How do I edit pages?

AEM supports editing content in Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Microsoft Excel, and Google Sheets as well as any custom authoring environment and AEMs Universal Editor.

Why are Edge Delivery Services-based websites fast?

Edge Delivery Services have been tuned to make it easy to create fast web pages with a perfect Lighthouse Score and continously monitor your site performance through real user monitoring (RUM) and every code addition (pull request) is checked against Google PageSpeed Insights to make sure that there are no code changes that reduce the site performance and experience.

How can I optimize my pages for search engines (SEO)

Best practices for SEO include adding metadata to your page using the Metadata block and having sites with good performance (Core Web Vitals – CWV)

Does AEM support HREFLang?

Yes, HREFLang is supported as part of sitemaps (sitemap.xml) and can be configured in a flexible manner to reference different locales where needed.

Can I use Edge Delivery Services in combination with AEM Sites on the same domain?

Edge Delivery Services are part of AEM Sites, so yes, AEM Sites and Edge Delivery Services do co-exist on every site.

Can I use Adobe Target on an AEM website?

Yes, AEM works with Adobe Target and other Adobe Experience Cloud products. On top of that AEM also features a built-in experimentation framework that allows quick test creation, execution without performance impact and fast release to production of a test winner.

Can I use Adobe Analytics on an AEM website?

Yes, using Adobe Analytics on an AEM website is no different from any other instrumentation of a website.

Can I use Adobe Launch on an AEM website?

Yes, Adobe Launch is the preferred Tag Manager way to deploy your Adobe Experience Cloud products and other tags on your website.

What is the SLA for AEM?

The SLA for Edge Delivery Services is the same as AEM as a Cloud Service (see You can check for availability of all Adobe services.

How can I develop AEM pages locally?

You need node.js and run npm install -g @adobe/aem-cli && aem up to get a local development server. The local development will update immediately when your code changes and uses your production content for accurate previews. For a full guide on how to get started go to

Do I need to manage my redirects on my CDN or does Edge Delivery Services provide this?

Simple update the redirects (or redirects.xlsx) spreadsheet in the root folder of your project in Google Drive or Sharepoint.

Can you please let us know from where we can update the alt text for images?

In both Google Docs and Microsoft Word, you can add a description to images that will get picked up by AEM as the alt text. Adding alt texts will improve the accessibility and SEO of your page. In Word, select the image, click the Picture ribbon and then Alt Text. In Google Docs, right-click the image and select Alt text.

My content seems outdated. How can I refresh it?

Open the AEM Sidekick, then click “Preview”. This will refresh the preview of your page.

What is the sidekick?

The AEM Sidekick is a browser extension that allows you to edit, preview, and publish pages on your site. The extension supports multiple projects.

What characters can I use in file names in Sharepoint or Google?

Use only lowercase alphanumeric characters, a-z, 0-9, and the dash in file names. This makes it easier to type URLs. AEM will transform all other file names.

As an author, what am I supposed to do and create in google drive, whereas what do I write as a dev?

In the simplest case content is written in Google Docs or Microsoft Word. The functionality of your site is developed in CSS and Javascript in GitHub.

Does AEM support WYSIWYG editing in a browser?

AEM supports any custom authoring environment including traditional and universal editor based AEM Authoring. On top of that AEM supports commonly used existing content authoring environments such as Word, Excel, Google Docs and Sheets.

Can AEM track page KPIs (e.g. completions, clicks, impressions, etc.)

Yes, RUM collection can be extended with custom checkpoints for conversion events. Note that RUM collection only samples the visitor interaction and does not track individual visitors.

How do you manage “editable” Content Templates in AEM?

For content that is created in Word or Google Docs, the templating mechanisms of those respective environments offer a broad range of functionalities as word or gdoc templates. In most cases, just like with any other content that is created, it is more effective to create an example document as the template, think an article page, a landing page or two column page template document that can easily be used by authors.

Does AEM have any localization capabilities? Have we done l10n on AEM before?

Many AEM-powered sites are multilingual. AEM uses the localization capabilities that are integrated in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, so that AEM customers can continue using familiar systems for authoring and translation.

Can AEM Embed/iframe

Yes, the Embed block allows you to embed content from other sites, for example videos from YouTube.

Does AEM support secured content like an intranet, portal or a closed user group?

Yes, parts or all of your site can be protected only for authorized users. Depending of the level of authorization (eg. pay wall vs. network level) putting the customer specific authorization for sections of the site directly into the CDN tier. All CDN vendors have a broad set of integrations with existing identity providers. On the AEM side, all access to the origins (.page and .live) can be locked down to make the CDN with the necessary auth in place the only way how content can be accessed.

What should I do if my sidekick isn’t working anymore?

You can ask someone on your team with a working sidekick to share its URL with you by clicking the share icon at the top right, or go to to reinstall the sidekick for your project.

My sidekick is broken.

You can ask someone on your team with a working sidekick to share its URL with you by clicking the share icon at the top right, or go to to reinstall the sidekick for your project.

How do you handle localized/country-specific sites? Do you use the URL?

Best practices for localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n) include: separate content in different folders for each language version, use translation tools and processes integrated with Word or Google Docs, and create separate, language-specific indices.

Is it somehow possible to get a list of pages/sites for a folder?

AEM can create an index (or multiple indices) of your site that are stored in an Excel or Google spreadsheet and served as JSON.

Does the indexing work the same on Google ?

Yes it does. The index will be stored in a Google spreadsheet then.

What is RUM?

A real user monitoring service that checks how fast your site is for visitors in the real world. This give you more accurate performance data than lab results like the Lighthouse score.

How do I add RUM to my site?

Just ask the AEM team, they will open a PR with some Javascript. All RUM monitoring is GDPR-compliant and uses no personal data (PII).

How can I process form submissions with AEM?

AEM has a built-in forms engine that can store form submissions in Microsoft Excel.

Do I need to manually clear the cache for all pages to use the new head.html or just wait longer?

When you update head.html, AEM will automatically purge the cache of all HTML pages, so that your changes become effective immediately.

How would AEM be at producing an output for something intended for gitbook like this

AEM does not support Markdown documents hosted on GitHub as a content source anymore. If you want to publish from GitHub, you need to copy the Markdown documents to Google Drive or Sharepoint first, then publish them.

What is AEM’s stance on IE11 support?

AEM does not support IE 11 or older browsers, but projects can add compatibility if they need it. Less that a tenth of a percent of all visitors to AEM-powered sites use unsupported browsers.

What should I know about metadata.xlsx

metadata.xlsx is a spreadsheet that allows you to centrally manage metadata for SEO of your site. It allows setting default metadata, exclude page sections from indexing, and more.

How can I make sure my pages look great when shared on social sites like Facebook or Twitter?

Provide a default placeholder image for social sharing, and manage your page metadata throught the metadata block and the metadata spreadsheet.

How can I integrate Assets from AEM Assets into a website?

You need node.js and run npm install -g @adobe/aem-cli && aem up to get a local development server. The local development will update immediately when your code changes and uses your production content for accurate previews. For a full guide on how to get started go to

Is AEM a good solution for landing pages? is a great example how Adobe uses AEM to manage hundreds of landing pages, owned by dozens of independent teams.

Has anyone else been having problems with the Sidekick recently?

If you are having problems with the sidekick, ask someone on your team with a working sidekick to share its URL with you by clicking the share icon at the top right, or go to to reinstall the sidekick for your project.

Do we have an official stance (legally, technically) on using cookies/localstorage to store app state between pages?

AEM does not process Cookies on the server-side. For most applications, it is sufficient (and best practice) to keep application state in the URL, for instance through URL parameters.

Do we currently have something in place to no-index a specific page

You can exclude individual pages from being crawled by search engines by setting the no-index property in the Metadata block. To exclude larger site sections, use the metadata.xlsx spreadsheet.

I’m trying to delete a page, but don’t see the button in the sidekick

To prevent accidential removal of important pages, the unpublish and delete buttons in the sidekick appear only if the corresponding source document has been removed in Word or Google Docs first.

Yes, third-party site search is common for large websites. The most common path for the integration is to use the built in sitemap feature. AEM out of the box indexing provides a built-in option for fast and simple searches for most websites.

Does AEM have an RSS Feed feature we could leverage for our site? If not, are there plans to implement it in the future?

AEM does not publish RSS or Atom feeds out of the box, but the sidekick is extensible, so that it can generate Atom feeds for RSS feed readers from a page index.

How are editors supposed to un-publish pages? I’m not seeing a feature for that in the sidekick, or maybe I’m overlooking something.

To prevent accidential removal of important pages, the unpublish and delete buttons in the sidekick appear only if the corresponding source document has been removed in Word or Google Docs first.

Is it possible to make the embed block you’ve created support embed codes?

Yes, the embed block can be extended to support arbitrary embed codes.

How does AEM handle multiple developers editing the same code at the same time, since the code is partially (?) deployed whenever we rebuild locally? Does it merge changes, or?

As long as you are developing locally, your code stays on the local machine, and only content will be shared. If you commit your code to a GitHub repository, then git will take care of merging changes from multiple developers.

Sometimes there is a significant delay between something showing up inside of the AEM side after being updated in the Word Doc. Any thoughts there?

The Sharepoint API sometimes has a delay of up to three minutes before changes made to your Word document become visible to AEM. If you save the document explicitly with CMD+S (or CTRL+S on Windows) the changes are visible immediately.

There are some concerns I have with all the pages being queried by one index. In some cases, such as in the case of a job post, we have other fields we may want to query and have available in the index. How do you recommend handling this?

AEM supports and suggests creating as many indexes as you need. Best practices include creating one index per language, and creating additional dedicated indexes for common queries.

How does AEM determine what gets published to the URL?

AEM is using the name of the document and folder in Sharepoint or Google Drive to create the page URL on the site. To keep URLs clean, only characters a-z, numbers and the dash are allowed in path names.

What’s the purpose of these three dashes in a document?

Three dashes in a AEM Document indicate a section break. Sections in AEM can be used to structure pages, for instance to change background colors or to trigger animations.

What is fstab.yaml

fstab.yaml tells AEM where the content for your site is coming from. The format is similar to an fstab file in UNIX, but it uses the Google Drive or Microsoft SharePoint sharing URL as the mountpoint.

Links within a project eg. .page and .live URLs are automatically turned into relative links. For authoring purposes it is more intuitive to use absolute links copy/pasted from your browser.

How does AEM handle inheritance and rollouts between multiple sites, both for content and code. Is AEM a good fit for sites with dozens or hundreds of local markets, languages or sub brands.

AEM is used in production by global enterprises active in many markets. There is a broad range of facilities to manage code and content centrally and inheriting through multiple tiers into the various websites, locale and brands while still allowing for local adjustments. Content rollout and localization can be tied into existing translation memories that are already integrated into the existing countent source (eg. Sharepoint and GDrive)

It appears that AEM doesn’t really support nested blocks. Is that correct?

AEM blocks cannot be nested to keep things simple and manageable for authors, however there are multiple author friendly ways to created nested structures. One way is to use nested fragements for more complex structures.

Is there a way to reuse content similar to AEM’s content and experience fragments?

Yes, a fragment reference block allows you to embed content from another page in the current page, offering reuse of centrally managed content. The concept of a fragment is used out of the box on most web pages, as the header (navigation) and footers are loaded as fragments.

To better prepare for the importing Workfront/Magento/Marketo blog articles, we need to understand how the import script works and what it is looking for.

The AEM importer is able to import from any existing site and has imported content from Wordpress, Unsplash, Contentful, other AEM instances, and others before. The AEM teams assists you in importing your content from any CMS into Word or Google Docs.

How do I create a staging environment for my site?

AEM is 100% serverless, so you don’t need dedicated environments. If you want to try a new functionality, just create a branch in your GitHub repository.

Does AEM support Workflows?

AEM supports access controls for publishing and delegates the workflows to the content sources used. For Sharepoint (Word and Excel) we recommend Adobe Workfront for document review and approval needs.

What’s AEM access control model for Authoring?

AEM largely operates on the Access Control model established by the content sources, in Sharepoint and Google Drive there are very robust controls in place covering any imaginable enterprise scenario. Most importantly, both users and system administrators are familiar with those well established controls. It is definitely possible to limit access to certain blocks to users (via the content library) or preventing blocks from being rendered in certain sections of a site. If there is a need to limit access for only parts of a page, it is recommended to go the fragments route and isolate the content with different access control into different documents.

What’s the process for adding the non-indexing code to the AEM pages?

You can specify a metadata property “robots” with value “no-index” in the metadata block of your document.

Can I use AEM with private GitHub repositories?

Yes, AEM has support for private GitHub repositories, but it is important to install the GitHub bot in the repository.

Do any AEM powerpoint slides exist already?

Yes, we have a standard AEM deck that we can share if you want to talk about AEM with customers.

Can XD translate into designs in AEM?

AEM has an experimental integration with Adobe XD that allows using Adobe XD to author content for AEM.

Is there provision in AEM for any sort of “dynamic rendering” (with SSI/ESI “not cached” fragments) – or is the thinking to always rely on pregenerated markup + client code shall some level of PZN be needed for a page?

AEM does not perform any custom server-side rendering. It creates opinionated and optimized markup by default that can then be adjusted for looks, functionality, and personalization on the client. This combination offers the best combination of page performance and ease of development.

What is a good Lighthouse score for an AEM page?

Every AEM site can and should achieve a Lighthouse score of 100. The AEM RUM monitoring helps you understand how fast your site is for your visitors.

I’ve made changes to my site, but they don’t show up. What can I do?

A typical issue is that an old version of the page is cached in your browser. If the site looks different in another browser, try clearing the browser cache.

Does AEM support Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)?

No, but it supports Microsoft Edge.

Which browsers are supported by AEM?

AEM supports all modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge

Does AEM support Microsoft Teams?

The AEM team is happy to assist you in Slack as well as Teams.

How can I schedule content publication? Does AEM support launches?

AEM offers to schedule API calls including publication via spreadsheets. For large scale timed launches (eg. a rebrand or a launch of a new product), GitHub branches or forks and copies of large content folders have been the best way to operationalize a change like that.

Is AEM down right now?

AEM is probably not down right now, but you can check for up-to-date notification of service interruptions.

Is AEM better for large or small sites?

You can use AEM for small sites because it is very easy to get started, but it works best for large sites with many authors, frequent updates, and lots of traffic.

Does AEM work for small online shops?

Yes, you can integrate AEM with payment services such as Stripe or Square to build and run e-commerce sites.

What is the difference between and gives authors an up-to-date preview of unpublished content. showing the published content. It is used as the origin for your CDN in production. These domains used to be called and

Does AEM support GitHub Enterprise?

No, since AEM is running in the cloud, it needs access to the public GitHub API. This means, GitHub Enterprise Server is not supported while GitHub Enterprise Cloud is supported.

Does AEM support Git repository hosts other than GitHub (e.g. Bitbucket)?

A Github repository is mandatory. Because Git is a DVCS, you can easily host your codebase at any repository you want, and push branches to Github for deployment to AEM.

Where can I find more about AEM?

The AEM homepage is

Does AEM use React? Can I use Web Frameworks?

AEM does not require any frontend framework. However, it can be used with frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, or Svelte. The recommended approach is to use technology like React Portals and/or WebComponents that lets you use a framework inside more application centric blocks and keep simple blocks plain CSS and JS to allow for optimal web performance.

Does AEM support Akamai?

Yes, you can run an Akamai CDN to add a custom domain to your AEM site or to integrate AEM into an existing site.

Does AEM support Cloudflare?

Yes, you can run a Cloudflare CDN in front of AEM to add a custom domain to your site or to integrate AEM into an existing site.

Does AEM support Fastly?

Yes, you can run a Fastly CDN in front of AEM to add a custom domain to your site or to integrate AEM into an existing site.

Does AEM support Cloudfront?

Yes, you can run a Cloudfront CDN in front of AEM to add a custom domain to your site or to integrate AEM into an existing site.

How big are the biggest AEM sites?

The biggest AEM sites have over 100k pages, and hundreds of authors.

How do I set the image size as an author.

AEM optimizes image sizes automatically, as an author you do not have to set the size.

How is a Taxonomy supported in AEM?

We usually see taxonomies being managed spreadsheets or documents representing hierarchical structures and tags being added to the metadata of pages or fragments. External taxonomy systems / APIs can be embedded into the authoring experience as a sidekick plugin. AI based tagging can be implemented both as authoring plugin or directly in the delivery tier, depending on the use case.

Does AEM have something like components?

Yes, they are called blocks in AEM. A block is a reusable part of a page that is rendered differently than standard content.

What is a block?

A block is a reusable part of a page that is rendered differently than standard content. By default, AEM will render the content of a document as is. If you need specific functionality and/or styling for certain content, you can place it inside a table with a header row containing the name of the block. Which blocks are available and how to structure the content inside blocks differ from project to project. Many projects have a block inventory (“kitchen sink”) page that showcases its available blocks.

How do I create a block?

If you need specific functionality and/or styling for certain content in your document, you can place it inside a table with a header row containing the name of the block.

How do I know what blocks I can use?

Which blocks are available and how to structure the content inside blocks differ from project to project. Many projects have a block inventory (“kitchen sink”) page that showcases its available blocks.

What is the equivalent of Core Components for sites deliverd by Edge Delivery Services?

The equivalent of Core Components are the Block Collection. See The Block Collection is developed based on use of blocks on modern websites and is an extensible base that is easy to style for any project.

I have created a new document, but when trying its URL, I’m getting a 404 Not Found. Why?

New documents don’t automatically get a preview URL. Open the sidekick in the editor, then click “Preview”. This will create the preview of your page.

How do I publish a page in AEM?

Open the sidekick on the preview URL of your page, then click “Publish”. This will make the previewed page available on your public site.

How do I find the AEM URL for my document?

Open the sidekick in the editor, then click “Preview”. This will take you to the preview URL of your page.

How can I install the sidekick?

You can ask someone on your team with a sidekick to share its URL with you by clicking the share icon at the top right, or go to to install the sidekick for your project.

Should I use animated GIFs or MP4 for short videos?

MP4 is a better format for short videos and animations: it results in smaller file size and offers greater compatibility. Microsoft Word only displays first frame from animated GIFs but still hosts the animated GIF currently, while Google Docs displays the animation inline.

Is AEM compatible with J2EE forms?

AEM rendering is JavaScript-based, so there is no backend integration. However, you can integrate the J2EE form clientside. i.e. have the website rendered with AEM and do an SPA-like approach for the forms part.

Are there “Content Reports” and “Search and Replace” features in AEM?

There is an extensive search across the site feature in AEM that helps with scope analysis for finding occurences of content, references, links and assets. The replace operations are usually scripted using AEM libraries to bulk update word or gdoc files.

Is it possible to add name anchors to headlines in pages?

You don’t have to do this manually, AEM automatically adds an id attribute to all headings, for instance a heading “This is a Title” it will be addressable via a URL fragment #this-is-a-title

Is it fine to use a metadata block as first block in a document?

Yes, it can be placed anywhere in a document.

Does AEM support videos as source content?

Yes. You can upload videos via Sharepoint or Google Drive. You will get a URL which you can then reference in a source document.

How many characters can my AEM (branch) subdomain be?

The combination ref–site–org (including the dashes) must not exceed 63 characters. This subdomain name constraint is defined in

The preview URL for my GitHub branch does not work. Can it be too long?

Yes: See

How do I delete a page from my site?

Delete the source document from Sharepoint or Google Drive first. Then open the page you want to delete on the preview site and open the sidekick. There will be two options: Delete and Unpublish. “Unpublish” removes it from the public production website, but keeps the preview. “Delete” removes the preview, too.

When my page is loading fragments via fetch, will Google still index it?

Yes, search engines like Google will index fragments that are loaded using the fetch API. It is good practice to disable indexing with noindex metadata for the fragments canonical URLs.

Is it possible to do inline text styling in a paragraph in Word?

We only support styling options that have a semantic meaning: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, sub- and superscript, code. The colors and font settings to render them in HTML need to be defined in CSS.

How do I report the abuse or misuse of an Adobe product or service for malicious or illegal purposes?

Contact or visit

How to compare two different versions of a page?

Both Word and Sharepoint have a very well known and established featureset for tracking versions and comparing arbitrary documents. On top of that there are a large number of tools that let you compare the differences between the preview state and the production state of a page. eg.–wknd––wknd–

How would a design system be implemented and managed in AEM?

AEM provides a robust abstraction of design tokens out of the box, implemented via CSS variables and is ideal to implement a shared design system with overall design tokens as well as blocks that are shared across multiple pages and sites.

Do we need to protect AEM against DOS attacks with a WAF on our CDN?

The AEM origins are built to withstand regular attacks that occur frequently on the public internet. There is no need to protect the AEM origin from typical scripted or DOS attacks and the AEM security and operations team is continously refining counter measures. Given that the CDN that fronts your website may connect to many other origins, you may still consider WAF services for those origins.

Can we mix content from various AEM sources and other CMSs on the same site?

Yes, it is very common for large, mature sites to have a large number of different origins that are tied together on a CDN tier. This allows you to use different AEM projects for different parts/sections of the site and even have that extend to origins that are powered by a different CMS.

Can I have more than one mountpoint in my project’s fstab.yaml?

No, each project can have one mountpoint only.

Why do content based assets return a 301 to a media_ image?

When previewing an asset in sharepoint or google drive it is uploaded to the media bus, which stores it immutably. In order to retain a human friendly name, the asset can still be addressed via the given filename. it is then retrieved via a redirect during delivery.

Can I define redirects that return 302 (temporarily moved) status codes?

No. For optimized caching, redirects from the redirects.xlsx always return 301 (permanently moved) status codes. Other kinds of redirects can be defined at the BYO CDN level.

Experience Manager