Update events

Events can be edited from either the Events page or from the category that is associated with the event. When a category has an associated event, an Edit Event button appears in the upper-right corner.

Method 1: Edit an event from the Events page

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Private Sales > Events.

  2. Find the event in the list, and open it in edit mode.

  3. Make the necessary changes to the event.

  4. When complete, click Save.

Method 2: Edit an event from a category

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Categories.

  2. In the category tree on the left, select the category that is associated with the event.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Edit Event.

  4. Make the necessary changes to the event.

  5. When complete, click Save.

Delete an event

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Private Sales > Events.

  2. Find the event in the list and open it in edit mode.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Delete.

  4. To confirm the action click OK.

Field descriptions

CategoryGlobalWhen creating an event, this field links back to the category tree. When editing an event, it links to the category page related to the event.
Start DateGlobalThe starting date and time of the event in MMDDYYYY HH;MM format. Click the calendar icon to select the date.
End DateGlobalThe ending date and time of the event in MMDDYYYY HH;MM format. Click the calendar icon to select the date.
ImageStore ViewUploads an image that appears in the Catalog Events Carousel widget.
Sort OrderGlobalDetermines the sequence in which this event appears when listed with other events.
Display Countdown Ticker OnGlobalDisplays the countdown ticker in the header of each page specified. Options: Category Page / Product Page
StatusGlobalIndicates the status of the event based on the Start Date and End Date range. Status is a read-only value. Values: Open / Closed / Upcoming