针对Adobe Commerce数据库连接并运行查询

了解如何连接到Adobe Commerce on cloud项目、创建数据库转储以供异地使用,以及通过屏蔽或删除来处理个人身份信息(PII)。 了解如何使用各种方法访问Adobe Commerce数据,包括本地数据库转储、与MySQL Workbench或TablesPlus等应用程序的远程数据库连接,以及通过MagentoCloud CLI工具建立的直接连接。


  • 了解如何使用MysqlWorkbench或TablesPlus等工具快速连接到远程Adobe Commerce Cloud项目。
  • 了解如何快速连接到Adobe Commerce项目以通过命令行运行SQL

了解如何连接到云项目上的Adobe Commerce、转储数据库以供异地使用,以及屏蔽PII并将其删除。

您可以使用以下任一方法从云项目访问Adobe Commerce数据:

  • 使用本地数据库转储
  • 使用应用程序(如Mysql Workbench或Tables Plus)到远程云环境的数据库连接
  • 使用magento-cloud CLI工具直接连接到云环境,并在远程服务器上运行命令

首选方法是执行数据库转储并擦除它以删除任何客户信息。 如果不需要客户数据,则完全删除该数据。

使用Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI工具

创建数据库转储需要安装Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI。 在本地笔记本电脑上,转到目录并运行以下命令。 请确保使用类似于asasdasd45q的项目ID替换your-project-id。 您还需要将your-environment-name替换为环境的名称,如masterstaging

magento-cloud db:dump -p your-project-id -e your-environment-name


magento-cloud db:dump

CLI要求您指定正确的项目和环境。 以下示例显示该对话框。 此示例显示了分配给您帐户的多个项目,但您可能只有一个项目可用。


cd ~/Downloads/db-tutorial


magento-cloud db:dump

由于我们未指定项目或环境,因此Adobe Commerce CLI将提出几个问题,下面是一些示例对话框

Enter a number to choose a project:
  [0] demo-ralbin (ral32nryq4123)
  [1] adobe-commerce-demo (abc123zzkipexnqo)
  [2] DX Tutorials - Commerce (abasrpikfw4123)
 > 2

Enter a number to choose an environment:
Default: master
  [0] master (type: production)
  [1] remote-db (type: development)
 > 1

Creating SQL dump file: /Users/<username>/Downloads/db-tutorial/abasrpikfw4123--remote-db-ecpefky--mysql--main--dump.sql

使用Adobe Commerce ECE-tools

如果您没有Adobe Commerce CLI工具,则可以在项目中ssh并运行ece命令vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump

ssh abasrpikfw4123-remote-db-ecpefky--mymagento@ssh.us-4.magento.cloud

 __  __                   _          ___ _             _
|  \/  |__ _ __ _ ___ _ _| |_ ___   / __| |___ _  _ __| |
| |\/| / _` / _` / -_) ' \  _/ _ \ | (__| / _ \ || / _` |
|_|  |_\__,_\__, \___|_||_\__\___/  \___|_\___/\_,_\__,_|

 Welcome to Magento Cloud.

 This is environment remote-db-ecpefky
 of project abasrpikfw4123.

web@mymagento.0:~$ vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump
The db-dump operation switches the site to maintenance mode, stops all active cron jobs and consumer queue processes, and disables cron jobs before starting the dump process.
Your site will not receive any traffic until the operation completes.
Do you wish to proceed with this process? (y/N)?y
[2024-02-13T19:01:45.130999+00:00] INFO: Starting backup.
[2024-02-13T19:01:45.155039+00:00] NOTICE: Enabling Maintenance mode
[2024-02-13T19:01:46.404427+00:00] INFO: Trying to kill running cron jobs and consumers processes
[2024-02-13T19:01:46.420149+00:00] INFO: Running Magento cron and consumers processes were not found.
[2024-02-13T19:01:46.420434+00:00] INFO: Waiting for lock on db dump.
[2024-02-13T19:01:46.420499+00:00] INFO: Start creation DB dump for main database...
[2024-02-13T19:01:50.697886+00:00] INFO: Finished DB dump for main database, it can be found here: /app/var/dump-main-1707850906.sql.gz
[2024-02-13T19:01:51.628328+00:00] NOTICE: Maintenance mode is disabled.
[2024-02-13T19:01:51.628419+00:00] INFO: Backup completed.
web@mymagento.0:~$ exit
Connection to ssh.us-4.magento.cloud closed.



rsync -avrp -e ssh abasrpikfw4123-remote-db-ecpefky--mymagento@ssh.us-4.magento.cloud:/app/var/dump-main-1707850906.sql.gz ~/Downloads/db-tutorial


rsync -avrp -e ssh abasrpikfw4123-remote-db-ecpefky--mymagento@ssh.us-4.magento.cloud:/app/var/dump-main-1707850906.sql.gz ~/Downloads/db-tutorial
receiving file list ... done

sent 38 bytes  received 2691041 bytes  358810.53 bytes/sec
total size is 2690241  speedup is 1.00


ls -lah
total 29840
drwxr-xr-x    4 <ussername>  staff   128B Feb 13 13:02 .
drwx------@ 103 <ussername>   staff   3.2K Feb 13 12:52 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 <ussername>   staff    11M Feb 13 12:53 abasrpikfw4123--remote-db-ecpefky--mysql--main--dump.sql
-rw-r--r--    1 <ussername>   staff   2.6M Feb 13 13:01 dump-main-1707850906.sql.gz

获取数据后,请确保通过删除或屏蔽客户数据来清理数据。 以下示例脚本将帮助您入门。

此示例将客户数据转换为随机字符串,但保留所有项目。 此示例包含一些额外的表,以演示可在第三方表以及核心表中找到客户PII。 仔细检查每个表中的数据,屏蔽或删除任何客户数据。

通常,架构师或主要开发人员是负责屏蔽和清理数据库转储的唯一人员。 配备专门的清理器可降低原始数据的暴露程度,从而减少违反合规性规则和法规的机会。

UPDATE customer_entity SET email = REPLACE(email, SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE('@', email) +1), CONCAT(UUID(), '.com'));
UPDATE email_contact SET email = REPLACE(email, SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE('@', email) +1), CONCAT(UUID(), '.com'));
UPDATE sales_invoice_grid SET customer_email = 'customer@example.com', customer_name  = 'Jack Smith';
UPDATE sales_order SET customer_email = 'customer@example.com', customer_firstname = 'Sally', customer_lastname = 'Smith', remote_ip = '';
UPDATE sales_order_address SET region = 'Ohio', postcode = '12345-1234', lastname = 'Smith', street = '123 Main street', region_id = 44, city = 'Phoenix', telephone = NULL, firstname = 'Jane', company = NULL;
UPDATE sales_order_grid SET customer_email = 'customer@example.com', shipping_name = 'Jack', billing_name = 'Jack Smith', billing_address = '123 Main Street', shipping_address = '321 Pine Street', customer_name = 'Jane Smith';
UPDATE sales_shipment_grid SET customer_email = 'customer@example.com', customer_name = 'Jane Smith', billing_address = '123 Main street', billing_name = 'Jack Doe', shipping_name = 'Susie Smith';
UPDATE quote SET customer_email = 'customer@example.com', customer_firstname = 'Sally', customer_lastname = 'Jones', customer_dob = NULL, remote_ip = '';
UPDATE quote_address SET email = 'customer@example.com', firstname = 'Jack', lastname = 'Smith', company = NULL, street = '123 Main st', city = 'AnyCity', region = 'Some State', region_id = 44, postcode = '12345-1234', telephone = NULL;
UPDATE magento_rma SET customer_custom_email = 'customer@example.com' WHERE customer_custom_email IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE customer_address_entity SET firstname = 'Jack', lastname = 'Smith', telephone = '909-555-1212', postcode = NULL,  region = NULL, street = '123 Main street', city = 'Anycity', company = NULL;
UPDATE customer_grid_flat SET name = 'Jane Doe', email = 'customer@example.com', dob = NULL, gender = NULL, taxvat = NULL, shipping_full = '', billing_full = '', billing_firstname = 'Jack', billing_lastname = 'Smith', billing_telephone = NULL, billing_postcode = NULL, billing_country_id = NULL, billing_region = NULL, billing_street = '123 Main street', billing_city = 'Anycity', billing_fax = NULL, billing_vat_id = NULL, billing_company = NULL;
UPDATE sales_creditmemo_grid SET billing_name = 'Sally', billing_address = '123 Main Street', customer_name = 'Jack Smith', customer_email = 'customer@example.com';
UPDATE magento_rma_grid SET customer_name = 'Jack Smith';
UPDATE newsletter_subscriber SET subscriber_email = 'customer@example.com';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'orderexport/general/serial';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'productexport/general/serial';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'trackingimport/general/serial';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'stockimport/general/serial';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'remarketing/onescript/merchant_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'remarketing/onescript/merchant_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'algoliasearch_credentials/credentials/application_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'algoliasearch_credentials/credentials/search_only_api_key';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'tax/avatax/production_account_number';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'tax/avatax/production_license_key';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'design/head/includes';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'payment/braintree/merchant_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'payment/braintree/public_key';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'payment/braintree/private_key';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'system/full_page_cache/fastly/fastly_service_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'system/full_page_cache/fastly/fastly_api_key';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'google/analytics/container_id';
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = '' WHERE path = 'analytics/general/token';
UPDATE vault_payment_token SET public_hash = UUID(), details = '{"type":"VI","maskedCC":"1111","expirationDate":"01\/2019"}';
TRUNCATE customer_log;
TRUNCATE customer_visitor;
TRUNCATE magento_logging_event;
TRUNCATE oauth_consumer;
TRUNCATE oauth_nonce;
TRUNCATE oauth_token;
TRUNCATE password_reset_request_event;
TRUNCATE acknowledgement;
TRUNCATE acknowledgement_report;
TRUNCATE avatax_log;
TRUNCATE avatax_queue;
TRUNCATE cron_schedule;

或者,您可以删除记录,而不是屏蔽信息,这也会使新数据库变小。 一旦PII被屏蔽或移除,数据就可以安全地提供给队友以供在其本地环境中使用。

到Adobe Commerce Cloud项目的远程数据库连接

此方法不允许意外编辑和删除实际数据。 应谨慎使用此方法。 首选方法是使用数据库备份并离线查看数据。 有时,需要直接在Adobe Commerce Cloud上访问数据,但这确实会带来风险。 没有“您确定吗?” 问题,因此可能会无意中更改或删除数据。

超级重要! 进行远程数据库连接非常方便,而且使用真实实时数据,但也存在风险。 我个人以及作为Adobe Commerce的首席技术架构师,不推荐使用该服务。 很容易忘记您位于远程数据库上并意外删除或修改数据。 有一个选项可以连接到只读副本,但这会根据SQL活动的负载大小对站点产生一些影响。 但是,由于这是可能的,因此这些是完成此任务的步骤。


magento-cloud tunnel:open


magento-cloud tunnel:open

Enter a number to choose a project:
  [0] demo-ralbin (ral32nryq4123)
  [1] adobe-commerce-demo (abc123zzkipexnqo)
  [2] DX Tutorials - Commerce (abasrpikfw4123)
 > 2

Enter a number to choose an environment:
Default: master
  [0] master (type: production)
  [1] remote-db (type: development)
 > 1

SSH tunnel opened to database at: mysql://user:@
SSH tunnel opened to redis at: redis://
SSH tunnel opened to opensearch at:
SSH tunnel opened to rabbitmq at: amqp://guest:guest@

Logs are written to: /Users/<user>/.magento-cloud/tunnels.log

List tunnels with: magento-cloud tunnels
View tunnel details with: magento-cloud tunnel:info
Close tunnels with: magento-cloud tunnel:close

Save encoded tunnel details to the MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS variable using:
  export MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS="$(magento-cloud tunnel:info --encode)"

使用SSH tunnel opened to database at命令选项通过MySQL图形界面建立连接。

SSH tunnel opened to database at: mysql://user:@

现在,您已获得正确的信息,请继续将这些值插入到Cloud Console中。

您可以在Cloud Console中通过云凭据找到SSH主机名和用户名。

徽标 — Adobe Commerce Cloud Console

以下是示例:ssh abasrpikfw4123-remote-db-ecpefky--mymagento@ssh.us-4.magento.cloud
SSH用户名是@符号之前的所有内容: abasrpikfw4123-remote-db-ecpefky—mymagento



  1. 使用SSH登录到远程环境。

    code language-bash
    magento-cloud ssh
  2. $MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIP变量中的databasetype属性检索MySQL登录凭据。

    code language-bash
    echo $MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS | base64 -d | json_pp

    code language-bash
    php -r 'print_r(json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS"])));'

    在响应中,查找MySQL信息。 例如:

    code language-json
    "database" : [
          "password" : "",
          "rel" : "mysql",
          "hostname" : "nnnnnnnn.mysql.service._.magentosite.cloud",
          "service" : "mysql",
          "host" : "database.internal",
          "ip" : "###.###.###.###",
          "port" : 3306,
          "path" : "main",
          "cluster" : "projectid-integration-id",
          "query" : {
             "is_master" : true
          "type" : "mysql:10.3",
          "username" : "user",
          "scheme" : "mysql"

然后在MySQL GUI中使用配置值。 以下示例使用MySQL Workbench,但任何支持MySQL连接的应用程序都将具有类似的字段。

徽标 — 使用Mysql Workbench的Mysql GUI示例 徽标 — Mysql GUI使用TablesPlus的示例

完成所有设置后,可以使用MySQL GUI对远程Adobe Commerce Cloud项目运行查询。


以下方法使用magento-cloud cli直接连接到mysql数据库并运行SQL,从而加快数据库查询。 如果需要复制此数据库,请参阅创建数据库转储的替代方法之一。

magento-cloud db:sql

Enter a number to choose a project:
  [0] demo-ralbin (ral32nryq4123)
  [1] adobe-commerce-demo (abc123zzkipexnqo)
  [2] DX Tutorials - Commerce (abasrpikfw4123)
 > 2

Enter a number to choose an environment:
Default: master
  [0] master (type: production)
  [1] remote-db (type: development)
 > 1

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 273454
Server version: 10.6.15-MariaDB-1:10.6.15+maria~deb10-log mariadb.org binary distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


MariaDB [main]> SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE '%secure%' \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
 config_id: 5
     scope: default
  scope_id: 0
      path: web/unsecure/base_url
     value: http://remote-db-ecpefky-abasrpikfw4123.us-4.magentosite.cloud/
updated_at: 2024-02-02 18:03:17
*************************** 2. row ***************************
 config_id: 6
     scope: default
  scope_id: 0
      path: web/secure/base_url
     value: https://remote-db-ecpefky-abasrpikfw4123.us-4.magentosite.cloud/
updated_at: 2024-02-02 18:03:17
*************************** 3. row ***************************
 config_id: 8
     scope: default
  scope_id: 0
      path: web/secure/use_in_adminhtml
     value: 1
updated_at: 2023-04-26 19:43:58
3 rows in set (0.001 sec)

ERROR: No query specified

MariaDB [main]>


Adobe Commerce Cloud CLI
在云基础架构的Adobe Commerce上创建数据库转储
