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* Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers,
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* herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its
* suppliers and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
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* All JavaScript scripts are executed as the result of a particular event. For each of
* these events, JavaScript creates an event object. During the occurrence of each event,
* you can access this object to get and possibly manipulate information about the current
* state of the event.
* @class Event
function Event()
Event.prototype =
* A string specifying the change in value that the user has just typed. A JavaScript may
* replace part or all of this string with different characters. The change may take the form
* of an individual keystroke or a string of characters (for example, if a paste into the field
* is performed).
* @property change
* @type {String}
get change()
return ARJavaScriptEvent.change;
set change(_val)
if (typeof(_val) == "string")
ARJavaScriptEvent.change = _val;
* Used for validation. Indicates whether a particular event in the event chain should
* succeed. Set to false to prevent a change from occurring or a value from committing.
* The default is true.
* @property rc
* @type {Boolean}
get rc()
var returnVal;
var rc = ARJavaScriptEvent.rc;
if (rc == 1)
returnVal = true;
returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
set rc(_val)
if (typeof(_val) == "boolean")
ARJavaScriptEvent.rc = _val;
* The ending position of the current text selection during a keystroke event.
* @property selEnd
* @type {Number}
* @readOnly
get selEnd()
return ARJavaScriptEvent.selEnd;
* The starting position of the current text selection during a keystroke event.
* @property selStart
* @type {Number}
* @readOnly
get selStart()
return ARJavaScriptEvent.selStart;
* Returns true if errors should be silenced instead of displaying an alert.
* @private
* @property silenceErrors
* @type {Boolean}
* @readOnly
get silenceErrors()
var returnVal;
var silenceErrors = ARJavaScriptEvent.silenceErrors;
if (silenceErrors == 1)
returnVal = true;
returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
* The Field object that triggered the calculation event. This object is usually different from the
* target of the event, which is the field that is being calculated.
* @property source
* @type {Object}
* @readOnly
get source()
var returnVal = null;
var source = ARJavaScriptEvent.source;
if (source)
returnVal = new Field(ARJavaScriptEvent.source);
return returnVal;
* The target object that triggered the event. In all mouse, focus, blur, calculate, validate, and
* format events, it is the Field object that triggered the event. In other events, such as page open
* and close, it is the Doc or this object.
* @property target
* @type {Object}
* @readOnly
get target()
var returnVal = null;
var target = ARJavaScriptEvent.target;
if (target)
returnVal = new Field(ARJavaScriptEvent.target);
return returnVal;
* Tries to return the name of the target object. Can be used for debugging purposes to help identify
* the code causing exceptions to be thrown. Common values of targetName include:
* The folder-level script file name for App/Init events
* The document-level script name forDoc/Open events
* The PDF file name being processed for Batch/Exec events
* The field name for Field events
* The menu item name for Menu/Exec events
* The screen annotation name for Screen events (multimedia events)
* @property targetName
* @type {String}
* @readOnly
get targetName()
return ARJavaScriptEvent.targetName;
* This property has different meanings for different field events:
* For the Field/Validate event, it is the value that the field contains when it is committed.
* For a combo box, it is the face value, not the export value.
* For a Field/Calculate event, JavaScript should set this property. It is the value that the
* field should take upon completion of the event.
* For a Field/Format event, JavaScript should set this property. It is the value used when generating
* the appearance for the field. By default, it contains the value that the user has committed. For a
* combo box, this is the face value, not the export value.
* For a Field/Keystroke event, it is the current value of the field. If modifying a text field, for
* example, this is the text in the text field before the keystroke is applied.
* For Field/Blur and Field/Focus events, it is the current value of the field. During these two events,
* event.value is read only. That is, the field value cannot be changed by setting event.value.
* @property value
* @type {Any}
get value()
return ARJavaScriptEvent.value;
set value(_val)
if (_val == undefined || _val == null)
_val = "";
if (isNullOrUndefined(_val))
_val = "";
_val = _val.toString();
ARJavaScriptEvent.value = _val;
* Verifies the current keystroke event before the data is committed. It can be used to check target form
* field values to verify, for example, whether character data was entered instead of numeric data. JavaScript
* sets this property to true after the last keystroke event and before the field is validated.
* @property willCommit
* @type {Boolean}
* @readOnly
get willCommit()
var returnVal;
var willCommit = ARJavaScriptEvent.willCommit;
if (willCommit == 1)
returnVal = true;
returnVal = false;
return returnVal;
// register undefined properties on the Event.prototype object
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'changeEx');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'commitKey');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'fieldFull');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'keyDown');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'modifier');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'name');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'richChange');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'richChangeEx');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'richValue');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'shift');
registerUndefinedProperty(Event.prototype, 'event', 'type');
// instantiate object
var event = new Event();