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* A static JavaScript object that represents the Acrobat application. It defines a number
* of Acrobat-specific functions plus a variety of utility routines and convenience functions.
* @class App
function App() { };
App.prototype =
* The platform the script is currently executing on.
* @property platform
* @type {String}
* @readOnly
get platform()
return window._app.getPlatform();
* The language code of the running application.
* @property language
* @type {String}
* @readOnly
get language()
return window._app.getLanguage();
* Displays an alert dialog box.
* @method alert
* @param cMsg {String} A string containing the message to be displayed.
App.prototype.alert = function(cMsg, nIcon)
return window._app.alert(cMsg + "", nIcon);
* [Unimplemented]
* @private
* @method beep
* @param nType {Number}
App.prototype.beep = function(nType)
return window._app.beep(nType);
//register undefined properties on the App.prototype object
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'activeDocs');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'calculate');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'constants');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'focusRect');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'formsVersion');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'fromPDFConverters');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'fs');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'fullscreen');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'media');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'monitors');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'numPlugIns');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'openInPlace');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'plugIns');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'printColorProfiles');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'printerNames');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'runtimeHighlight');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'runtimeHighlightColor');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'thermometer');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'toolbar');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'toolbarHorizontal');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'toolbarVertical');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'viewerType');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'viewerVariation');
registerUndefinedProperty(App.prototype, 'app', 'viewerVersion');
// instantiate object
var app = new App();