Also applies to v8
Email parameters
- Topics:
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- Developer
This section presents the options and parameters that are specific to email delivery.
Email BCC
Adobe Campaign enables you to store emails on an external system through BCC by simply adding a BCC email address to your message target.
Once the option activated, an exact copy of all sent messages will be kept for this delivery.
For more information on Email BCC configuration and best practices, refer to this section.
When creating a new delivery or delivery template, Email BCC is not enabled by default. You need to enable it manually at the email delivery or delivery template level.
To enable Email BCC for an email delivery template, follow the steps below:
Go to Campaign Management > Deliveries or Resources > Templates > Delivery templates.
Select the delivery of your choice or duplicate the out-of-the-box Email delivery template, then select the duplicated template.
Click the Properties button.
Select the Delivery tab.
Check the Email BCC option. A copy of all sent messages for each delivery based on this template will be sent to the Email BCC address which has been configured.
Selecting message formats
You can change the format of email messages sent. To do this, edit the delivery properties and click the Delivery tab.
Select the format of the email in the lower section of the window:
Use recipient preferences (default mode)
The message format is defined according to the data stored in the recipient profile and stored by default in the email format field (@emailFormat). If a recipient wishes to receive messages in a certain format, this is the format sent. If the field is not filled in, a multipart-alternative message is sent (see below).
Let recipient mail client choose the most appropriate format
The message contains both formats: text and HTML. The format displayed on reception depends on the configuration of the recipient’s mail software (multipart-alternative).
This option includes both versions of the document. It therefore impacts the delivery rate, because the message size is greater. -
Send all messages in text format
The message is sent in text format. HTML format will not be sent, but used for the mirror page only when the recipient clicks on the message.
Generating the mirror page
The mirror page is an HTML page accessible online via a web browser. Its content is identical to the email.
By default, the mirror page is generated if the link is inserted in the content of the mail. For more on personalization blocks insertion, refer to Personalization blocks.
In the delivery properties, the Mode field of the Validity tab lets you modify the generation mode for this page.
In addition to the default mode, the following options are also available:
Force the generation of the mirror page: even if no link to the mirror page is inserted in the delivery, the mirror page will be created.
Do not generate the mirror page: no mirror page is generated, even if the link is present in the delivery.
Generates a mirror page accessible using only the message identifier: this option lets you access the content of the mirror page, with personalization information, in the delivery log window. To do this, after the end of the delivery, click the Delivery tab and select the line of the recipient whose mirror page you wish to view. Click the Display the mirror page for this message… link.
Character encoding
In the SMTP tab of the delivery parameters, the Character encoding section allows you to set a specific encoding.
The default encoding is UTF-8. If some of your recipients’ email providers do not support the UTF-8 standard encoding, you may want to set a specific encoding to properly display the special characters to your emails’ recipients.
For example, you want to send an email containing Japanese characters. To make sure that all characters will be correctly displayed to your recipients in Japan, you may want to use an encoding that will support the Japanese characters rather than the standard UTF-8.
To do this, select the Force the encoding used for messages option in the Character encoding section and choose an encoding from the drop-down list that is displayed.
Managing bounce emails
The SMTP tab of the delivery parameters lets you configure the management of bounce mails.
By default, bounced emails are received in the default error box of the platform, but you can define a specific error address for a delivery.
You can also define a specific address from this screen in order to investigate the reasons for bounce mails when these could not be automatically qualified by the application. For each of these fields, the Add personalized fields icon lets you add personalization parameters.
For more on bounce mail management, see this section.
Adding SMTP headers
It is possible to add SMTP headers to your deliveries. To do this, use the relevant section of the SMTP tab in the delivery.
The script entered in this window must reference one header per line in the following form: name:value.
Values are encoded automatically if necessary.