Get Media SDKs, Extensions using Tags, and OTT SDKs download-sdks
The information on this page includes links to download the current media SDKs and get the media extensions that use tags.
Tags in Adobe Experience Platform are the next generation of website tag and mobile SDK management capabilities from Adobe. Tags provide a simple way to deploy and manage the analytics, marketing, and advertising solutions necessary to power relevant customer experiences. For additional information about tags, see Tags overview.
For important information about end-of-support, see End of Support FAQs.
Media SDKs and mobile libraries media-sdks-libraries
Web implementation download-web-sdk

JavaScript API
Adobe Analytics
Customer Journey Analytics
Adobe Journey Optimizer
Real-Time CDP
Mobile implementation get-mobile-extension



Adobe Analytics
Customer Journey Analytics
Adobe Journey Optimizer
Real-Time CDP

Adobe Analytics
Customer Journey Analytics
Adobe Journey Optimizer
Real-Time CDP
Over-The-Top implementation download-ott-libraries


Adobe Analytics
Customer Journey Analytics
Adobe Journey Optimizer
Real-Time CDP