Cart price rule example - discount with minimum product price

Cart price rules can be used to offer a percentage discount based on a minimum product price in the cart. In the following example, a 10% discount is applied to all products in the whole cart when at least 1 product with a price over $30.00 from a specified category is added to the cart. The format of the discount is as follows:

X% whole cart off when at least 1 product is from Y category, and its price is over $Z dollars.

Step 1. Create a cart rule

Follow the basic instructions to create a cart rule.

Step 2. Define the conditions

  1. Scroll down and expand Expansion selector the Conditions section.

  2. Click Add ( Add icon ) and choose Product Attribute Combination.

    Cart price rule condition - product attribute combination {width="500" modal="regular"}

  3. Click Add ( Add icon ) at the beginning of the next line and in the list under Product Attribute, choose Category.

    • Click the () more link to display additional options.

      Cart price rule condition - category options {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Click the Chooser ( List icon ) icon to see the available categories. In the category tree, select the checkbox of each category that you want to include. Click the check icon to accept the category selections.

      Cart price rule condition - category {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. Click Add ( Add icon ) at the beginning of the next line and do the following:

    • In the list under Cart Item Attribute, choose Price in cart.

      Cart price rule condition - cart item attribute {width="500"}

    • Click is and choose equals or greater than.

    • Click and enter the amount that the Price in Cart must be to meet the condition. For example, enter 30.

      Cart price rule condition - price in cart {width="500"}

  5. Click Save and Continue Edit.

Step 3. Define the actions

  1. Expand Expansion selector the Actions section and do the following:

    Cart price rule actions {width="600" modal="regular"}

    • Set Apply to Percent of product price discount.

    • Enter the Discount Amount. For example, enter 10 for a 10% discount.

    • To prevent additional promotions from being applied to the purchase, set Discard subsequent rules to Yes.

  2. Click Save and Continue Edit and complete the rule as needed.

Step 4. Complete the labels

Complete Step 4 of the cart price rule instructions to enter any labels that appear during checkout.

Step 5: Save and test the rule

Price rules are automatically processed with other system rules. Processing frequency depends on the cron configuration. When you create a price rule, allow enough time for it to get into the system. WHen you are sure it is in the system, test the rule.
  1. When your rule is complete, click Save Rule.
  2. Test the rule to make sure that it works correctly.