and outlines the rights of the buyer and seller. The Terms and Conditions message appears after the payment information, just before the Place Order button.
Step 1: Enable terms and conditions for checkout
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Sales and choose Checkout.
Verify that Enable Onepage Checkout is set to
. -
Set Enable Terms and Conditions to
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Click Save Config.
Step 2: Add your own terms and conditions information
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Terms and Conditions.
In the upper-right corner, click Add New Condition.
Enter the Condition Name for internal reference.
Set Status to
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Set Applied to one of the following:
- Conditions are automatically accepted upon checkout.Manually
- Customers are required to manually accept the conditions to place an order.
Set Show Content as to one of the following:
- Displays the terms and conditions content as unformatted text.HTML
- Displays the content as HTML which can be formatted.
Select each Store View where you want these Terms and Conditions to be used.
Scroll down and complete the information to be displayed:
Enter the Checkbox Text to be used as the text for the Terms and Conditions link. For example,
I understand and accept the terms and conditions of the sale
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In the Content box, enter the full text of the terms and conditions of the sale.
(Optional) Enter the Content Height (css) in pixels to determine the height of the text box where the terms and conditions statement appears during checkout.
For example, to make the text box 1 inch high on a 96-dpi display, enter
. A scroll bar appears if the content extends beyond the height of the box. -
Click Save Condition.