Step 3: Complete the packaging description
To determine how the order is managed if sent as multiple packages, set Packages Request Type to one of the following:
Divide to Equal Weight
- (One Request) The shipment of multiple packages can be submitted as one request if the packages are divided by equal weight.Use Origin Weight
- (Multiple Requests) Multiple packages must be submitted as separate requests if using origin weight as the basis of calculating the shipping cost.
Set Container to the type of packaging normally used to ship products ordered for your store.
Set the Size of the typical package shipped from your store.
Set Machinable to one of the following:
- If your typical package can be processed by a machine.No
- If your typical package must be processed manually.
Enter the Maximum Package Weight according to carrier requirements.
Step 4: Set up handling fees
The handling fee is optional, and appears as an extra charge that is added to the DHL shipping cost. If you want to include a handling fee, do the following:
Set Calculate Handling Fee to one of the following methods:
To determine how the handling fee is applied, set Handling Applied to one of the following:
Per Order
Per Package
Enter the amount of the Handling Fee to be charged.
To enter a percentage, use the decimal format. For example, enter
for 25%.