- Topics:
- Variables
- Admin
- Developer
The t()
method is an important core component to Adobe Analytics. It takes all Analytics variables defined on the page, compiles them into an image request, and sends that data to Adobe data collection servers.
For example, consider the following JavaScript code:
// Instantiate the tracking object
var s = s_gi("examplersid");
// Define config variables and page variables
s.trackingServerSecure = "data.example.com";
s.eVar1 = "Example dimension item";
// Compile the variables on the page into an image request to Adobe
Running the t()
method takes all Analytics variables defined and formulates a URL based on those variables. Some Analytics variables determine the URL of the image, while other variables determine query string parameter values.
Adobe receives the image request, then parses the request header, URL, and query string parameters. Data collection servers then return a transparent 1x1 pixel image, invisibly displayed on your site.
Send event using the Web SDK extension
Use an Action to configure sending XDM event data to Adobe. The Datastream receives this data, applies any configured mappings, and forwards that data to Adobe Analytics if it is an added service to that Datastream.
- Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
- Click the desired tag property.
- Go to the Rules tab, then click the desired rule (or create a rule).
- Under Actions, click the desired Action or click the ‘+’ icon to add an action.
- Set the Extension drop-down list to Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK and the Action Type to Send event.
Send event manually implementing the Web SDK
Use the sendEvent
command to send data to Adobe. The Datastream receives this data, applies any configured mappings, and forwards that data to Adobe Analytics if it is an added service to that Datastream.
alloy("sendEvent", {
"xdm": {}
See Track events in the Web SDK documentation for more information.
Page view tracking call using the Adobe Analytics extension
The Adobe Analytics extension in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection has a dedicated location set a page view tracking call.
- Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
- Click the desired tag property.
- Go to the Rules tab, then click the desired rule (or create a rule).
- Under Actions, click the desired action or click the ‘+’ icon to add an action.
- Set the Extension drop-down list to Adobe Analytics, and the Action Type to Send Beacon.
- Click the
radio button.
s.t() method in AppMeasurement and the Analytics extension custom code editor
Call the s.t()
method when you want to send a tracking call to Adobe.
Optionally, you can use an object as an argument to override variable values. See variable overrides for more information.
var y = new Object();
y.eVar1 = "Override value";
is needed now.