使用HSM以數位方式簽署或認證檔案 use-hsm-to-digitally-sign-or-certify-documents

硬體安全性模組(HSM)與權杖是專屬、強硬、防篡改的運算裝置,旨在安全地管理、處理和儲存數位金鑰。 這些裝置直接連線到電腦或網路伺服器。

Adobe Experience Manager Forms可使用儲存在HSM上的憑證或eSign,或將伺服器端數位簽名套用至檔案。 若要搭配AEM Forms使用HSM或etoken裝置:

使用AEM Forms設定HSM或etoken裝置之前 configurehsmetoken

  • 安裝AEM Forms附加元件套件。
  • 在與AEM伺服器相同的電腦上安裝並設定HSM或etoken使用者端軟體。 使用者端軟體必須與HSM和Etoken裝置通訊。

啟用DocAssurance服務 configuredocassurance

預設不會啟用DocAssurance服務。 執行以下步驟來啟用服務:

  1. 停止AEM Forms環境的Author例項。

  2. 開啟[AEM_root]\crx-quickstart\conf\sling.properties檔案以進行編輯。

    note note
  3. 在sling.properties檔案中新增或取代以下屬性:

    code language-shell
  4. 儲存並關閉sling.properties檔案。

  5. 重新啟動AEM執行個體。

建議您使用'Ctrl + C'命令重新啟動SDK。 使用替代方法重新啟動AEM SDK (例如停止Java程式)可能會導致AEM開發環境不一致。

建立裝置的別名 configuredeviceinaemconsole

別名包含HSM或etoken所需的所有引數。 執行以下指示,為eSign或Digital Signatures使用的每個HSM或etoken認證建立別名:

  1. 開啟AEM主控台。 AEM主控台的預設URL為https://<host>:<port>/system/console/configMgr

  2. 開啟​ HSM認證設定服務,並指定下列欄位的值:

    • 認證別名:指定用來識別別名的字串。 此值會用作某些數位簽名作業(例如「簽名欄位」作業)的屬性。
    • DLL路徑:指定伺服器上HSM或etoken使用者端程式庫的路徑。 例如 C:\Program Files\LunaSA\cryptoki.dll。在叢集環境中,您必須確定叢集中的所有伺服器都必須使用相同的路徑。
    • HSM Pin:指定存取裝置金鑰所需的密碼。
    • HSM插槽識別碼:指定整數型別的插槽識別碼。 插槽ID是依使用者端而設定。 用於識別HSM上包含簽署/認證私密金鑰的插槽。
    note note
    設定Etoken時,請為HSM插槽ID欄位指定數值。 必須有數值才能讓簽名作業正常運作。
    • 憑證SHA1:為您使用的認證指定公開金鑰(.cer)檔案的SHA1值(指紋)。 請確定SHA1值中未使用空格。
    • HSM裝置型別:選取HSM (Luna或其他)或eToken裝置的製造商。

    按一下「儲存」。已針對AEM Forms設定硬體安全性模組。 現在,您可以搭配AEM Forms使用硬體安全性模組,以簽署或認證檔案。

使用DocAssurance Service API簽署或認證檔案,並使用儲存在裝置上的數位金鑰  programatically


 * ___________________
 * Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
 * the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers,
 * if any.  The intellectual and technical concepts contained
 * herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its
 * suppliers and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
 * Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
 * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained
 * from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
package com.adobe.docassurance.samples;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

import javax.jcr.Binary;
import javax.jcr.Node;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.Session;

import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;
import org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceResolver;
import org.apache.sling.jcr.api.SlingRepository;
import org.apache.sling.jcr.resource.JcrResourceResolverFactory;

import com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document;
import com.adobe.fd.docassurance.client.api.DocAssuranceException;
import com.adobe.fd.docassurance.client.api.DocAssuranceService;
import com.adobe.fd.docassurance.client.api.DocAssuranceServiceOperationTypes;
import com.adobe.fd.docassurance.client.api.SignatureOptions;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.client.types.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.CredentialContext;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.DSSPreferences;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.DSSPreferencesImpl;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.PDFSignatureAppearenceOptions;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.UnlockOptions;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.PDFSignatureAppearenceOptions.PDFSignatureAppearanceType;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pdf.inputs.PDFSignatureAppearenceOptions.TextDirection;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.common.HashAlgorithm;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.common.RevocationCheckStyle;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.CRLPreferences;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.CRLPreferencesImpl;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.GeneralPreferencesImpl;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.PKIPreferences;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.PKIPreferencesImpl;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.PathValidationPreferences;
import com.adobe.fd.signatures.pki.client.types.prefs.PathValidationPreferencesImpl;

 * Digital signatures can be applied to PDF documents to provide a level of security. Digital signatures, like handwritten signatures, provide a means by which signers
 * identify themselves and make statements about a document. The technology used to digitally sign documents helps to ensure that both the signer and recipients are clear
 * about what was signed and confident that the document was not altered since it was signed.
 * PDF documents are signed by means of public-key technology. A signer has two keys: a public key and a private key. The private key is stored in a user's credential that
 * must be available at the time of signing. The public key is stored in the user's certificate that must be available to recipients to validate the signature. Information
 * about revoked certificates is found in certificate revocation lists (CRLs) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responses distributed by Certificate Authorities (CAs).
 * The time of signing can be obtained from a trusted source known as a Timestamping Authority.
 * The following Java code example digitally signs a PDF document that is based on a PDF file.
 * The alias that is specified for the security credential is secure, and revocation checking is performed.
 * Because no CRL or OCSP server information is specified, the server information is obtained from the certificate used to
 * digitally sign the PDF document
 * PreRequisites - Digital certificate for signing the document has to be uploaded on Granite Key Store

public class Sign{
 private DocAssuranceService docAssuranceService;

    private SlingRepository slingRepository;

    private JcrResourceResolverFactory jcrResourceResolverFactory ;

  * @param inputFile - path to the pdf document stored at JCR node
  * @param outputFile - path to the pdf document where the output needs to be stored
  * @throws IOException
  * @throws RepositoryException
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws DocAssuranceException
 public void signExtend(String inputFile, String outputFile, String alias) throws IOException, RepositoryException, InvalidArgumentException, DocAssuranceException{

  Document inDoc = new Document(inputFile);
  Document outDoc = null;

  Session adminSession = null;
        ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
        try {

          /** resourceResolver with admin privileges to be passed to SignatureServiceAPI and Reader Extensions
          the resource resolver for signature options has to be corresponding to the user who has the signing certificate in his granite key store
          the resource resolver for signature options has to be corresponding to the user who has the credential for reader extension in his granite key store
          here we are using the same resource resolver
          adminSession = slingRepository.loginAdministrative(null);
             resourceResolver = jcrResourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver(adminSession);

             //retrieve specifications for each of the services, you may pass null if you do not want to use that service
             //as we do not want encryption in this case, passing null for Encryption Options
             //for encrypted document pass Unlock Options - see the method getUnlockOptions() below
    outDoc = docAssuranceService.secureDocument(inDoc, null, getSignatureOptions(alias,resourceResolver),null,null);
  catch(Exception e){
             * always close the PDFDocument object after your processing is done.
            if(inDoc != null){
            if(adminSession != null && adminSession.isLive()){
                if(resourceResolver != null){

        //flush the output document contents to JCR Node
  flush(outDoc, outputFile);


  * @param rr resource resolver corresponding to the user with the access to signing credential for the
  * given alias "allcertificatesanypolicytest11ee_new" in this case
  * @return SignatureOptions
 private SignatureOptions getSignatureOptions(String alias, ResourceResolver rr){

  //create an instance of SignatureOptions
  SignatureOptions signatureOptions = SignatureOptions.getInstance();

  //set the operation you want to perform - SIGN/CERTIFY

  //field to sign
  String fieldName = "Signature1" ;

        //Hash Algo to be used to compute digest the PDF document
        HashAlgorithm algo = HashAlgorithm.SHA384;

        //Reason for signing/certifying
        String reason = "Test Reason";

        //location of the signer
        String location = "Test Location";

        //contact info of the signer
        String contactInfo = "Test Contact";

        //Create a PDFSignatureAppearanceOptions object
        //and show date information
        PDFSignatureAppearenceOptions appOptions = new PDFSignatureAppearenceOptions(
                PDFSignatureAppearanceType.NAME, null, 1.0d, null, true, true,
                true, true, true, true, true, TextDirection.AUTO);

        signatureOptions.setCredential(new CredentialContext(alias, rr, true));
  return signatureOptions;

 private DSSPreferences getDSSPreferences(ResourceResolver rr){
  //sets the DSS Preferences
        DSSPreferencesImpl prefs = DSSPreferencesImpl.getInstance();
        GeneralPreferencesImpl gp = (GeneralPreferencesImpl) prefs.getPKIPreferences().getGeneralPreferences();
        return prefs;

    private PKIPreferences getPKIPreferences(){
     //sets the PKI Preferences
        PKIPreferences pkiPref = new PKIPreferencesImpl();
        return pkiPref;

    private CRLPreferences getCRLPreferences(){
        //specifies the CRL Preferences
        CRLPreferencesImpl crlPrefs = new CRLPreferencesImpl();
        return crlPrefs;

    private PathValidationPreferences getPathValidationPreferences(){
     //sets the path validation preferences
        PathValidationPreferencesImpl pathPref = new PathValidationPreferencesImpl();
        return pathPref;


     * sets Unlock Options for encrypted PDF
    private UnlockOptions getUnlockOptions(){
        UnlockOptions unlockOptions = new UnlockOptions();
        //sets the Open Password for password encrypted PDF

        //for Certificate Encrypted Document, set the alias of the credential uploaded in the user's key store
        //and corresponding resource resolver

        return unlockOptions;

     * This method copies the data from {@code Document}, to the specified file at the given resourcePath.
     * @param doc
     * @param resourcePath
     * @throws IOException
    private void flush(Document doc, String resourcePath) throws IOException {
   //extracts the byte data from Document
   byte[] output = doc.getInlineData();
   Binary opBin;
   Session adminSession = null;
      try {
         adminSession = slingRepository.loginAdministrative(null);

         //get access to the specific node
         //here we are assuming that node exists
           Node node = adminSession.getNode(resourcePath);

           //convert byte[] to Binary
           opBin = adminSession.getValueFactory().createBinary((InputStream)new ByteArrayInputStream(output));

           //set the Binary data value to node's jcr:data
      } catch (RepositoryException e) {


       if(adminSession != null && adminSession.isLive()){
        try {
     } catch (RepositoryException e) {




如果您已經從AEM 6.0 Form或AEM 6.1 Forms升級,而且您使用的是舊版的DocAssurance服務,則:

  • 若要在沒有HSM或etoken裝置的情況下使用DocAssurance服務,請繼續使用現有的程式碼。
  • 若要搭配HSM或etoken裝置使用DocAssurance服務,請以下列的API取代您現有的CredentialContext物件程式碼。
  * @param credentialAlias alias of the PKI Credential stored in CQ Key Store or
  * the alias of the HSM Credential configured using HSM Credentials Configuration Service.
  * @param resourceResolver corresponding to the user with the access to the key store and trust store.
  * @param isHSMCredential if the alias is corresponding to HSM Credential.
 public CredentialContext(String credentialAlias, ResourceResolver resourceResolver, boolean isHSMCredential);

如需DocAssurance服務的API和範常式式碼詳細資訊,請參閱以程式設計方式使用AEM Document Services
