
了解如何使用可自定义的Node.js脚本将资产导出到本地计算机。 此导出脚本提供了一个示例,说明如何使用AEM Assets HTTP API以编程方式从AEM下载资源,尤其侧重于原始演绎版以确保最高质量。 它设计为可在本地驱动器上复制AEM Assets的文件夹结构,从而轻松备份或迁移资产。

该脚本仅下载资源的原始演绎版,不带关联的元数据,除非该元数据已作为XMP嵌入到资源中。 这意味着下载中不包含存储在AEM中但未集成到资源文件中的任何描述性信息、分类或标记。 也可以通过修改脚本以包含其他演绎版来下载它们。 确保您有足够的空间来存储导出的资源。

脚本通常针对AEM Author运行,但也可以针对AEM Publish运行,前提是可以通过Dispatcher访问AEM Assets HTTP API端点和资源演绎版。



编写为JavaScript模块的脚本是Node.js项目的一部分,因为它依赖于node-fetch。 您可以将该项目下载为zip文件,或者将下面的脚本复制到类型为module的空Node.js项目中,然后运行npm install node-fetch以安装依赖项。

此脚本将浏览AEM Assets文件夹树,并将资源和文件夹下载到计算机上的本地文件夹。 它使用AEM Assets HTTP API获取文件夹和资源数据,并下载资源的原始演绎版。

// export-assets.js

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

// Do not process the contents of these well-known AEM system folders
const SKIP_FOLDERS = ['/content/dam/appdata', '/content/dam/projects', '/content/dam/_CSS', '/content/dam/_DMSAMPLE' ];

 * Determine if the folder should be processed based on the entity and AEM path.
 * @param {Object} entity the AEM entity that should represent a folder returned from AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @param {String} aemPath the path in AEM of this source
 * @returns true if the entity should be processed, false otherwise
function isValidFolder(entity, aemPath) {
    if (aemPath === '/content/dam') {
        // Always allow processing /content/dam
        return true;
    } else if (!entity.class.includes('assets/folder')) {
        return false;
    } if (SKIP_FOLDERS.find((path) => path === aemPath)) {
        return false;
    } else if (entity.properties.hidden) {
        return false;

    return true;

 * Determine if the entity is downloadable.
 * @param {Object} entity the AEM entity that should represent an asset returned from AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @returns true if the entity is downloadable, false otherwise
function isDownloadable(entity) {
    if (entity.class.includes('assets/folder')) {
        return false;
    } else if (entity.properties.contentFragment) {
        return false;

    return true;

 * Helper function to get the link from the entity based on the relationship name.
 * @param {Object} entity the entity from the AEM Assets HTTP API
 * @param {String} rel the relationship name
 * @returns
function getLink(entity, rel) {
    return entity.links.find(link => link.rel.includes(rel));

 * Helper function to fetch JSON data from the AEM Assets HTTP API.
 * @param {String} url the AEM Assets HTTP API URL to fetch data from
 * @returns the JSON response of the AEM Assets HTTP API
async function fetchJSON(url) {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`Error: ${response.status}`);

    return response.json();

 * Helper function to download a file from AEM Assets.
 * @param {String} url the URL of the asset rendition to download
 * @param {String} outputPath the local path to save the downloaded file
async function downloadFile(url, outputPath) {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,

    if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`Failed to download file: ${response.statusText}`);

    const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
    await fs.writeFile(outputPath, Buffer.from(arrayBuffer));

    console.log(`Downloaded asset: ${outputPath}`);

 * Main entry
 * @param {Object} options the options for downloading assets
 * @param {String} options.folderUrl the URL of the AEM folder to download
 * @param {String} options.localPath the local path to save the downloaded assets
 * @param {String} options.aemPath the AEM path of the folder to download
async function downloadAssets({apiUrl, localPath = LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER, aemPath = '/content/dam'}) {
    if (!apiUrl) {
        // Handle the initial call to the script, which should just provide the AEM path
        // Construct the proper AEM Assets HTTP API URL as it uses a truncated AEM path
        const prefix = "/content/dam/";
        let apiPath = aemPath.startsWith(prefix) ? aemPath.substring(prefix.length) : aemPath;

        if (!apiPath.startsWith('/')) {
            apiPath = '/' + apiPath;

        apiUrl = `${AEM_HOST}/api/assets.json${apiPath}`

    const data = await fetchJSON(apiUrl);
    const entities = data.entities || [];

    // Process folders first
    for (const folder of entities.filter(entity => entity.class.includes('assets/folder'))) {
        const newLocalPath = path.join(localPath, folder.properties.name);
        const newAemPath = path.join(aemPath, folder.properties.name);

        if (!isValidFolder(folder, newAemPath)) {

        await fs.mkdir(newLocalPath, { recursive: true });

        await downloadAssets({
            apiUrl: getLink(folder, 'self')?.href,
            localPath: newLocalPath,
            aemPath: newAemPath

    let downloads = [];

    // Process assets
    for (const asset of entities.filter(entity => entity.class.includes('assets/asset'))) {
        const assetLocalPath = path.join(localPath, asset.properties.name);
        if (isDownloadable(asset)) {
            downloads.push(downloadFile(getLink(asset, 'content')?.href, assetLocalPath));

        // Process in batches of MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS
        if (downloads.length >= MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS) {
            await Promise.all(downloads);
            downloads = [];

    // Wait for the remaining downloads to finish
    await Promise.all(downloads);
    downloads = [];

    // Handle pagination
    const nextUrl = getLink(data, 'next');
    if (nextUrl) {
        await downloadAssets({
            apiUrl: nextUrl?.href,


// AEM host is the URL of the AEM environment to download the assets from
const AEM_HOST = 'https://author-p123-e456.adobeaemcloud.com';

// AEM access token used to access the AEM host.
// This access token must have read access to the folders and assets to download.
const AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN = "eyJhbGciOiJS...zCprYZD0rSjg6g";

// The root folder in AEM to download assets from.
const AEM_ASSETS_FOLDER = '/content/dam/wknd-shared';

// The local folder to save the downloaded assets.
const LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = './exported-assets';

// The number of maximum concurrent downloads to avoid overwhelming the client or server. 10 is typically a good value.

/***** SCRIPT ENTRY POINT *****/

console.time('Download AEM assets');

await downloadAssets({

console.timeEnd('Download AEM assets');



可以使用对AEM as a Cloud Service🔗进行基于令牌的身份验证教程中的步骤来获取AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN。 通常,只要导出过程不超过24小时,并且生成令牌的用户拥有对要导出的资产的读取权限,24小时开发人员令牌便足以满足需求。


// AEM host is the URL of the AEM environment to download the assets from
const AEM_HOST = 'https://author-p123-e456.adobeaemcloud.com';

// AEM access token used to access the AEM host.
// This access token must have read access to the folders and assets to download.
const AEM_ACCESS_TOKEN = "eyJhbGciOiJS...zCprYZD0rSjg6g";

// The root folder in AEM to download assets from.
const AEM_ASSETS_FOLDER = '/content/dam/wknd-shared';

// The local folder to save the downloaded assets.
const LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER = './export-assets';

// The number of maximum concurrent downloads to avoid overwhelming the client or server. 10 is typically a good value.



根据资源的数量及其大小,脚本可能需要一些时间才能完成。 脚本执行时,它将进度记录到控制台。

$ node export-assets.js


导出脚本将进度记录到控制台,指示正在下载的资源。 脚本完成时,资产将保存到配置中指定的本地文件夹,并且日志以下载资产所花费的总时间结束。

Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring3sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring5sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/skitouring/skitouring6sjoeberg.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/wa_camping_adobe.pdf
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobestock-156407519.jpeg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-mg-3094.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-mg-3851.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-b6a7083.jpg
Downloaded asset: exported-assets/wknd-shared/en/magazine/western-australia/adobe-waadobe-wa-b6a6978.jpg
Download AEM assets: 24.770s

在配置LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER中指定的本地文件夹中可以找到导出的资源。 文件夹结构反映了AEM Assets文件夹结构,并将资源下载到相应的子文件夹。 这些文件可以上载到支持的云存储提供商,以便将批量导入到其他AEM实例,或用于备份。

