Exportera innehållsfragment till XML

Exempel på filnamnstillägg för rubrikmenyn i Content Fragment Editor

Du kan lägga till anpassade knappar på rubrikmenyn i Content Fragment Editor med hjälp av tilläggspunkten headerMenu. I det här exemplet visas hur du lägger till en knapp på rubrikmenyn och hur du hanterar click-händelsen för att exportera det aktiva innehållsfragmentet som XML eller CSV.

Sidhuvudsknappar kan finnas som en enda knapp eller som en knapp med underordnade objekt. I det här exemplet visas hur du implementerar en knapp med underobjekt, men det innehåller den kommenterade utkoden för att implementera en enskild knapp.


Det här exemplet utökar till tilläggspunkten headerBar för att lägga till en anpassad knapp i redigeraren för innehållsfragment.

AEM UI Extended

Exempel på tillägg

I följande exempel skapas en huvudmenyknapp med två underobjekt, en som exporterar det aktiva innehållsfragmentet som XML (implementerat) och en som exporterar det aktiva innehållsfragmentet som CSV (inte implementerat).

Koden visar hur innehållet i innehållsfragmentet kan hämtas i tilläggets registreringsfil och hur innehållsfragmentets JSON-innehåll kan omformas kan exporteras.

Tillägg - registrering

ExtensionRegistration.js, mappad till index.html-vägen, är startpunkten för AEM och definierar:

  • Platsen för tilläggsknappen visas (headerMenu) i AEM.
  • Tilläggsknappens definition i funktionen getButton()
  • Knappens klickningshanterare, funktionen onClick() eller en lista med underobjekt och deras klickningshanterare.


import React from "react";
import { Text } from "@adobe/react-spectrum";
import { register } from "@adobe/uix-guest";
import { extensionId } from "./Constants";
import { toXML } from 'jstoxml';

// This function is called when the extension is registered with the host and runs in an iframe in the Content Fragment Editor browser window.
function ExtensionRegistration() {

  const init = async () => {
    const guestConnection = await register({
      id: extensionId, // This is the unique id of this extension (you can make this up as long as its unique) .. in this case its `editor-export-to-xml` pulled out into Constants.js.
      methods: {
        headerMenu: {
          getButtons() {
            return [
                id: 'export',               // Provide a unique ID for the button
                label: 'Export',            // Provide a label for the button
                variant: 'secondary',
                icon: 'OpenIn',             //  Provide an icon for the button (see https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/icons/ for a list of available icons)
                onClick: async () => {
                  // Use the onClick handler if you do NOT want sub-items and handle  a single-button click.
                  // This example uses the subItems array below to attach multiple actions to the button.
                  console.log("Clicked Export");
                subItems: [
                  // Sub-items are used to create a dropdown menu with multiple items for the header menu button.
                  // Do not include the subItems property if you do not want sub-items.
                      id: 'xml',                  // Provide a unique ID for the sub-item
                      label: 'XML',               // Provide a label for the sub-item
                      onClick: async () => {      // Provide a click handler for the sub-item
                          // Get the Content Fragment JSON representation
                          const contentFragment = await guestConnection.host.contentFragment.getContentFragment();
                          // Use a library like jstoxml to convert the JSON to XML
                          const xml = toXML({ contentFragment: contentFragment.main }, { header: true, indent: '  ' });
                          // Get the download file name from the Content Fragment's node name (last segment of the path)
                          const contentFragmentName = contentFragment.path.split('/').at(-1);
                          // Trigger the download of the XML contents
                          download(contentFragmentName, 'xml', xml);
                      id: 'csv',
                      label: 'CSV',
                      onClick: async () => {
                          const contentFragment = await guestConnection.host.contentFragment.getContentFragment();
                          alert("Implement your CSV export here!");
                          // This can be implemented in the same way as the XML export above, using a similar library such as https://www.npmjs.com/package/json-2-csv

  return <Text>IFrame for integration with Host (AEM)...</Text>;

 * This function triggers a download of the content fragment export.
 * Not all extensions require App Builder workers or React web apps in extension modals.
 * Extensions like this can be fully implemented in the extension's registration file.
 * @param {*} name the filename
 * @param {*} type  the file type/extension
 * @param {*} contents the contents of the file to export
function download(name, type, contents) {
  // Create a link element to trigger the download
  const a = document.createElement('a');
  // Set the filename this file should download as
  a.setAttribute('download', `${name}.${type}`);
  // Set the content fragment value as a data URL - This approach typically works for Content Fragments as their text content is usually under 2MB
  // For larger downloads, you may need to use Blob or Streams
  a.href = `data:attachment/${type},${encodeURIComponent(contents)}`;
  // Trigger the download as an attachment

export default ExtensionRegistration;

Data för innehållsfragment

Det aktiva innehållsfragmentet kan hämtas med metoden getContentFragment() för objektet guestConnection.host.contentFragment.

const contentFragment = await guestConnection.host.contentFragment.getContentFragment();

Objektet contentFragment innehåller all information om innehållsfragmentet, inklusive sökväg, modell, metadata, huvudinnehåll och eventuella varianter.

    "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/climbing-new-zealand/climbing-new-zealand",
    "etag": "\"2f18b858f4896ec1d7c41ba7a16bed7d\"",
    "model": {
        "path": "/conf/wknd-shared/settings/dam/cfm/models/adventure",
        "title": "Adventure"
    "fragmentId": "eb0175d3-b011-421b-b1be-0ef5b2b64518",
    "metadata": {
        "title": "Climbing New Zealand",
        "description": "",
        "createdBy": "janedoe@example.com",
        "createdDate": "2022-09-09T18:05:35.453Z",
        "modifiedBy": "janedoe@example.com",
        "modifiedDate": "2023-06-01T14:46:56.394Z",
        "publishedBy": "",
        "publishedDate": "",
        "status": "DRAFT"
    "main": {
        "title": "Climbing New Zealand",
        "slug": "climbing-new-zealand",
        "description": {
            "contentType": "text/html",
            "value": "<h2><b>Let us take you on a spectacular climbing experience unique to New Zealand</b></h2>\n<p>Feel the raw adventure and excitement of our guided rock climbing experience. Reach new heights under our professional instruction and feel your body and mind work together in harmony.&nbsp;Come join us for a guided rock climbing adventure in the mountains that trained Sir Edmund Hilary. Whether it is your first time thinking of putting on climbing shoes or you are an old hand looking for some new challenges, our guides can make your climbing adventure a trip you won't soon forget. New Zealand has countless climbing routes to choose from and is known as one of the premiere climbing destinations in the world. With so many different routes and areas to choose from our guides can tailor each trip to your exact specifications. Let us help you make your New Zealand climbing vacation a memory you will cherish forever!</p>\n<p>Related trips:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/colorado-rock-climbing/colorado-rock-climbing\">Colorado Rock Climbing</a></li>\n<li><a href=\"../../../../content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/yosemite-backpacking/yosemite-backpacking\">Yosemite Backpacking</a>&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>"
        "adventureType": "Overnight Trip",
        "tripLength": "2 Days",
        "activity": "Rock Climbing",
        "groupSize": 3,
        "difficulty": "Intermediate",
        "price": 900,
        "primaryImage": {
            "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/climbing-new-zealand/adobestock-140634652.jpeg",
            "name": "adobestock-140634652.jpeg",
            "title": "Rock Climbing and Bouldering above the lake and mountains",
            "size": 688150,
            "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
            "width": 1293,
            "height": 862,
            "id": "7f2a2314-7701-4c27-8945-bd5388ac94da",
            "created": {
                "at": "2022-09-09T18:05:37.383Z",
                "by": "janedoe@example.com"
            "status": "MODIFIED"
        "itinerary": {
            "contentType": "text/html",
            "value": "<h2><b>Day 1 - It's climb time</b></h2>\n<p>We depart and end from a central meeting spot in the town of Fauchere.&nbsp; From there we'll be driving 30-50 minutes to the climbing site. On our way there, we'll go over important safety and climbing procedures. After arriving at trailhead, we will confirm all safety and personal climbing equipment (shoes, harness, helmets, belay devises, and more). Our hike to the climbing area will be between 5 minutes to an hour based on where we decide to climb and the desires of the group. On the rock, we will spend about 6 hours climbing.&nbsp; We'll go over different bouldering and climbing techniques first, fundamentals of setting anchors, belay systems and hardware,. Then, we'll make our way to the top.&nbsp; Once we get there, you'll find the view to be spectactular and the sense of accomplishment even better.&nbsp; But as they say, what goes up must come down. We now face another challenge - rappelling back down. But after a day of learning and applying our skills, we will be very comfortable on the mountain and with our abilities.</p>\n<h2><b>Day 2 - Up the world's highest waterfall climb</b></h2>\n<p>Now it's time to satiate your inner-adrenaline junkie.&nbsp; We're going up behind a 60m waterfall to the top of Wanaka. You'll be pushed to reach the highest point, both mentally and physically, with overhangs to get you there. Enjoy the incredible views of surrounding lakes and mountains once you reach summit.&nbsp;</p>"
        "gearList": {
            "contentType": "text/html",
            "value": "<p>We will provide all technical equipment for the course including rock shoes.</p>\n<p>Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather on each of the days, waterproofs, a warm layer, drinks and lunch for the day.&nbsp;</p>"
    "tags": [],
    "variations": {
        "mobile": {
            "title": "Mobile",
            "description": "This is the Content Fragment variation for use on Mobile devices.",
            "elements": {
                "title": "Climbing NZ",
                "slug": "climbing-new-zealand",
                "description": {
                    "contentType": "text/html",
                    "value": "<h2><b>Let us take you on a spectacular climbing experience unique to New Zealand</b></h2>\n<p>Feel the raw adventure and excitement of our guided rock climbing experience. Reach new heights under our professional instruction and feel your body and mind work together in harmony.&nbsp;Come join us for a guided rock climbing adventure in the mountains that trained Sir Edmund Hilary.&nbsp;</p>"
                "adventureType": "Overnight Trip",
                "tripLength": "2 Days",
                "activity": "Rock Climbing",
                "groupSize": 3,
                "difficulty": "Intermediate",
                "price": 900,
                "primaryImage": {
                    "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/climbing-new-zealand/adobestock-140634652.jpeg",
                    "name": "adobestock-140634652.jpeg",
                    "title": "Rock Climbing and Bouldering above the lake and mountains",
                    "size": 688150,
                    "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                    "width": 1293,
                    "height": 862,
                    "id": "7f2a2314-7701-4c27-8945-bd5388ac94da",
                    "created": {
                        "at": "2022-09-09T18:05:37.383Z",
                        "by": "janedoe@example.com"
                    "status": "MODIFIED"
                "itinerary": {
                    "contentType": "text/html",
                    "value": "<h2><b>Day 1 - It's climb time</b></h2>\n<p>We depart and end from a central meeting spot in the town of Fauchere.&nbsp; From there we'll be driving 30-50 minutes to the climbing site. On our way there, we'll go over important safety and climbing procedures. After arriving at trailhead, we will confirm all safety and personal climbing equipment (shoes, harness, helmets, belay devises, and more). Our hike to the climbing area will be between 5 minutes to an hour based on where we decide to climb and the desires of the group. On the rock, we will spend about 6 hours climbing.&nbsp; We'll go over different bouldering and climbing techniques first, fundamentals of setting anchors, belay systems and hardware,. Then, we'll make our way to the top.&nbsp; Once we get there, you'll find the view to be spectactular and the sense of accomplishment even better.&nbsp; But as they say, what goes up must come down. We now face another challenge - rappelling back down. But after a day of learning and applying our skills, we will be very comfortable on the mountain and with our abilities.</p>\n<h2><b>Day 2 - Up the world's highest waterfall climb</b></h2>\n<p>Now it's time to satiate your inner-adrenaline junkie.&nbsp; We're going up behind a 60m waterfall to the top of Wanaka. You'll be pushed to reach the highest point, both mentally and physically, with overhangs to get you there. Enjoy the incredible views of surrounding lakes and mountains once you reach summit.&nbsp;</p>\n"
                "gearList": {
                    "contentType": "text/html",
                    "value": "<p>We will provide all technical equipment for the course including rock shoes.</p>\n<p>Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather on each of the days, waterproofs, a warm layer, drinks and lunch for the day.&nbsp;</p>\n"
            "tags": []
    "translations": {
        "data": {
            "locale": "en",
            "languageCopies": [
                    "path": "/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventures/climbing-new-zealand/climbing-new-zealand",
                    "title": "Climbing New Zealand",
                    "locale": "en",
                    "model": "Adventure",
                    "status": "DRAFT"
        "error": null