Web service description: WSDL
A WSDL (Web Service Description Library) file is available for each service. This XML file uses a metalanguage to describe the service and to specify the available methods, parameters, and the server to contact for executing the service.
WSDL file generation
To generate a WSDL file, you must enter the following URL from a Web browser:
: the Adobe Campaign application server (nlserver web)<schema>
: schema identification key (namespace:schema_name)
Example on the ‘ExecuteQuery’ method of schema ‘xtk:queryDef’
The WSDL file is generated from the URL:
A WSDL description starts by defining the types used to form messages, associated in “ports”, connected to a protocol by “bindings” forming Web services.
Type definitions are based on XML schemas. In our example, the “ExecuteQuery” method takes an “s:string” string and an XML document (<s:complextype>
) as parameters. The return value of the method (“ExecuteQueryResponse”) is an XML document ( <s:complextype>
<s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="urn:xtk:queryDef">
<s:element name="ExecuteQuery">
<s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="sessiontoken" type="s:string"/>
<s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="entity">
<s:element name="ExecuteQueryResponse">
<s:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="pdomOutput">
<s:complexType mixed="true">
The <message>
describes the names and types of a set of fields to be sent. The method uses two messages to pass as a parameter (“ExecuteQueryIn”) and the return value (“ExecuteQueryOut”).
<message name="ExecuteQueryIn">
<part element="tns:ExecuteQuery" name="parameters"/>
<message name="ExecuteQueryOut">
<part element="tns:ExecuteQueryResponse" name="parameters"/>
The <porttype>
associates the messages on the “ExecuteQuery” operation triggered by the query (“input”) generating a response (“output”).
<portType name="queryDefMethodsSoap">
<operation name="ExecuteQuery">
<input message="tns:ExecuteQueryIn"/>
<output message="tns:ExecuteQueryOut"/>
The <binding>
part specifies the SOAP communication protocol ( <soap:binding>
), data transport in HTTP (value of the “transport” attribute) and the data format for the “ExecuteQuery” operation. The body of the SOAP envelope contains the message segments directly without transformation.
<binding name="queryDefMethodsSoap" type="tns:queryDefMethodsSoap">
<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
<operation name="ExecuteQuery">
<soap:operation soapAction="xtk:queryDef#ExecuteQuery" style="document"/>
<soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="urn:xtk:queryDef" use="literal"/>
<soap:body encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="urn:xtk:queryDef" use="literal"/>
The <service>
part describes the “XtkQueryDef” service with its URI on the URL of the Adobe Campaign application server.
<service name="XtkQueryDef">
<port binding="tns:queryDefMethodsSoap" name="queryDefMethodsSoap">
<soap:address location="https://localhost/nl/jsp/soaprouter.jsp"/>
Adobe Campaign has increased security for authentication mechanisms by introducing security zones and session management settings.
There are two authentication modes available:
- via a call to logon method(). This mode generates a session token and a security token. It is the most secure mode and therefore the most recommended.
- via the Adobe Campaign login + password that creates a session token. The session token automatically expires after a set period. This mode is not recommended and requires reducing the application security settings for some zone settings (allowUserPassword=“true” and sessionTokenOnly=“true”).
Session token characteristics
The session token has the following characteristics:
a X hour life cycle (the life cycle is configurable in the ‘serverConf.xml’ file, the default period is 24 hours)
a random construction (it no longer contains the user login and password)
when accessed via the Web:
- the session token becomes a permanent token, it is not destroyed once the browser closes
- it is placed in an HTTP-ONLY cookie (cookies must be activated for operators)