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JavaScript for Acrobat Reader Mobile API Reference (Android)

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JavaScript API Overview

In PDF workflows, forms provide not only a vehicle for data entry, but also field format and data validation, computation, and submission. For all of these behaviours, PDF forms technology relies on JavaScript.

Adobe Acrobat defines a set of custom JavaScript objects which deal with specifics of the Acrobat Viewer and PDF documents. These custom JavaScript objects collectively form the Acrobat Document Object Model (DOM) which allow client-side JavaScripts to directly interact with the program and documents. JavaScript documentation for desktop products resides here.

For Acrobat Reader DC, JavaScript support includes performing build-in forms calculations, data validation, and data formatting. The JavaScript framework is general enough to support other JavaScript APIs in the future and it regularly evolves.


Most Acroform elements and their properties are supported, although email is currently the only supported submit type and barcodes are not supported.

XFA forms

Unsupported. While Acrobat Reader does support Acroforms (forms created by Acrobat's form tools), it currently does not support the XFA forms created with LiveCycle Designer. Some forms can be filled in and will appear to work, but when you open the forms on another viewer (such as Acrobat), the data isn't there.

For more information about XFA/XML-based PDF forms and HTML5 workflow alternatives, see this blog.

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