* ___________________
* Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated
* All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers,
* if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained
* herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its
* suppliers and are protected by trade secret or copyright law.
* Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
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* from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
* The Doc object provides the interface between a PDF document open in the viewer and the
* JavaScript interpreter. It provides methods and properties for accessing the PDF document.
* @class Doc
* The total number of fields in the document.
* @property numFields
* @type {Number}
* @readonly
Object.defineProperty(this, 'numFields',
get: function()
return ARJavaScriptDoc.numFields;
* Gets or sets the current page of the document. When setting pageNum to a specific
* page, remember that the values are 0-based.
* @property pageNum
* @type {Number}
Object.defineProperty(this, 'pageNum',
// Usage of pageNum has been replaced with pageIndex in the codebase. The Objective-C protocol now exposes pageIndex property instead of pageNum property.
get: function()
return ARJavaScriptDoc.pageIndex;
set: function(pageNum)
ARJavaScriptDoc.pageIndex = pageNum;
* Gets the name of the nth field in the document.
* @param nIndex {Number} The index of the field whose name should be obtained.
* @return {String} The name of the field in the document.
getNthFieldName = function(nIndex)
if (arguments.length < 1)
throw new TypeError();
if (typeof nIndex != "number" || isNaN(nIndex))
nIndex = AFMakeNumber(nIndex);
if (typeof nIndex != "number" || isNaN(nIndex))
throw new TypeError();
return ARJavaScriptDoc.getNthFieldName(nIndex);
* Maps a Field object in the PDF document to a JavaScript variable.
* @method getField
* @param cName {String} The name of the field of interest.
* @return {Object} A Field object representing a form field in the PDF document.
getField = function(name)
var returnVal = null;
var field = ARJavaScriptDoc.getField(name);
if (field)
returnVal = new Field(field);
return returnVal;
* Resets the field values within a document. Resetting a field causes it to take on
* its default value (which, in the case of text fields, is usually blank).
* @method resetForm
* @param [fieldNames=null] {Object} An array specifying the fields to reset. If not
* present or null, all fields in the form are reset.
resetForm = function(fieldNames)
* Submits the form to a specified URL. Currently only supports FormsCentral submissions.
* submitForm JS API currently only supports FormsCentral submissions. And FormsCentral has now
* been decommissioned. Leave the submitForm code intact so that if it is executed, the return
* response can be processed by the application. Leave the submitForm code intact so that it can
* serve as a guide for any future non-FormsCentral submit functionality. But mark the API as
* private so that any autogenerated documentation does NOT include this API.
* @private
* @method submitForm
* @param cURL {String} The URL to submit to. cURL must be a FormsCentral target.
* @param [cSubmitAs='FDF'] {String} This parameter indicates the format for submission.
* Must be 'HTML' to support FormsCentral submission.
* @param [cCharset='utf-8'] {String} The encoding for the values submitted. Must be
* 'utf-8' to support FormsCentral submission.
submitForm = function()
var cURL = null;
var cSubmitAs = null;
var cCharset = null;
if (arguments.length > 0)
if (typeof arguments[0].cURL == "string")
cSubmitAs = 'FDF';
cCharset = 'utf-8';
cURL = arguments[0].cURL;
if (typeof arguments[0].cSubmitAs == "string")
cSubmitAs = arguments[0].cSubmitAs;
if (typeof arguments[0].cCharset == "string")
cCharset = arguments[0].cCharset;
else if (typeof arguments[0] == "string")
cSubmitAs = 'FDF';
cCharset = 'utf-8';
cURL = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length >= 9 && typeof arguments[8] == "boolean" && arguments[8] == true)
cSubmitAs = 'PDF';
else if (arguments.length >= 7 && typeof arguments[6] == "boolean" && arguments[6] == true)
cSubmitAs = 'XML';
else if (arguments.length >= 2 && typeof arguments[1] == "boolean" && arguments[1] == false)
cSubmitAs = 'none';
ARJavaScriptDoc.submitForm(cURL, cSubmitAs, cCharset);
// register undefined properties on the 'this' object
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'alternatePresentations');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'author');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'baseURL');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'bookmarkRoot');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'calculate');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'creationDate');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'creator');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'dataObjects');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'delay');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'dirty');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'disclosed');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'docID');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'documentFileName');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'dynamicXFAForm');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'external');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'filesize');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'hidden');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'hostContainer');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'icons');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'info');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'innerAppWindowRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'innerDocWindowRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'isModal');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'keywords');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'layout');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'media');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'metadata');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'modDate');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'mouseX');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'mouseY');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'noautocomplete');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'nocache');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'numPages');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'numTemplates');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'path');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'outerAppWindowRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'outerDocWindowRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'pageWindowRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'permStatusReady');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'producer');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'requiresFullSave');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'securityHandler');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'selectedAnnots');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'sounds');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'spellDictionaryOrder');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'spellLanguageOrder');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'subject');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'templates');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'title');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'URL');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'viewState');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'xfa');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'XFAForeground');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'zoom');
registerUndefinedProperty(this, 'Doc', 'zoomType');