Managing a Space

After you create a space, click the left to manage the space in the list.

You can view properties of the space, delete the space, or publish the space and its contents to an AEM publish instance.


Viewing and Editing Properties of a Space

  1. Select the space from the list
  2. Choose Properties from the toolbar
  3. Click Close when done

Publishing a Space When a space is published, all folders and entities in that space are also published.

  1. Select the space by clicking on its icon in the Space Console list
  2. Choose Publish Tree
You can Unpublish a Space, which removes the space from the publish instance.
The following image illustrates the actions that can be performed, after you publish the space.


Working with Folders in a Space

Spaces can include folders to help further organize space’s content and assets. Users can create their own hierarchy under a space.

Creating a Folder

  1. Click on the space in the list in the space console and click Create Folder


  2. Enter the Title, Name, and Description for the folder


  3. Click Create to create the folder in a space

Language Copy

Language Copy is not fully functional for this release. It only sets up the structure.

The Language Copy feature allows authors to copy their master Language Copy and then create a Project and Workflow to automatically translate the content. Language Copy creates the correct structure. Once you add a folder in a space, you can add Language Copy to your space.

It is recommended that any content that might be translated, should be placed under the Language Copy node.

Adding Language Copy

  1. After you create space, click that space to create a language copy.

    Click Create and choose Language Copy.


    Language Copy nodes can only exist as a direct child of the Space.
  2. Choose Content Package Language* and enter the Title* in Create Language Copy dialog.

    Click Create.


  3. Once you create a Language Copy, it appears in your space in Language Masters.


    Select Language Masters to view the language copy folders.

Removing a Folder from the Space

  1. Select the folder from the list of space contents

  2. Click Delete from the toolbar

    To navigate into a folder and to see its contents or add a sub folder or entity, click the title of the folder in the space’s content list.

Working with Entities in a Space

Entities represent content that is exposed through the web service endpoint. Entities are stored in spaces so the can be easily found and are kept independent of the AEM repository structure that holds their related content.

You may want to group entities together in some logical gathering. To do so you can create any number of folders.

If entity children, which are other entities, are gathered for data modeling, the developer user may create specific “Group Models” from the “Entity Group” model type, provided out-of-the-box.

Entities are always associated with a space, so most of the entity user interface is accessed through the space console.

Creating an Entity

  1. Open the Space console and click the title of the space.

    Optionally, you can navigate to the folder by clicking on the title of the folder in the list.


  2. Choose the model for the entity. This is the type of entity that you want to create. Click Next.


    You have the option to choose the Assets Model, Pages Model, or a model of entity type you created before.
    See Creating a Model, to create your custom entity.
  3. Enter a Title, Name, Description, and Tags for the entity. Click Create.


    Once you are done, the entity appears in your space’s descendants.

Editing an Entity

  1. Once you have created an entity, go to your folder or space and choose your entity from the Space console to edit.


  2. Select an entity for editing and click Edit.


    Depending on the template you choose to create your entity, the UI will be different for both, for editing and viewing properties of your entity. See the steps below for more details.

    If you choose the template for creating the entity as Assets Models, clicking on Edit lets you add assets as shown in the figure below:


    Alternatively, you can click Preview to view the json link.


    If you choose the template for creating the entity as Pages Models, clicking on Edit lets you add assets as shown in the figure below:


    Click on the icon in the Path to add an asset


    Once you add an entity, it must be saved for the Preview link to work. To view the preview, click Save. Clicking on the Preview shows the json of the added asset, as shown in the figure below:


    When you are done adding assets to your entity, you can either choose Save to save the changes or choose Save & Close to save and redirect to the Space console list where the entities are defined.

    Additionally, select an entity from the space console list and click Properties to view and edit the properties for a defined entity.


    You can edit the title, description, tags and add the assets to your entity.
