Cart price rule example - free shipping promotion

Free shipping can be offered as a promotion, either with, or without a coupon. A free shipping coupon, or voucher, can also be applied to customer pick-up orders, so the order can be invoiced and shipped to complete the workflow.

Some shipping carrier configurations give you the ability to offer free shipping based on a minimum order. To expand upon this basic capability, you can use shopping cart price rules to create complex conditions based on multiple product attributes, cart contents, and customer groups.

Step 1. Enable free shipping

  1. Enable free shipping in your store configuration.

  2. Complete the free shipping settings for any carrier service that you want to use for free shipping.

Step 2. Create a cart price rule

On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > Promotions > Cart Price Rules.

Follow the steps below to set up the type of free shipping promotion that you want to offer.

Example 1: Free shipping for any order

  1. Complete the Rule Information as follows:

    • Enter a Rule Name for internal reference.

    • Enter a brief Description to describe the rule.

    • Set Active to Yes.

    • In the Websites box, select each site where the free shipping coupon is to be available.

    • Select the Customer Groups to which the rule applies.

    • Set Coupon to one of the following:

      • To offer a free shipping promotion without a coupon, accept the default (No Coupon) setting.
      • To use a coupon with the price rule, select Specific Coupon. If necessary, complete the instructions to set up a coupon.
  2. Scroll down and expand Expansion selector the Actions section and do the following:

    • Set Apply to Percent of product price discount.
    • Set Apply to Shipping Amount to Yes.
    • Set Free Shipping to For matching items only.

    Cart price rule - free shipping actions {width="600" modal="regular"}

Example 2: Free shipping for orders over $ amount

  1. Complete the General Information settings as described in the previous example.

  2. Scroll down and expand Expansion selector the Conditions section.

  3. Click Add ( Add icon ) to insert a condition and do the following:

    • In the list under Cart Attribute, choose Subtotal.
    • Click is and choose equals or greater than.
    • Click and enter a threshold value for the Subtotal, such as 100, to complete the condition.

    Cart price rule - condition {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. If necessary, expand Expansion selector the Actions section and do the following:

    • Set Apply to Percent of product price discount.
    • Set Apply to Shipping Amount to Yes.
    • Set Free Shipping to For matching items only.

Step 3. Complete the labels

Complete Step 4 of the cart price rule instructions to enter any labels that appear during checkout.

Step 4. Save and test the rule

Price rules are automatically processed with other system rules. Processing frequency depends on the cron configuration. When you create a price rule, allow enough time for it to get into the system. WHen you are sure it is in the system, test the rule.
  1. When your rule is complete, click Save Rule.

  2. Test the rule to make sure that it works correctly.
