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File: Util.js

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                         *  A static JavaScript object that defines a number of utility methods and convenience 
                         *  functions for string and date formatting and parsing.
                         *  @class util
                        function util()
                         *  Formats one or more arguments as a string according to a format string. It is similar 
                         *  to the C function of the same name.
                         *  @method printf
                         *  @param cFormat {String} The format string to use.
                         *  @param [arguments] {Any} The optional arguments(s) that contain the data to be inserted
                         *  in place of the % tags specified in the first parameter, the format string. The number of 
                         *  optional arguments must be the same as the number of % tags.
                         *  @return {String} A result string formatted as specified.
                        util.printf = function()
                        	var ret = "";
                                // limit number of argument to less than 50 for now
                                if (arguments.length < 50)
                                    ret = sprintf.apply(this, arguments);
                        	catch(e) {}
                        	return ret;
                         *  Returns a date using a specified format.
                         *  @method printd
                         *  @param cFormat {String} A string that is a pattern of supported substrings that are place-holders 
                         *  for date and time data.
                         *  @param oDate {Object} A Date object to format.
                         *  @return {String} The formatted date string.
                        util.printd = function()
                            var formattedDate = "";
                            if (validateInput.apply(this, arguments))
                                var cFormat = arguments[0].toString();
                                var date = arguments[1];
                                if ((cFormat.length == 1) && isNumber(cFormat.charAt(0)))
                                    // Note: All the cases below behave different from what is specified in Acrobat JS Reference
                                    // but they are in sync with the behaviour on desktop Acrobat
                                    switch (cFormat.charAt(0))
                                        case "0":
                                            formattedDate = util.printd("D:yyyymmddHHMMss", date);
                                        case "1":
                                            formattedDate = util.printd("yyyy.mm.dd HH:MM:ss", date);
                                        case "2":
                                            formattedDate = util.printd("m/d/yy h:MM:ss tt", date);
                                    var pattern = /m+|d+|y+|H+|h+|M+|s+|t+|j+|\\./g;
                                    var matches = cFormat.match(pattern);
                                    if (matches)
                                        formattedDate += cFormat.substring(0, search(cFormat, matches[0]));
                                        for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) 
                                            var count = matches[i].length;
                                            formattedDate += getFormattedComponentValue(date, matches[i]);
                                            if ((i + 1) < matches.length)
                                                var separatorBeginIndex = search(cFormat, matches[i]) + count;
                                                var separatorEndIndex = search(cFormat.slice(separatorBeginIndex), matches[i+1]) + separatorBeginIndex;
                                                formattedDate += cFormat.substring(separatorBeginIndex, separatorEndIndex);
                                                cFormat = cFormat.slice(separatorEndIndex);
                                                var separatorBeginIndex = search(cFormat, matches[i]) + count;
                                                formattedDate += cFormat.slice(separatorBeginIndex);
                                        formattedDate = cFormat;
                            return formattedDate;
                             *  Returns formatted date component.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method getFormattedComponentValue
                             *  @param date {Object} The date object.
                             *  @param match {String} The component match found in the format string.
                             *  @return {String} Formatted date component.
                            function getFormattedComponentValue(date, match)
                                var component = match.charAt(0);
                                var count = match.length;
                                var formattedComponentValue = "";
                                switch (component)
                                    case "m":
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getMonth() + 1, 2);
                                        else if (count == 3)
                                            formattedComponentValue = getMonthString((date.getMonth() + 1), true);
                                        else if (count == 4)
                                            formattedComponentValue = getMonthString((date.getMonth() + 1), false);
                                    case "d":
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = date.getDate().toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getDate(), 2);
                                        else if (count == 3)
                                            formattedComponentValue = getDayString((date.getDay() + 1), true);
                                        else if (count == 4)
                                            formattedComponentValue = getDayString((date.getDay() + 1), false);
                                    case "y":
                                        if (count == 2)
                                            var year = lpad(date.getFullYear(), 4);
                                            formattedComponentValue = year.charAt(2) + year.charAt(3);
                                        else if (count == 4)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getFullYear(), 4);
                                    case "H":
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = date.getHours().toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getHours(), 2);
                                    case "h":
                                        var hours = date.getHours() % 12; // converting to 12 hour format
                                        if (hours == 0)
                                            hours = 12;
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = hours.toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(hours, 2);
                                    case "M":
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = date.getMinutes().toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getMinutes(), 2);
                                    case "s":
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = date.getSeconds().toString();
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = lpad(date.getSeconds(), 2);
                                    case "t":
                                        var tValue = "";
                                        if (date.getHours() < 12)
                                            tValue = EScriptString.get("IDS_AM");
                                            tValue = EScriptString.get("IDS_PM");
                                        if (count == 1)
                                            formattedComponentValue = tValue.chatAt(0);
                                        else if (count == 2)
                                            formattedComponentValue = tValue;
                                    case "\\":
                                        formattedComponentValue = match[1];
                                return formattedComponentValue;
                             *  Returns the day string for the given index.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method getDayString
                             *  @param index {Number} The index of the day. For e.g. 1 for Sunday.
                             *  @param abbreviated {Boolean} Specifies if the abbreviated string is to be returned or the entire string.
                             *  @return {String} The day string for the index.
                            function getDayString(index, abbreviated)
                                // returns the string (abbreviated or full) corresponding to the given day or a string that
                                // is indicative of the fact that the index was invalid
                                var IDS_DAY_INFO = EScriptString.get("IDS_DAY_INFO");
                                var IDS_INVALID_MONTH = EScriptString.get("IDS_INVALID_MONTH");
                                var result = "";
                                var datre = new RegExp("(\\w+)\\[" + index + "\\]", "g");
                                var matches = IDS_DAY_INFO.match(monthre);
                                if (matches.length == 2)
                                    if (abbreviated)
                                        result = matches[1].slice(0, (matches[1].indexOf("[")));
                                        result = matches[0].slice(0, (matches[1].indexOf("[")));
                                    return result;
                                return IDS_INVALID_MONTH;
                             *  Returns the month string for the given index.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method getMonthString
                             *  @param index {Number} The index of the day. For e.g. 1 for January.
                             *  @param abbreviated {Boolean} Specifies if the abbreviated string is to be returned or the entire string.
                             *  @return {String} The month string for the index.
                            function getMonthString(index, abbreviated)
                                // returns the string (abbreviated or full) corresponding to the given month or a string that
                                // is indicative of the fact that the index was invalid
                                // TODO_READER_MOBILE<pvyas>: modify the IDS_MONTH_INFO string so that it includes abbreviated May.
                                // this will prevent special handling, and then getDateString and getMonthString can share code.
                                if (abbreviated)
                                    var IDS_MONTH_INFO = EScriptString.get("IDS_MONTH_INFO");
                                    var IDS_INVALID_MONTH = EScriptString.get("IDS_INVALID_MONTH");
                                    var monthre = new RegExp("(\\w+)\\[" + index + "\\]", "g");
                                    var matches = IDS_MONTH_INFO.match(monthre);
                                    if (matches.length == 2)
                                        return matches[1].slice(0, (matches[1].indexOf("[")));
                                    return AFGetMonthString(index); // if 2 matches are not found we try and default to full name
                                    return AFGetMonthString(index);
                             *  Does input validation for printd method.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method validateInput
                             *  @return {Boolean} True if input is valid, otherwise false.
                            function validateInput()
                                var result = true;
                                // check if number of arguments are valid
                                if (!((arguments.length > 1) && (arguments.length < 4)))
                                    result = false;
                                    // check if argument 1 is valid
                                    if (!((typeof(arguments[0]) == "string") || (typeof(arguments[0]) == "number")))
                                        result = false;
                                        if (typeof(arguments[0]) == "number")
                                            if (!((arguments[0] >= 0) && (arguments[0] <= 2)))
                                                result = false;
                                    // check if argument 2 is valid
                                    if (!(arguments[1] instanceof Date))
                                        result = false;
                                return result;
                         *  Formats a source string, cSource, according to a formatting string, cFormat.
                         *  @method printx
                         *  @param cFormat {String} The formatting string to use.
                         *  @param cSource {String} The source string to use.
                         *  @return {String} The formatted string.
                        util.printx = function()
                            var formattedValue = "";
                            if (validateInput.apply(this, arguments))
                                var cFormat = arguments[0].toString();
                                var cSource = arguments[1].toString();
                                var sourceIndex = 0;
                                var currCase = "";
                                var pattern = /\?+|X+|A+|9+|\*|\\.|>|<|\=/g;
                                var matches = cFormat.match(pattern);
                                if (matches)
                                    formattedValue += cFormat.substring(0, search(cFormat, matches[0]));
                                    for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) 
                                        var count = matches[i].length;
                                        formattedValue += getFormattedComponentValue(cSource, matches[i]);
                                        if ((i + 1) < matches.length)
                                            var separatorBeginIndex = search(cFormat, matches[i]) + count;
                                            var separatorEndIndex = search(cFormat.slice(separatorBeginIndex), matches[i+1]) + separatorBeginIndex;
                                            formattedValue += cFormat.substring(separatorBeginIndex, separatorEndIndex);
                                            cFormat = cFormat.slice(separatorEndIndex);
                                            var separatorBeginIndex = search(cFormat, matches[i]) + count;
                                            formattedValue += cFormat.slice(separatorBeginIndex);
                                    formattedValue = cFormat;
                            return formattedValue;
                             *  Returns formatted component value.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method getFormattedComponentValue
                             *  @param cSource {String} The source string.
                             *  @param match {String} The component match found in the format string.
                             *  @return {String} Formatted component value.
                            function getFormattedComponentValue(cSource, match)
                                var component = match.charAt(0);
                                var count = match.length;
                                var formattedComponentValue = "";
                                switch (component)
                                    case "?":
                                        for (var i = 0; (i < count) && (sourceIndex < cSource.length); i++)
                                            if (currCase == "upper")
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex).toUpperCase();
                                            else if (currCase == "lower")
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex).toLowerCase();
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex);
                                    case "X":
                                        for (var i = 0; (i < count) && (sourceIndex < cSource.length);)
                                            if (isAlphaNumeric(cSource.charAt(sourceIndex)))
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex);
                                    case "A":
                                        for (var i = 0; (i < count) && (sourceIndex < cSource.length);)
                                            if (isAlphabetic(cSource.charAt(sourceIndex)))
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex);
                                    case "9":
                                        for (var i = 0; (i < count) && (sourceIndex < cSource.length);)
                                            if (isNumber(cSource.charAt(sourceIndex)))
                                                formattedComponentValue += cSource.charAt(sourceIndex);
                                    case "*":
                                        formattedComponentValue = cSource.slice(sourceIndex);
                                    case "\\":
                                        formattedComponentValue = match[1];
                                    case ">":
                                        currCase = "upper";
                                    case "<":
                                        currCase = "lower";
                                    case "=":
                                        currCase = "";
                                return formattedComponentValue;
                             *  Does input validation for printx method.
                             *  @private
                             *  @method validateInput
                             *  @return {Boolean} True if input is valid, otherwise false.
                            function validateInput()
                                var result = true;
                                // check if number of arguments are valid
                                if (!(arguments.length == 2))
                                    result = false;
                                    // check if argument 1 is valid
                                    if (isNullOrUndefined(arguments[0]))
                                        result = false;
                                    // check if argument 2 is valid
                                    if (isNullOrUndefined(arguments[1]))
                                        result = false;
                                return result;
                         *  Adds left pad to value.
                         *  @private
                         *  @method lpad
                         *  @param value {Number} The value to be left padded.
                         *  @param width {Number} The width in characters of the final string.
                         *  @return {String} Left padded value.
                        function lpad(value, width)
                        	result = value.toString();
                        	while (result.length < width)
                        		result = "0" + result;
                            return result;
                         *  Searches for a string in another string.
                         *  @private
                         *  @method search
                         *  @param string {String} The string in which the searchString is to be found.
                         *  @param searchString {String} The search string.
                         *  @return {Number} The index of where the searchString was found in the string.
                        function search(string, searchString)
                            return string.search(searchString.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/\?/g,"\\?").replace(/\*/g,"\\*"));
                         *  Checks if the value is either null or undefined.
                         *  @private
                         *  @method isNullOrUndefined
                         *  @param value {Any} The value which is to be tested.
                         *  @return {Boolean} True if value is null or undefined, otherwise false.
                        function isNullOrUndefined(value)
                            if ((value == null) || (value == undefined))
                                return true;
                            return false;

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