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JavaScript for Acrobat Reader Mobile API Reference (Android)

File: Field.js

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                         *  This object represents an Acrobat form field (that is, a field created using the Acrobat
                         *  form tool or the Doc addField method). In the same manner that a form author can modify an
                         *  existing field's properties, the JavaScript user can use the Field object to perform the
                         *  same modifications.
                         *  @class Field
                         *  @param name {String} The name of the field.
                        function Field(name)
                            this.name = name;
                        Field.prototype = 
                             *  Returns the type of the field as a string.
                             *  @property type
                             *  @type {String}
                             *  @readonly
                            get type()
                                return window._field.getType(this.name);
                             *  The value of the field data that the user has entered. Depending on the type of the field, 
                             *  may be a String, Date, or Number. Typically, the value is used to create calculated fields.
                             *  @property value
                             *  @type {Any}
                            get value()
                            	var val = window._field.getValue(this.name);
                            	if ((window._field.isNumberFormatType(this.name) || !isNaN(val)) && val != "")
                            		val = parseFloat(val);
                            	return val;
                            set value(_val)
                            	window._field.setValue(_val, this.name);
                             *  The foreground color of a field. It represents the text color for text, button, 
                             *  or list box fields and the check color for check box or radio button fields.  Values
                             *  are defined by Color arrays.
                             *  @private
                             *  @property textColor
                             *  @type {Object}
                            set textColor(_textColor)
                            	if (_textColor.length >= 2 && typeof _textColor[0] == "string" && _textColor[0] == "G" && 
                            		typeof _textColor[1] == "number")
                            		window._field.setGrayTextColor(_textColor[1], this.name);
                            	else if (_textColor.length >= 4 && typeof _textColor[0] == "string" && _textColor[0] == "RGB" &&
                            			 typeof _textColor[1] == "number" && typeof _textColor[2] == "number" && typeof _textColor[3] == "number")
                            		window._field.setRGBTextColor(_textColor[1], _textColor[2], _textColor[3], this.name);
                         *  Gets the array of terminal child fields (that is, fields that can have a value) for 
                         *  this Field object, the parent field.
                         *  @method getArray
                         *  @return {Object} An array of Field objects.
                        Field.prototype.getArray = function()
                        	var returnVal;
                        	// get the comma separated field names from native
                        	var fieldNames = window._field.getArray(this.name);
                        	if (!isNullOrUndefined(fieldNames) && fieldNames.length > 0)
                        		returnVal = new Array();
                        		// split the comma separate field names and create field object
                        		// using each field name
                        		var fieldNameArray = fieldNames.split(",");
                        		for (var i = 0; i<fieldNameArray.length; i++)
                        			returnVal[i] = new Field(fieldNameArray[i]);
                        	return returnVal;
                         *  Sets the focus to this field. This can involve changing the page that the user is 
                         *  currently on or causing the view to scroll to a new position in the document.
                         *  @method setFocus
                        Field.prototype.setFocus = function()
                        //register undefined properties on the Field.prototype object
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'alignment');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'borderStyle');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonAlignX');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonAlignY');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonFitBounds');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonPosition');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonScaleHow');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'buttonScaleWhen');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'calcOrderIndex');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'charLimit');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'comb');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'commitOnSelChange');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'currentValueIndices');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'defaultStyle');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'defaultValue');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'doNotScroll');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'doNotSpellCheck');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'delay');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'display');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'doc');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'editable');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'exportValues');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'fileSelect');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'fillColor');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'hidden');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'highlight');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'lineWidth');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'multiline');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'multipleSelection');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'numItems');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'page');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'password');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'print');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'radiosInUnison');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'readonly');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'rect');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'required');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'richText');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'richValue');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'rotation');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'strokeColor');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'style');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'submitName');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'textFont');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'textSize');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'userName');
                        registerUndefinedProperty(Field.prototype, 'Field', 'valueAsString');

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