Reference a hypothesis in a campaign delivery
You can reference a hypothesis in a marketing campaign before it is started. In this case, the hypothesis will be launched automatically once the delivery is sent, based on the execution settings defined in the hypothesis template. To create a hypothesis in a delivery, apply the following process:
Depending on your needs, you can create one or more Delivery type templates, as described in this section
Create a marketing campaign and targeting workflows.
In the delivery window, click the Delivery measurement icon.
Select the hypothesis template (the query configured in the model is displayed in the hypothesis window).
The hypothesis will be calculated automatically once the campaign is finished, based on the dates configured in the model. Learn more
Add a default hypothesis to deliveries for a campaign
You can directly reference a hypothesis at campaign level. In this case, the hypothesis will be automatically linked to all the deliveries created in the campaign. To do this:
Go to the Edit tab of the campaign.
In the measurement section, click the Default hypotheses tab.
Click Add and select a hypothesis template.
A hypothesis based on this template will now be referenced by default in each new delivery for the campaign.
The hypothesis results can be viewed in the General and Reactions tabs of the hypothesis. Learn more
For more information, you can also refer to this sample.
Create a hypothesis on an offer
Creating a hypothesis on an offer proposition is similar to creating an on the fly delivery hypothesis. The hypothesis can be executed as long as the offer is active. The calculation period is based on the offer proposition date. When the hypothesis lets you link a recipient to a purchase, the status of the offer proposition likely to be accepted can be changed automatically. Learn more
Create one or more Offer type models as described in this section.
Go to the Campaign management > Measurement hypotheses node.
Create an Offers type hypothesis by selecting the model created previously.
The query created in the model appears in the window.
Choose the offer for which you want to create a hypothesis.
Refine the query if necessary.
Click Start to run the hypothesis.
The hypothesis results can be viewed in its General and Reactions tabs. Learn more
Hypotheses made on an offer are referenced in the Measurement tab.
If the Update offer proposition status option was enabled in the hypothesis template, the status of the offer proposition is changed automatically, thereby providing feedback on the impact of the campaign (for more on this, refer to Transactions).