


Adobe I/O Runtime操作流程

  1. 选择内容片段,然后单击操作栏中扩展的按钮以打开模式
  2. 模式显示使用React Spectrum生成的自定义输入表单。
  3. 提交表单会将所选内容片段的列表和AEM主机发送到自定义Adobe I/O Runtime操作
  4. Adobe I/O Runtime操作验证输入并向AEM发出HTTPPUT请求以更新选定的内容片段。
  5. 用于更新指定属性的每个内容片段的一系列HTTPPUT。
  6. AEM as a Cloud Service将保留对内容片段的属性更新,并返回对Adobe I/O Runtime操作的成功或失败响应。
  7. 该模式窗口收到了Adobe I/O Runtime操作的响应,并显示成功批量更新的列表。





该示例使用现有的Adobe Developer Console项目,并在通过aio app init初始化App Builder应用程序时使用以下选项。

  • 您要搜索哪些模板?: All Extension Points

  • 选择要安装的模板: @adobe/aem-cf-admin-ui-ext-tpl

  • 您希望如何命名扩展?: Bulk property update

  • 请提供扩展的简短说明: An example action bar extension that bulk updates a single property one or more content fragments.

  • 您希望以哪个版本开始?: 0.0.1

  • 您接下来想要做什么?

    • Add a custom button to Action Bar

      • 请提供按钮的标签名称: Bulk property update
      • 是否需要显示按钮的模式窗口?y
    • Add server-side handler

      • Adobe I/O Runtime允许您根据需要调用无服务器代码。 您希望如何命名此操作?: generic

生成的App Builder扩展应用程序将按如下所述进行更新。

应用程序路由 app-routes



  1. 第一个路由将请求映射到index.html,这将调用负责扩展注册的React组件。

    code language-javascript
    <Route index element={<ExtensionRegistration />} />
  2. 第二组路由将URL映射到渲染扩展模式内容的React组件。 :selection参数表示分隔列表内容片段路径。


    code language-javascript
        exact path="content-fragment/:selection/bulk-property-update"
        element={<BulkPropertyUpdateModal />}



  1. 扩展按钮的位置显示在AEM创作体验中(actionBarheaderMenu
  2. getButtons()函数中扩展按钮的定义
  3. onClick()函数中按钮的点击处理程序
  • src/aem-cf-console-admin-1/web-src/src/components/ExtensionRegistration.js
import React from "react";
import { generatePath } from "react-router";
import { Text } from "@adobe/react-spectrum";
import { register } from "@adobe/uix-guest";
import { extensionId } from "./Constants";

function ExtensionRegistration() {
  const init = async () => {
    const guestConnection = await register({
      id: extensionId, // Some unique ID for the extension used to facilitate communication between the extension and Content Fragment Console
      methods: {
        // Configure your Action Bar button here
        actionBar: {
          getButtons() {
            return [
                id: "examples.action-bar.bulk-property-update", // Unique ID for the button
                label: "Bulk property update", // Button label
                icon: "OpenIn", // Button icon; get name from: https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/icons/ (Remove spaces, keep uppercase)
                // Click handler for the extension button
                onClick(selections) {
                  // Collect the selected content fragment paths
                  const selectionIds = selections.map(
                    (selection) => selection.id

                  // Create a URL that maps to the
                  const modalURL =
                    "/index.html#" +
                        // Set the :selection React route parameter to an encoded, delimited list of paths of the selected content fragments
                        selection: encodeURIComponent(selectionIds.join("|")),

                  // Open the route in the extension modal using the constructed URL
                    // The modal title
                    title: "Bulk property update",
                    url: modalURL,


  return <Text>IFrame for integration with Host (AEM)...</Text>;

export default ExtensionRegistration;




  1. 正在加载,指示用户必须等待
  2. 批量属性更新表单,允许用户指定要更新的属性名称和值
  3. 批量属性更新操作的响应,其中列出了已更新的内容片段和无法更新的内容片段

重要的是,与扩展中的AEM的任何交互都应该委派给AppBuilder Adobe I/O Runtime操作,该操作是在Adobe I/O Runtime中运行的单独的无服务器进程。
使用Adobe I/O Runtime操作与AEM通信是为了避免跨源资源共享(CORS)连接问题。

提交批量属性更新表单时,自定义onSubmitHandler()将调用Adobe I/O Runtime操作,传递当前AEM主机(域)和用户的AEM访问令牌,从而调用AEM内容片段API来更新内容片段。

当收到来自Adobe I/O Runtime操作的响应时,模式会更新以显示批量属性更新操作的结果。

  • src/aem-cf-console-admin-1/web-src/src/components/BulkPropertyUpdateModal.js
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import { attach } from "@adobe/uix-guest"
import {
} from '@adobe/react-spectrum'

import Spinner from "./Spinner"

import { useParams } from "react-router-dom"

import allActions from '../config.json'
import actionWebInvoke from '../utils'

import { extensionId } from "./Constants"

export default function BulkPropertyUpdateModal() {
  // Set up state used by the React component
  const [guestConnection, setGuestConnection] = useState()

  const [actionInvokeInProgress, setActionInvokeInProgress] = useState(false);
  const [actionResponse, setActionResponse] = useState();

  const [propertyName, setPropertyName] = useState(null);
  const [propertyValue, setPropertyValue] = useState(null);
  const [validationState, setValidationState] = useState({});

  // Get the selected content fragment paths from the route parameter `:selection`
  let { selection } = useParams();
  let fragmentIds = selection?.split('|') || [];

  console.log('Content Fragment Ids', fragmentIds);

  if (!fragmentIds || fragmentIds.length === 0) {
    console.error("Unable to locate a list of Content Fragments to update.")

  // Asynchronously attach the extension to AEM, we must wait or the guestConnection to be set before doing anything in the modal
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
       // extensionId is the unique id of this extension (you can make this up as long as its unique) .. in this case its `bulk-property-update` pulled out into Constants.js as it is also referenced in ExtensionRegistration.js
      const guestConnection = await attach({ id: extensionId })
  }, [])

  // Determine view to display in the modal
  if (!guestConnection) {
    // If the guestConnection is not initialized, display a loading spinner
    return <Spinner />
  } else if (actionInvokeInProgress) {
    // If the bulk property action has been invoked but not completed, display a loading spinner
    return <Spinner />
  } else if (actionResponse) {
    // If the bulk property action has completed, display the response
    return renderResponse();
  } else {
    // Else display the bulk property update form
    return renderForm();

   * Renders the Bulk Property Update form.
   * This form has two fields:
   * - Property Name: The name of the Content Fragment property name to update
   * - Property Value: the value the Content Fragment property, specified by the Property Name, will be updated to
   * @returns the Bulk Property Update form
  function renderForm() {
    return (
      // Use React Spectrum components to render the form
      <Provider theme={defaultTheme} colorScheme='light'>
        <Content width="100%">
          <Flex width="100%">
              <TextField label="Property name"
                    <Heading>Need help?</Heading>
                      <Text>The <strong>Property name</strong> must be a valid for the Content Fragment model(s) the selected Content Fragments implement.</Text>
                } />

                label="Property value"
                onChange={setPropertyValue} />

              <ButtonGroup align="start" marginTop="size-200">
                <Button variant="cta" onPress={onSubmitHandler}>Update {fragmentIds.length} Content Fragments</Button>

          {/* Render the close button so the user can close the modal */}
   * Display the response from the Adobe I/O Runtime action in the modal.
   * This includes:
   * - A list of content fragments that were updated successfully
   * - A list a content fragments that failed to update
   * @returns the response view
  function renderResponse() {
    // Separate the successful and failed content fragments updates
    const successes = actionResponse.filter(item => item.status === 200);
    const failures = actionResponse.filter(item => item.status !== 200);

    return (
      <Provider theme={defaultTheme} colorScheme='light'>
        <Content width="100%">

          <Text>Bulk updated property <strong>{propertyName}</strong> with value <strong>{propertyValue}</strong></Text>

          {/* Render the list of content fragments that were updated successfully */}
          {successes.length > 0 &&
            <><Heading level="4">{successes.length} Content Fragments successfully updated</Heading>
                aria-label="Successful updates"
                {(item) => (
                  <Item key={item.fragmentId} textValue={item.fragmentId.split('/').pop()}>

          {/* Render the list of content fragments that failed to update */}
          {failures.length > 0 &&
            <><Heading level="4">{failures.length} Content Fragments failed to update</Heading><ListView
              aria-label="Failed updates"
              {(item) => (
                <Item key={item.fragmentId} textValue={item.fragmentId.split('/').pop()}>

          {/* Render the close button so the user can close the modal */}

   * Provide a close button for the modal, else it cannot be closed (without refreshing the browser window)
   * @returns a button that closes the modal.
   function renderCloseButton() {
    return (
      <Flex width="100%" justifyContent="end" alignItems="center" marginTop="size-400">
        <ButtonGroup align="end">
          <Button variant="primary" onPress={() => guestConnection.host.modal.close()}>Close</Button>

   * Handle the Bulk Property Update form submission.
   * This function calls the supporting Adobe I/O Runtime action to update the selected Content Fragments, and then returns the response for display in the modal
   * When invoking the Adobe I/O Runtime action, the following parameters are passed as they're used by the action to connect to AEM:
   * - AEM Host to connect to
   * - AEM access token to connect to AEM with
   * - The list of Content Fragment paths to update
   * - The Content Fragment property name to update
   * - The value to update the Content Fragment property to
   * @returns a list of content fragment update successes and failures
  async function onSubmitHandler() {
    // Validate the form input fields
    if (propertyName?.length > 1) {
      setValidationState({propertyName: 'valid', propertyValue: 'valid'});
    } else {
      setValidationState({propertyName: 'invalid', propertyValue: 'valid'});

    // Mark the extension as invoking the action, so the loading spinner is displayed

    // Set the HTTP headers to access the Adobe I/O runtime action
    const headers = {
      'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + guestConnection.sharedContext.get('auth').imsToken,
      'x-gw-ims-org-id': guestConnection.sharedContext.get('auth').imsOrg

    console.log('headers', headers);

    // Set the parameters to pass to the Adobe I/O Runtime action
    const params = {
      aemHost: `https://${guestConnection.sharedContext.get('aemHost')}`,

      fragmentIds: fragmentIds,
      propertyName: propertyName,
      propertyValue: propertyValue

    // Invoke the Adobe I/O Runtime action named `generic`. This name defined in the `ext.config.yaml` file.
    const action = 'generic';

    try {
      // Invoke Adobe I/O Runtime action with the configured headers and parameters
      const actionResponse = await actionWebInvoke(allActions[action], headers, params);

      // Set the response from the Adobe I/O Runtime action

      console.log(`Response from ${action}:`, actionResponse)
    } catch (e) {
      // Log and store any errors

    // Set the action as no longer being invoked, so the loading spinner is hidden

Adobe I/O Runtime操作

AEM扩展App Builder应用程序可以定义或使用0个或多个Adobe I/O Runtime操作。

在此示例应用程序中,使用默认名称generic的Adobe I/O Runtime操作负责:

  1. 向AEM内容片段API发出一系列HTTP请求以更新内容片段。
  2. 收集这些HTTP请求的响应,将其归类为成功和失败
  3. 返回成功和失败列表以供模式(BulkPropertyUpdateModal.js)显示
  • src/aem-cf-console-admin-1/actions/generic/index.js
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const { Core } = require('@adobe/aio-sdk')
const { errorResponse, getBearerToken, stringParameters, checkMissingRequestInputs } = require('../utils')

// main function that will be executed by Adobe I/O Runtime
async function main (params) {
  // create a Logger
  const logger = Core.Logger('main', { level: params.LOG_LEVEL || 'info' })

  try {
    // 'info' is the default level if not set
    logger.info('Calling the main action')

    // log parameters, only if params.LOG_LEVEL === 'debug'

    // check for missing request input parameters and headers
    const requiredParams = [ 'aemHost', 'fragmentIds', 'propertyName', 'propertyValue' ]
    const requiredHeaders = ['Authorization']
    const errorMessage = checkMissingRequestInputs(params, requiredParams, requiredHeaders)
    if (errorMessage) {
      // return and log client errors
      return errorResponse(400, errorMessage, logger)

    const body = {
      "properties": {
        "elements": {
          [params.propertyName]: {
            "value": params.propertyValue

    // Extract the user Bearer token from the Authorization header used to authenticate the request to AEM
    const accessToken = getBearerToken(params);

    let results = await Promise.all(params.fragmentIds.map(async (fragmentId) => {

      logger.info(`Updating fragment ${fragmentId} with property ${params.propertyName} and value ${params.propertyValue}`);

      const res = await fetch(`${params.aemHost}${fragmentId.replace('/content/dam/', '/api/assets/')}.json`, {
        method: 'put',
        body: JSON.stringify(body),
        headers: {
          'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'

      if (res.ok) {
        logger.info(`Successfully updated ${fragmentId}`);
        return { fragmentId, status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, body: await res.json() };
      } else {
        logger.info(`Failed to update ${fragmentId}`);
        return { fragmentId, status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, body: await res.text() };

    const response = {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: results

    logger.info('Adobe I/O Runtime action response', response);

    // Return the response to the A
     return response;

  } catch (error) {
    // log any server errors
    // return with 500
    return errorResponse(500, 'server error', logger)

exports.main = main