Implementaties bijhouden
U kunt de de veranderingen eigenschap van het Spoor van New Relic toelaten om plaatsingsgebeurtenissen op uw Commerce op het project van de wolkeninfrastructuur te controleren.
De de gegevensinzameling van Plaatsingen helpt de invloed van plaatsingsveranderingen in algemene prestaties, zoals CPU, geheugen, reactietijd, en meer analyseren. Zie {de veranderingen van het 0} Spoor gebruikend NerdGraph š in de documentatie van New Relic.
: New Relic API-eindpunt, in dit geval NerdGraph API-URL
: Creeer een gebruikerssleutel, zie New Relic API Sleutelsin de New Relic documentatie.NR_APP_GUID
: Een entiteit die gegevens aan New Relic rapporteert heeft een unieke identiteitskaart (GUID). Als voorbeeld, om op een het Opvoeren milieu toe te laten, pas de het Opvoeren milieuNR_APP_GUID
wolkenvariabele met het opvoeren entiteit GUID van New Relic aan. Zie leren over de entiteiten van New Relicen NerdGraph leerprogramma: De entiteitgegevens van de meningin de New Relic documentatie.
Trackimplementaties inschakelen
Spoor uw de gebeurtenissen van de projectplaatsing van Commerce in New Relic door a manuscript integratie te creƫren.
om de spoorplaatsingen toe te laten:
Wijzig op uw lokale werkstation de projectmap.
Maak een
-bestand. Kopieer de volgende code en plak deze in hetaction-integration.js
-bestand en sla het op:code language-javascript function trackDeployments() { const envName =; let variables; activity.payload.deployment.variables.forEach(function(variable) { if ( === "env:NR_CONFIG") { variables = variable.value; } }); const config = JSON.parse(variables.replace(/'/g, '"')); const commitSha = activity.payload.commits ? activity.payload.commits[0].sha : activity.payload.environment.head_commit; const deploymentType = activity.type; if (!(envName in config)) { throw new Error('There is no configuration for ' + envName); } const configEnv = config[envName]; if (!configEnv.NR_APP_GUID || !configEnv.NR_API_KEY || !configEnv.NR_API_URL) { throw new Error('You must define the next configuation in the env variable NR_CONFIG: NR_APP_GUID, NR_API_KEY and NR_API_URL'); } const query = `mutation { changeTrackingCreateDeployment( deployment: { version: "${commitSha}", entityGuid: "${configEnv.NR_APP_GUID}", commit: "${commitSha}", changelog: "${deploymentType}" } ) { deploymentId entityGuid } }`; var resp = fetch(configEnv.NR_API_URL, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'API-Key': configEnv.NR_API_KEY }, body: JSON.stringify({ query }) }); if (!resp.ok) { console.log('Sending new relic change tracking failed: ' + resp.text()); } else { console.log(resp.text()); } } trackDeployments();
Creeer de integratie van het a manuscript gebruikend het
CLI bevel en van verwijzingen hetaction-integration.js
dossier.code language-bash magento-cloud integration:add --type script --events='environment.restore, environment.push, environment.branch, environment.activate, environment.synchronize, environment.initialize, environment.merge, environment.redeploy, environment.variable.create, environment.variable.delete, environment.variable.update' --file ./action-integration.js --project=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> --environments=<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>
code language-none Created integration 767u4hathojjw (type: script) +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | 767u4hathojjw | | type | script | | role | | | events | - environment.restore | | | - environment.push | | | - environment.branch | | | - environment.activate | | | - environment.synchronize | | | - environment.initialize | | | - environment.merge | | | - environment.redeploy | | | - environment.variable.create | | | - environment.variable.delete | | | - environment.variable.update | | environments | - staging | | | - production | | excluded_environments | { } | | states | - complete | | result | * | | script | function variables() { | | | var vars = {}; | | | activity.payload.deployment.variables.forEach(function(variable) { | | | vars[] = variable.value; | | | }); | | | return vars; | | | } | | | | | | function trackDeployments() { | | | const envName =; | | | | | | const config = JSON.parse(variables()['env:NR_CONFIG'].replace(/'/g, '"')); | | | const commitSha = activity.payload.commits ? activity.payload.commits[0].sha : activity.payload.environment.head_commit; | | | const deploymentType = activity.type; | | | | | | if (!(envName in config)) { | | | throw new Error('There is no configuration for ' + envName); | | | } | | | | | | const configEnv = config[envName]; | | | | | | if (!configEnv.NR_APP_GUID || !configEnv.NR_API_KEY || !configEnv.NR_API_URL) { | | | throw new Error('You must define the next configuation in the env variable NR_CONFIG: NR_APP_GUID, NR_API_KEY and NR_API_URL'); | | | } | | | | | | const query = `mutation { | | | changeTrackingCreateDeployment( | | | deployment: { | | | version: "${commitSha}", | | | entityGuid: "${configEnv.NR_APP_GUID}", | | | commit: "${commitSha}", | | | changelog: "${deploymentType}" | | | } | | | ) { | | | deploymentId | | | entityGuid | | | } | | | }`; | | | | | | var resp = fetch(configEnv.NR_API_URL, { | | | method: 'POST', | | | headers: { | | | 'Content-Type': 'application/json', | | | 'API-Key': configEnv.NR_API_KEY | | | }, | | | body: JSON.stringify({ | | | query | | | }) | | | }); | | | | | | if (!resp.ok) { | | | console.log('Sending new relic change tracking failed: ' + resp.text()); | | | } else { | | | console.log(resp.text()); | | | } | | | } | | | | | | trackDeployments(); | | | | +-----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Noteer de integratie-id voor later gebruik. In dit voorbeeld is de id:
code language-none Created integration 767u4hathojjw (type: script)
U kunt desgewenst de integratie verifiƫren en de integratie-id noteren met:
magento-cloud integration:list
Maak de omgevingsvariabele met behulp van de voorwaarden.
code language-bash magento-cloud variable:create --level project --name=env:NR_CONFIG --value='{"<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>":{"NR_API_KEY": "<YOUR_API_KEY>", "NR_API_URL": "", "NR_APP_GUID":"<YOUR_APP_GUID>"}}' -p <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
Controleer het laatste activiteitenlogboek.
code language-bash magento-cloud integration:activity:log <INTEGRATION_ID> -p <YOUR_PROJECT_ID> -e <YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>
code language-none Integration ID: 767u4hathojjw Activity ID: poxqidsfajkmg Type: integration.script Description: Running activity script Created: 2023-08-28T20:32:02+00:00 State: complete Log: HTTP request HTTP response {"data":{"changeTrackingCreateDeployment":{"deploymentId":"some-deployment-id","entityGuid":"SomeGUIDhere"}}}
Login aan uw rekening van New Relic.
Klik in het navigatiemenu Verkenner op APM & Services . Selecteer de omgeving Name en Account .
Onder Gebeurtenissen, klik Change tracking.