- 主題:
- 設定
- 經驗豐富
- 管理員
- 開發人員
RabbitMQ 索引標籤具有著重於RabbitMQ訊號的資訊。
RabbitMQ Infrastructure events
RabbitMQ Infrastructure events 框架顯示涉及所選時間範圍內所發生RabbitMQ的基礎結構事件:
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host1]: unexpected http response from%
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host2]: unexpected http response from%
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host3]: unexpected http response from%
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host3]: Get "http://localhost:15672/api/healthchecks/node/rabbit@host3": context deadline exceeded%
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host1]: Get "http://localhost:15672/api/healthchecks/node/rabbit@host1": context deadline exceeded%
%Response [error] for node [rabbit@host2]: Get "http://localhost:15672/api/healthchecks/node/rabbit@host2": context deadline exceeded%
%401 Unauthorized%
%401 Unauthorized%
%Service restarted: rabbitmq-server%
%Response [failed] for node [rabbit@host1]: nodedown%
%Response [failed] for node [rabbit@host2]: nodedown%
%Response [failed] for node [rabbit@host2]: nodedown%
%Entity modified: exchange/bindings.destination%
%Entity modified: exchange/bindings.destination%
%Entity modified: queue/exclusive%
%Entity modified: queue/auto_delete%
%Entity modified: queue/durable%
%Entity modified: version/management%
%Entity modified: version/management%
RabbitMQ service start/stop signals
%RabbitMQ is asked to stop...%
%Starting RabbitMQ%
RabbitMQ errors
%exit with reason {case_clause,timeout} and stacktrace {rabbit_mgmt_wm_healthchecks%}
%client unexpectedly closed TCP connection%
%at undefined exit with reason shutdown in context shutdown_error%
%Connection attempt from disallowed node%
%closing AMQP connection%
RabbitMQ node status
%rabbit on node rabbit@host1 down%
%rabbit on node rabbit@host2 down%
%rabbit on node rabbit@host3 down%
%rabbit on node rabbit@host1 up%
%rabbit on node rabbit@host2 up%
%rabbit on node rabbit@host3 up%
RabbitMQ Message High-Level Summary status by Queue
RabbitMQ Message High-Level Summary status by Queue 圖表顯示在所選時間範圍內的RabbitMQ佇列所發佈的訊息數目。
RabbitMQ Message Detail Summary
%report.ERROR: Cron Job consumers_runner has an error: NOT_FOUND - no queue%
%report.ERROR: Cron Job consumers_runner has an error: NOT_FOUND - no queue%
%authenticated and granted access to vhost%
%closing AMQP connection%
RabbitMQ Queue Consumption MB
RabbitMQ Queue Consumption MB 圖表顯示所選時間範圍內每個RabbitMQ佇列消耗的位元組數。
RabbitMQ Published Messages by Queue
RabbitMQ Published Messages by Queue 圖表顯示所選時間範圍內每個RabbitMQ佇列消耗的位元組數。
RabbitMQ Published Message Throughput by Queue
RabbitMQ Published Message Throughput by Queue 圖表顯示所選時間範圍內每個RabbitMQ佇列每秒的平均已發佈訊息數。
RabbitMQ Total Message Throughput by Queue
RabbitMQ Total Message Throughput by Queue 圖表顯示所選時間範圍內每個RabbitMQ佇列每秒的平均訊息總數。
RabbitMQ Consumers by Queue
RabbitMQ Consumers by Queue 圖表顯示所選時間範圍內每個RabbitMQ佇列的消費者平均總數。