Apple SSO指南(REST API) apple-sso-cookbook-rest-api

此页面上的内容仅供参考。 使用此API需要来自Adobe的当前许可证。 不允许未经授权使用。

介绍 Introduction

Adobe Pass身份验证REST API可以通过我们所说的Apple SSO工作流程,为在iOS、iPadOS或tvOS上运行的客户端应用程序的最终用户支持平台单点登录(SSO)身份验证。

请注意,本文档可用作现有REST API文档的扩展,您可以找到该文档 此处.

指南 Cookbooks

为了从Apple SSO用户体验中获益,一个应用程序需要将 视频订阅者帐户 由Apple开发的框架,而关于Adobe Pass身份验证REST API通信,则必须遵循下面提供的提示顺序。

身份验证 Authentication

步骤:“是否存在有效的Adobe身份验证令牌?” Is_there_a_valid_Adobe_authentication_token

提示: 通过以下媒体实施此操作 Adobe Pass身份验证 服务。

步骤:“用户是否通过Platform SSO登录?” Is_the_user_logged_in_via_Platform_SSO

提示: 通过以下媒体实施此操作 视频订阅者帐户 框架。
  • 应用程序必须检查 访问权限 用户的订阅信息,只有在用户允许的情况下才会继续。
  • 申请者必须提交 请求 以获取订阅者帐户信息。
  • 应用程序必须等待并处理 元数据 信息。
专业提示: 请按照代码片段进行操作,并特别注意注释内容。
let videoSubscriberAccountManager: VSAccountManager = VSAccountManager();

videoSubscriberAccountManager.checkAccessStatus(options: [VSCheckAccessOption.prompt: true]) { (accessStatus, error) -> Void in
            switch (accessStatus) {
            // The user allows the application to access subscription information.
            case VSAccountAccessStatus.granted:
                    // Construct the request for subscriber account information.
                    let vsaMetadataRequest: VSAccountMetadataRequest = VSAccountMetadataRequest();

                    // This is actually the SAML Issuer not the channel ID.
                    vsaMetadataRequest.channelIdentifier = "";

                    // This is the subscription account information needed at this step.
                    vsaMetadataRequest.includeAccountProviderIdentifier = true;

                    // This is the subscription account information needed at this step.
                    vsaMetadataRequest.includeAuthenticationExpirationDate = true;

                    // This is going to make the Video Subscriber Account framework to refrain from prompting the user with the providers picker at this step.
                    vsaMetadataRequest.isInterruptionAllowed = false;

                    // Submit the request for subscriber account information - accountProviderIdentifier.
                    videoSubscriberAccountManager.enqueue(vsaMetadataRequest) { vsaMetadata, vsaError in
                        if (vsaMetadata != nil && vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier != nil) {
                            // The vsaMetadata!.authenticationExpirationDate will contain the expiration date for current authentication session.
                            // The vsaMetadata!.authenticationExpirationDate should be compared against current date.
                            // The vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier will contain the provider identifier as it is known for the platform configuration.
                            // The vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier represents the platformMappingId in terms of Adobe Pass Authentication configuration.
                            // The application must determine the MVPD id property value based on the platformMappingId property value obtained above.
                            // The application must use the MVPD id further in its communication with Adobe Pass Authentication services.
                            // Continue with the "Obtain a profile request from Adobe for the selected MVPD" step.
                            // Continue with the "Forward the Adobe request to Platform SSO to obtain the profile" step.
                        } else {
                            // The user is not authenticated at platform level, continue with the "Fetch Adobe configuration" step.

            // The user has not yet made a choice or does not allow the application to access subscription information.
                // Fallback to regular authentication workflow.

步骤:“获取Adobe配置” Fetch_Adobe_configuration

提示: 通过以下媒体实施此操作 Adobe Pass身份验证 服务。
专业提示: 请注意MVPD属性: enablePlatformServicesboardingStatusdisplayInPlatformPickerplatformMappingIdrequiredMetadataFields 并特别注意其他步骤的代码片段中的注释。

步骤“使用Adobe配置启动平台SSO工作流” Initiate_Platform_SSO_workflow_with_Adobe_config

提示: 通过以下媒体实施此操作 视频订阅者帐户 框架。
  • 应用程序必须检查 访问权限 用户的订阅信息,只有在用户允许的情况下才会继续。
  • 应用程序必须提供 委派 用于VSAccountManager。
  • 申请者必须提交 请求 以获取订阅者帐户信息。
  • 应用程序必须等待并处理 元数据 信息。
专业提示: 请按照代码片段进行操作,并特别注意注释内容。
    let videoSubscriberAccountManager: VSAccountManager = VSAccountManager();

    // This must be a class implementing the VSAccountManagerDelegate protocol.
    let videoSubscriberAccountManagerDelegate: VideoSubscriberAccountManagerDelegate = VideoSubscriberAccountManagerDelegate();

    videoSubscriberAccountManager.delegate = videoSubscriberAccountManagerDelegate;

    videoSubscriberAccountManager.checkAccessStatus(options: [VSCheckAccessOption.prompt: true]) { (accessStatus, error) -> Void in
                switch (accessStatus) {
                // The user allows the application to access subscription information.
                case VSAccountAccessStatus.granted:
                        // Construct the request for subscriber account information.
                        let vsaMetadataRequest: VSAccountMetadataRequest = VSAccountMetadataRequest();

                        // This is actually the SAML Issuer not the channel ID.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.channelIdentifier = "";

                        // This is the subscription account information needed at this step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.includeAccountProviderIdentifier = true;

                        // This is the subscription account information needed at this step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.includeAuthenticationExpirationDate = true;

                        // This is going to make the Video Subscriber Account framework to prompt the user with the providers picker at this step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.isInterruptionAllowed = true;

                        // This can be computed from the [Adobe Pass Authentication]( service response in order to filter the TV providers from the Apple picker.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.supportedAccountProviderIdentifiers = supportedAccountProviderIdentifiers;

                        // This can be computed from the [Adobe Pass Authentication]( service response in order to sort the TV providers from the Apple picker.
                        if #available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11, *) {
                            vsaMetadataRequest.featuredAccountProviderIdentifiers = featuredAccountProviderIdentifiers;

                        // Submit the request for subscriber account information - accountProviderIdentifier.
                        videoSubscriberAccountManager.enqueue(vsaMetadataRequest) { vsaMetadata, vsaError in
                            // This represents the checks for the "Is user login successful?" step.
                            if (vsaMetadata != nil && vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier != nil) {
                                // The vsaMetadata!.authenticationExpirationDate will contain the expiration date for current authentication session.
                                // The vsaMetadata!.authenticationExpirationDate should be compared against current date.
                                // The vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier will contain the provider identifier as it is known for the platform configuration.
                                // The vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier represents the platformMappingId in terms of Adobe Pass Authentication configuration.
                                // The application must determine the MVPD id property value based on the platformMappingId property value obtained above.
                                // The application must use the MVPD id further in its communication with Adobe Pass Authentication services.
                                // Continue with the "Obtain a profile request from Adobe for the selected MVPD" step.
                                // Continue with the "Forward the Adobe request to Platform SSO to obtain the profile" step.
                            } else {
                                // The user is not authenticated at platform level.
                                if (vsaError != nil) {
                                    // The application can check to see if the user selected a provider which is present in Apple picker, but the provider is not onboarded in platform SSO.
                                    if let error: NSError = (vsaError! as NSError), error.code == 1, let appleMsoId = error.userInfo["VSErrorInfoKeyUnsupportedProviderIdentifier"] as! String? {
                                        var mvpd: Mvpd? = nil;

                                        // The requestor.mvpds must be computed during the "Fetch Adobe configuration" step.
                                        for provider in requestor.mvpds {
                                            if provider.platformMappingId == appleMsoId {
                                                mvpd = provider;

                                        if mvpd != nil {
                                            // Continue with the "Initiate second screen authentcation workflow" step, but you can skip prompting the user with your MVPD picker and use the mvpd selection, therefore creating a better UX.
                                        } else {
                                            // Continue with the "Initiate second screen authentcation workflow" step.
                                    } else {
                                        // Continue with the "Initiate second screen authentcation workflow" step.
                                } else {
                                    // Continue with the "Initiate second screen authentcation workflow" step.

                // The user has not yet made a choice or does not allow the application to access subscription information.
                    // Fallback to regular authentication workflow.

步骤:“用户登录是否成功?” Is_user_login_successful

专业提示: 请注意中的代码片段 “使用Adobe配置启动平台SSO工作流” 步骤。 用户登录成功,以防出现 vsaMetadata!.accountProviderIdentifier 包含有效值,并且当前日期未超过 vsaMetadata!.authenticationExpirationDate 值。

步骤“从Adobe获取所选MVPD的配置文件请求” Obtain_a_profile_request_from_Adobe_for_the_selected_MVPD

提示: 通过Adobe Pass身份验证媒体实施此操作 配置文件请求 服务。
专业提示: 请注意,从视频订阅者帐户框架中获取的提供程序标识符表示 platformMappingId 在Adobe Pass身份验证配置方面。 因此,应用程序必须使用 platformMappingId 值,通过Adobe Pass身份验证 提供MVPD列表 服务。

步骤:“将Adobe请求转发给Platform SSO以获取配置文件” Forward_the_Adobe_request_to_Platform_SSO_to_obtain_the_profile

提示: 通过以下媒体实施此操作 视频订阅者帐户 框架。
  • 应用程序必须检查 访问权限 用户的订阅信息,只有在用户允许的情况下才会继续。
  • 申请者必须提交 请求 以获取订阅者帐户信息。
  • 应用程序必须等待并处理 元数据 信息。
专业提示: 请按照代码片段进行操作,并特别注意注释内容。
    let videoSubscriberAccountManager: VSAccountManager = VSAccountManager();

    videoSubscriberAccountManager.checkAccessStatus(options: [VSCheckAccessOption.prompt: true]) { (accessStatus, error) -> Void in
                switch (accessStatus) {
                // The user allows the application to access subscription information.
                case VSAccountAccessStatus.granted:
                        // Construct the request for subscriber account information.
                        let vsaMetadataRequest: VSAccountMetadataRequest = VSAccountMetadataRequest();

                        // This is actually the SAML Issuer not the channel ID.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.channelIdentifier = "";

                        // This is going to include subscription account information which should match the provider determined in a previous step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.includeAccountProviderIdentifier = true;

                        // This is going to include subscription account information which should match the provider determined in a previous step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.includeAuthenticationExpirationDate = true;

                        // This is going to make the Video Subscriber Account framework to refrain from prompting the user with the providers picker at this step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.isInterruptionAllowed = false;

                        // This are the user metadata fields expected to be available on a successful login and are determined from the [Adobe Pass Authentication]( service. Look for the requiredMetadataFields associated with the provider determined in a previous step.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.attributeNames = requiredMetadataFields;

                        // This is the payload from [Adobe Pass Authentication]( service.
                        vsaMetadataRequest.verificationToken = profileRequestPayload;

                        // Submit the request for subscriber account information.
                        videoSubscriberAccountManager.enqueue(vsaMetadataRequest) { vsaMetadata, vsaError in
                            if (vsaMetadata != nil && vsaMetadata!.samlAttributeQueryResponse != nil) {
                                var samlResponse: String? = vsaMetadata!.samlAttributeQueryResponse!;

                                // Remove new lines, new tabs and spaces.
                                samlResponse = samlResponse?.replacingOccurrences(of: "[ \\t]+", with: " ", options: String.CompareOptions.regularExpression);
                                samlResponse = samlResponse?.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.newlines).joined(separator: "");
                                samlResponse = samlResponse?.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines);

                                // Base64 encode.
                                samlResponse = samlResponse?.data(using: .utf8)?.base64EncodedString(options: []);

                                // URL encode. Please be aware not to double URL encode it further.
                                samlResponse = samlResponse?.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.init(charactersIn: "!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]").inverted);

                                // Continue with the "Exchange the Platform SSO profile for an Adobe authentication token" step.
                            } else {
                                // Fallback to regular authentication workflow.

                // The user has not yet made a choice or does not allow the application to access subscription information.
                    // Fallback to regular authentication workflow.

步骤:“将Platform SSO配置文件交换为Adobe身份验证令牌” Exchange_the_Platform_SSO_profile_for_an_Adobe_authentication_token

提示: 通过Adobe Pass身份验证媒体实施此操作 令牌交换 服务。
专业提示: 请注意中的代码片段 “将Adobe请求转发给Platform SSO以获取配置文件” 步骤。 此 vsaMetadata!.samlAttributeQueryResponse! 表示 SAMLResponse,需要传递给 令牌交换 并且需要字符串操作和编码(比值64 编码和 URL 之后编码)。

步骤:“是否已成功生成Adobe令牌?” Is_Adobe_token_generated_successfully

提示: 通过媒介Adobe Pass身份验证实施此操作 令牌交换 成功响应,这将 204 No Content,指示已成功创建令牌并准备好用于授权流。

步骤:“启动第二个屏幕身份验证工作流” Initiate_second_screen_authentication_workflow

重要提示: “第二屏幕身份验证工作流”术语适用于AppleTV,而“第一屏幕身份验证工作流”/“常规身份验证工作流”术语更适用于iPhone和iPad。

提示: 通过Adobe Pass身份验证媒体实施此操作

注册码请求启动身份验证REST API检索身份验证令牌检查身份验证令牌 服务。

专业提示: 请按照以下步骤实施tvOS。
  • 该应用程序必须 获取注册码 并在第一个设备(屏幕)上向最终用户演示。
  • 应用程序必须启动 轮询以确认身份验证状态 ,注册代码后在第1台设备(屏幕)上注册。
  • 另一个应用程序必须 启动身份验证 ,注册代码时显示在第2台设备(屏幕)上。
  • 应用程序必须停止 轮询 在生成身份验证令牌时显示在第一个设备(屏幕)上。
专业提示: 请按照以下步骤实施iOS/iPadOS。

步骤:“继续进行授权流” Proceed_with_authorization_flows

提示: 通过Adobe Pass身份验证媒体实施此操作 启动授权获取短媒体令牌 服务。

注销 Logout

视频订阅者帐户 框架不提供API以编程方式注销在设备系统级别登录到其电视提供商帐户的人员。 因此,要完全注销,最终用户必须明确从注销 Settings -> TV Provider 在iOS/iPadOS上,或 Settings -> Accounts -> TV Provider 在tvOS上。 用户将拥有的另一个选项是从特定应用程序设置部分(TV提供商访问)撤销访问用户订阅信息的权限。

提示: 通过Adobe Pass身份验证媒体实施此操作 用户元数据调用注销 服务。
专业提示: 请按照以下步骤实施tvOS。
  • 应用程序必须使用''确定是否由于通过平台SSO登录而发生了身份验证​ tokenSource” 用户元数据 来自Adobe Pass身份验证服务。
  • 应用程序必须指示/提示用户明确从中注销 Settings -> Accounts -> TV Provider 在tvOS上 仅限 如果 "tokenSource" 值等于"Apple”。
  • 该应用程序必须 启动注销 Adobe Pass身份验证服务中的直接调用HTTP。 这无助于MVPD端的会话清理。
专业提示: 请按照以下步骤实施iOS/iPadOS。
  • 应用程序必须使用''确定是否由于通过平台SSO登录而发生了身份验证​ tokenSource” 用户元数据 来自Adobe Pass身份验证服务。
  • 应用程序必须指示/提示用户明确从中注销 Settings -> TV Provider 在iOS/iPadOS上 仅限 如果 "tokenSource" 值等于 "Apple".
  • 该应用程序必须 启动注销 来自Adobe Pass Authentication服务,使用 WkwebviewSFSafariViewController 组件。 这将有助于MVPD端的会话清理。